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Turkish president warns of Holocaust if intolerance continues

European states are laic states,the line should be drawn when religion is out there trying to tell(or worse impose) you how to live.I wasn't talking about other countries i can't ask someone to put his live in danger by speaking against the regime in Saudi Arabia for example.In my opinion free speech doesn't work when you're out there shouting "death to westerners","sharia law for europe" or "death to all muslims"...this is hate speech.

Legal jurists and experts, far more experienced on the matter than you or me, have for a long time tried to make distinction between "free speech" and "hate speech", failing to do so. That is why there aren't many laws curbing free speech, other than holocaust denial in much of EU. And the "line" can mean the difference between democracy and fascism all too soon.

The truth is, there isn't any "line" because each individual is unique. I don't consider drawing pictures of Mohammed to be hate speech, but millions of Muslim citizens of EU do so. If you ask my opinion, I would only consider any statement that begins with "death to....." to be hate speech/incitement to violence/crime. This opinion would vary between person to person.

Anyway, what % of Muslims/immigrants shout "death to......" and "sharia law for ......" ?
Yeah, since they are both equally disgusting, you guys should start giving the same reaction to those Nazis as you give to those radical Islamists. Yet, you tend to connect all your problems with the Islamists as if there is no problem in Europe other than them.

Even in Greece,numerous greeks are fighting in the streets against golden dawn members ekathimerini.com | Clashes in Patra as leftists attack Golden Dawn hangout

Anyway, what % of Muslims/immigrants shout "death to......" and "sharia law for ......" ?

That's why i never said "muslims out of europe",i advocated to root out the ones who are causing this kind of problems.
Europeans should learn to co-exist instead massacring Indians, Africans, Asians, Aborgines. Point.
Europeans should learn to co-exist instead massacring Indians, Africans, Asians, Aborgines. Point.

Please,please,spare me the colonial past excuse.My own country was ruled for over 400 years by the ottoman turks and believe me when i'm telling you that none of my countrymen are bitching about it and blame our current status on the turks.The turks only did what came natural for human beeings in those times:the strong took advantage of the weak,they conquered and robbed.Good for them! but that was the past.
Please,please,spare me the colonial past excuse.My own country was ruled for over 400 years by the ottoman turks and believe me when i'm telling you that none of my countrymen are bitching about it and blame our current status on the turks.The turks only did what came natural for human beeings in those times:the strong took advantage of the weak,they conquered and robbed.Good for them! but that was the past.

My mother's family is also from Romania. Precisely from Constanta.

Chefac? Bine. Shtua Romaneshte? ;D

Was Basarab your founding father-King fully or partially of Cuman ethnicity? Whats your opinion? No offence, just curiosity.
My mother's family is also from Romania. Precisely from Constanta.

Chefac? Bine. Shtua Romaneshte? ;D

Was Basarab your founding father-King fully or partially of Cuman ethnicity? Whats your opinion? No offence, just curiosity.

Buna seara,bine:)

I am from Constanta,that's why I said I have many turkish friends since childhood,as you know there is a strong community in Dobrogea(with absolutely no problems with the majority!).

Yeah,in my opinion he has cuman origins(so partially) altough many contest this,i guess there is a strong nationalistic trend who badly wants that one of our state founders to be a pure blooded romanian :whistle:
No,somewhere we have to draw the line,as most countries do with holocaust denial.
Oh yes,i most certainly will step up.I am a christian orthodox but if someone tries to impose a "orthodox christian by the book" style of living( no pre marital sex,ban on smoking,ban on gambling,etc) i will not stand idly by.I'm not talking about how you dress or what you eat here.

Exactly! Both should be tackled by the community as they are disgusting and wrong!

Sorry about earlier posts, i wasn't aware of the shıt going as shown in the posted videos. You definitely have to take a stand against them.

In example: Terrorists sympathizers tried to express their thoughts in a Turkish city, look what happened
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Buna seara,bine:)

I am from Constanta,that's why I said I have many turkish friends since childhood,as you know there is a strong community in Dobrogea(with absolutely no problems with the majority!).

Yeah,in my opinion he has cuman origins(so partially) altough many contest this,i guess there is a strong nationalistic trend who badly wants that one of our state founders to be a pure blooded romanian :whistle:

Your friends are probably Tatars, not Turks. Most Dobrujans I know are Tatars, only small percentage claim that they are the sons of conquerors. (Evlad-i Fatihan)

Some family members of mine still live there in Dobruja. But assimilated unfortunately.
Your friends are probably Tatars, not Turks. Most Dobrujans I know are Tatars, only small percentage claim that they are the sons of conquerors. (Evlad-i Fatihan)

Some family members of mine still live there in Dobruja. But assimilated unfortunately.

What do you mean assimilated?:what:...All the turks or tatars(they are distinguishable for me) I know speak their language and are muslims and they rarely marry outside their ethnicity so their customs are pretty much preserved.
Sorry about earlier posts, i wasn't aware of the shıt going as shown in the posted videos. You definitely have to take a stand against them.

In example: Terrorists sympathizers tried to express their thoughts in a Turkish city, look what happened

No problems friend,and yes,if the turks don't understand the harm of terrorism then i don't know who will.Again,the fanatics must be rooted out and punished because they cause harm to the majority and to their own minority.You see when a jihadist does something wrong he does it to innocent civilians and then some nazi white supremacist beats some innocent turk in the streets of Germany(it's just a general example) and here we go,entering in a useless circle of violence wich mostly affects the innocent.
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What do you mean assimilated?:what:...All the turks or tatars(they are distinguishable for me) I know speak their language and are muslims and they rarely marry outside their ethnicity so their customs are pretty much preserved.

My mother's aunt married a Romanian. Child and grandchild cannot speak my language(s). And remaning ones barely speak Turk or Tatar.

You know what. I realized Turks and Tatars Are a part of European history Which you Europeans cannot throw out. Starting with Hunnic Invasion ending with the collapse of Ottomans.

You Europeans defended your territory well. Congratulations. :)

^^ Don't know the English word for that, closest i could think of is burger. You get the kaymak in a ball sized portion, i put it below the hot meat so it melts and the meat kinda floats on melted kaymak while you are eating it. It's yummy...
So you are from slovenia?
My mother's aunt married a Romanian. Child and grandchild cannot speak my language(s). And remaning ones barely speak Turk or Tatar.

You know what. I realized Turks and Tatars Are a part of European history Which you Europeans cannot throw out. Starting with Hunnic Invasion ending with the collapse of Ottomans.

You Europeans defended your territory well. Congratulations. :)

You know it depends,you can ask your mothers family about that,for example we,romanians are not into that "orthodox brothers,let's stone the muslims" rhetoric that i think sadly is very strong with the serbs and greeks.And yes,the turks here are part of our historical heritage but never in my life did i witnessed inter faith strife.
Yeah,we fought as hard as we could,some of my friends become very passionate about it :"Vlad Tepes ,Stephen the Great kicked turkish a$$!" but i always remind them that after all said and done Vlads head still ended up on a turkish pike and the sword of our great voievod Stefan still lies in a museum in Istanbul.You've got to give credit where credit is due.:)

The later article you shared is just ridiculous. There is lots false accusations in the article.
Which you can't specify because calling them anything other than "false" violates Turkish law.

Until Turkey faces up to its skeletons it can't take the high ground on "holocaust" issues at all. Doesn't that make sense to you?

That said, President Gül pointed out a problem in Europe, but instead of argueing about that problem, they immediately turn on Turkey and start criticising us.
At a minimum Turkish leaders should use much more careful language and avoid implying whose blame it will be if violence breaks out.

Well times has changed, there is lot difference with 10 years past Turkey and present Turkey. Especially I don't think, we are gonna take more shıt from Europe.
So if Europe doesn't give in and let more Muslims in Turkey will invade again? Is that it?

P.S I'm with President on this one. Put some political pressure on them. Show the muslims in EU that they are not alone. Muslims in Europe is a very important subject.
I'm not an expert on E.U. civil rights, but they surely exceed those in Turkey. So you can't really lecture Europeans on the subject, can you?

Please watch this short documentary to realise why muslims in Europe is such an important subject.
I don't do videos; you have to make your point with text with maybe a few pictures.

Racial,minority,religion cleansing when ever such things are discussed European example is given......if this is what he has pointed out what is wrong in that.
Europe has owned up to such things. Turkey has not. So everyone outside Turkey sees this as a threat.

Furthermore, Turkish diplomats are quite aware of the truth. It's hard to believe that such a speech would be written if it wasn't meant as a threat, even if Turks at home might be clueless about it.
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@Solomon2 Just out of curiosity, have you ever laid blame on anything the State of Israel or the US has done, past or present? I might have missed your crusading for justice by mentioning only the ills of your enemy.
Apparently you don't read me enough or you'd see such. But isn't the deeper problem for Muslims - especially those whose societies are stained with blood - that the collective moral conduct of Israel's Jews towards their fellow human beings, both Jews and non-Jews, is far higher not only than current Muslim societies, but also what most Muslims see as the perfection they should strive for in Islam itself? There just are many fewer severe problems, both spiritual and governmental, to cite about Israel and American than there are in Muslim-majority countries.

For example, many of the posters here are aware that Israel provides much aid to the Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza, even though many of these same Arabs hate Israel immensely. You may wonder why, given that Israel is the stronger party, it does so. Even if you consider these areas "occupied" Israel provides far greater services than those required under international law. The ultimate reason - even for non-observant Jews who don't know why but feel doing so is the right thing - is that by doing so Israel is performing a pure form of charity called chesed. In most forms of charity human beings ultimately expect some material or human benefit in return. In chesed one gives without expecting any return. I can't imagine any form of chesed more pure than that of giving to your mortal enemy critical medical care, even though you expect he or she will continue to hate you afterward.

Yes, the only benefit Jews can be certain they receive for aiding their enemies in distress is a spiritual one.

I've noted that while I've met Muslims who feel this is a spiritual calling, apparently they can cite no echo of chesed in Islamic thought or practice, which implies that ultimately these Muslims must find Islam - at least as currently practiced today - spiritually unsatisfactory.

Unless, of course, facts are disregarded and Israel and Jews are totally demonized instead. Then Muslims can convince themselves they are O.K., yes?

Yet there is another route, isn't there? That of noting that if Islam is supposed to be the best yet the Jews and Christians are demonstrably better, than maybe Muslims aren't interpreting Islam correctly. There are many different branches of Islam, I know, but very few are willing to take that step today, yes?
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