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Turkish president warns of Holocaust if intolerance continues

Which you can't specify because calling them anything other than "false" violates Turkish law.

I didn't want to take my time to specify them. Let's start with one. "Afro-Turks" i mean WTH. I'm 28 year old, born, raised in Turkey, College Graduate. This is the first time i ever heard about afro-turks.

Until Turkey faces up to its skeletons it can't take the high ground on "holocaust" issues at all. Doesn't that make sense to you?

Are you referring to Armenian issues. Let's not go in there, we will never come out. But those countries accusing us, should first look in to their history.

At a minimum Turkish leaders should use much more careful language and avoid implying whose blame it will be if violence breaks out.
Umm.....I'm not happy with the Turkish leaders language at the moment.But that language is part of their style(referring to ruling party) which gained them popularity both in Turkey and ME.

So if Europe doesn't give in and let more Muslims in Turkey will invade again? Is that it?
Nope, but that doesn't mean we can't raise our volume of speech.

I'm not an expert on E.U. civil rights, but they surely exceed those in Turkey. So you can't really lecture Europeans on the subject, can you?
Yes,I think E.U civil rights ahead of us, but doesn't give them the right to butt in every oportunity they find but they do.

I don't do videos; you have to make your point with text with maybe a few pictures.

Aww come on that video was not a propaganda shıt as it seems. At least watch between 0:43 - 2.55 Maybe you know the subject but it gives decent info about "Fertility Rate" which i found interesting. For years Erdogan tells to people,media every given chance "make 3 children". I understand the importance of his speech after watching this video.
@Solomon2 I am sorry, you answered my question by not answering it completely and topping it off by saying that Israel could starve the ex residents of a country they are surrounding if they weren't humanitarians and practiced their one true religion. Hats off to you sir. Carry on doing what you do.
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Racism and a lack of tolerance of different cultures and lifestyles are some of the chronic diseases in Western socities,

Um minor point but isnt saying racisim and intolerance are a "western" problem racist?
@Solomon2 I am sorry, you answered my question by not answering it completely and topping it off by saying that Israel could starve the ex residents of a country they are surrounding if they weren't humanitarians and practiced their one true religion. Hats off to you sir. Carry on doing what you do.
I think I answered you quite completely - what you needed answered. But that wasn't the answer you wanted. And you've compounded your grief and disappointment with another sin, that of false accusation: there was nothing in my post that the Arabs could be "starved" by Israel if its Jews "weren't humanitarians and practiced their one true religion."

Hats off to you sir. Carry on doing what you do.
I think I can imagine your disappointment and bitterness. More important than what I may do next is what YOU will decide to do next. Do you do the easy thing and join the rampaging mob of haters, animals who have turned religion into a license to behave like beasts? Or do you swallow hard and work for the betterment of your society by the surest course you know of - publicly championing Israel?
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I didn't want to take my time to specify them. Let's start with one. "Afro-Turks" i mean WTH. I'm 28 year old, born, raised in Turkey, College Graduate. This is the first time i ever heard about afro-turks.
Accepted - I never heard the term "Afro-Turk" before either - but that doesn't detract from the main points of the article.
I think E.U civil rights ahead of us, but doesn't give them the right to butt in every oportunity they find but they do.
Are you referring to Armenian issues. Let's not go in there, we will never come out. But those countries accusing us, should first look in to their history.
Exactly! They have, Turkey has not. And you've stated that you are unwilling to make a start. That should be the end of your discussion.
Hats off to you sir. Carry on doing what you do.
I will add that I am not going to travel to the subcontinent to do such things. I will not fight your battles for you. You are going to dothat yourself. If you do, I suspect you'll discover the personal rewards for doing so will be more spiritual than material, yet no less satisfying.
^^^^I don't do videos. Make your point succinctly rather than in lazy fashion, please.
I will add that I am not going to travel to the subcontinent to do such things. I will not fight your battles for you. You are going to dothat yourself. If you do, I suspect you'll discover the personal rewards for doing so will be more spiritual than material, yet no less satisfying.

Thank you for not condoning on being the world police. I know where and what the problems are in the sub continent. My question to you was if you know what your problems and crimes in the past or present have been. Do you acknowledge that mistakes have been made or that its just brown people gone wild?
My question to you was if you know what your problems and crimes in the past or present have been. Do you acknowledge that mistakes have been made or that its just brown people gone wild?
If you read my posts you'll see that part of my effort here is to highlight similar mistakes made by other countries - the West, Israel, America, France, whatever - and sometimes even show how they were resolved, if forum members are interested. History never repeats itself exactly the same way twice but maybe I can come up with enough for Pakistanis to draw their own parallels.
If you read my posts you'll see that part of my effort here is to highlight similar mistakes made by other countries - the West, Israel, America, France, whatever - and sometimes even show how they were resolved, if forum members are interested. History never repeats itself exactly the same way twice but maybe I can come up with enough for Pakistanis to draw their own parallels.

I have read your posts. As many as I could. I think I have my answer when you mentioned past mistakes with pleasant outcomes for other countries. I'm just baffled that you haven't mentioned any present day blunders causing atleast some effects among the more moderate Muslim countries like turkey. Weren't you against the apologizing from Israel over killing the civilians that attaked troops in international waters? So you do believe phosphorus used on residential areas to flush out terrorists is a myth like they believe the holocaust is one as well? Western countries look out for their interests and bulldozing a few UN charters hasn't stopped them from doing what you and they think is right. How exactly do you want a mass of semi literate people to do for you? What if they don't do want you want them to do? Has the west left them alone dating before you mention 911?
I'm just baffled that you haven't mentioned any present day blunders causing atleast some effects among the more moderate Muslim countries like turkey.
First, I try for a more historical perspective. I'm well aware that journalism is merely the first draft of history and often mistaken, whether deliberately or not. Second, I'm not up to speed on a great deal of Turkish politics.

Weren't you against the apologizing from Israel over killing the civilians that attaked troops in international waters?
Yes. Even if the apology is to Israel's immediate advantage, it's unlikely that it will do either Israel or Turkey good in the long run. But Israel's leaders believe, with some justice, that the battle for Turkey's fading democracy is for Turks to wage, not Israelis.

So you do believe phosphorus used on residential areas to flush out terrorists is a myth like they believe the holocaust is one as well?
So you do believe the Pakistani Army committed crimes in East Pakistan in 1971 is a myth like they believe Pakistan tested atomic bombs in Chagai is one as well?

Western countries look out for their interests and bulldozing a few UN charters hasn't stopped them from doing what you and they think is right. How exactly do you want a mass of semi literate people to do for you? What if they don't do want you want them to do? Has the west left them alone dating before you mention 911?
Since you're not being specific I can't answer you, can I? Yet the gist of what you're doing is clear: you're responding by choosing to join the rampaging mob. From being an ignorant ally of evil you're becoming a willing one. The prospect of doing what is right is too frightening for you to contemplate.

There is an...element of faith in what I'm doing here. That is, all who profess to follow Abrahamic religions have room in their lives to make good decisions over bad ones, if they so choose. Pakistan's leaders made the wrong choice decades ago when they declared that a minority only has rights with the consent of the majority. They were speaking of Israel's Jews at the time but within a very few years the same standards were applied to their own country and the ill effects of it you are both a product of and feel its effects today.

Just as the Christians of old, prodded to militancy by their leaders, later decided not to bother traveling to Jerusalem on a crusade when they could more easily and profitably wipe out heresy at home. Tens of thousands of people died in the Latin conquest of Constantinople and the destruction of the Albigensian heresy. It took two or three centuries for Europe to recover from that and some parts of Europe, like Spain, haven't done so even today.
First, I try for a more historical perspective. I'm well aware that journalism is merely the first draft of history and often mistaken, whether deliberately or not. Second, I'm not up to speed on a great deal of Turkish politics.

Yes. Even if the apology is to Israel's immediate advantage, it's unlikely that it will do either Israel or Turkey good in the long run. But Israel's leaders believe, with some justice, that the battle for Turkey's fading democracy is for Turks to wage, not Israelis.

So you do believe the Pakistani Army committed crimes in East Pakistan in 1971 is a myth like they believe Pakistan tested atomic bombs in Chagai is one as well?

Since you're not being specific I can't answer you, can I? Yet the gist of what you're doing is clear: you're responding by choosing to join the rampaging mob. From being an ignorant ally of evil you're becoming a willing one. The prospect of doing what is right is too frightening for you to contemplate.

There is an...element of faith in what I'm doing here. That is, all who profess to follow Abrahamic religions have room in their lives to make good decisions over bad ones, if they so choose. Pakistan's leaders made the wrong choice decades ago when they declared that a minority only has rights with the consent of the majority. They were speaking of Israel's Jews at the time but within a very few years the same standards were applied to their own country and the ill effects of it you are both a product of and feel its effects today.

Just as the Christians of old, prodded to militancy by their leaders, later decided not to bother traveling to Jerusalem on a crusade when they could more easily and profitably wipe out heresy at home. Tens of thousands of people died in the Latin conquest of Constantinople and the destruction of the Albigensian heresy. It took two or three centuries for Europe to recover from that and some parts of Europe, like Spain, haven't done so even today.

Any idiot saying that the pakistan army did not commit crimes in east pakistan is in denial. The amount of crimes could be debatable. Just as that bomb did explode and is very much a reality. My question to you is are you ready to debate the crimes of the Israeli state and US to do the crusade within that you talk about? and please do not paint me with these ignorants who cant stand jews and are in the false hope of erasing a country however it was formed just by not accepting their existence. To this day I talk to my russy jew friend in jerusalem and since leaving the states we have never talked politics. Irael has people in it and they deserve to live just as the next guy.

Unfortunately your continuous attacks on others with or without research has made me feel that you just want to be oblivious to the other factors closer to your home that are affecting at least some of these issues you highlight. All I wanted was for you to post some of the things you think are mismanaged by your governments as well. Do you not think them as important? If not you can go ahead and keep sounding the broken biased record with whatever remaining years you have left and not make a difference in anyone's lives.
My question to you is are you ready to debate the crimes of the Israeli state and US to do the crusade within that you talk about?
As I've shown on many occasions, the alleged "crimes" are more airy-fairy than substantive. Why must I repeat myself? Why can't you participate in the "debate" on the pro-Israel side, repeating the same arguments I use?

Unfortunately your continuous attacks on others with or without research has made me feel that you just want to be oblivious to the other factors closer to your home that are affecting at least some of these issues you highlight.

All I wanted was for you to post some of the things you think are mismanaged by your governments as well.
Am I supposed to complain about zoning issues, school board hearings, the state attorney's priorities, my senators' lack of organization, or my disagreements with President Obama's world-view? I find them all important, but I would only raise them here if relevant. What are you looking for and why, if not to find something not to blame yourself and your own country for?

- keep sounding the broken biased record with whatever remaining years you have left and not make a difference in anyone's lives.
As I pointed out earlier, you've made a decision, you're just looking for ways to re-affirm it, as you know it's a cowardly, weak, and immoral course for you to take in life.

You can't be wholly blamed for it, you know. People who stand up tall in your country tend to get mowed down. But in life you're faced with many decisions, some big, some small, some right, some wrong, some colored in shades of grey. I'm sure (as a matter of faith) that you have room in your life to choose the good rather than evil decision in many matters, even small ones. Out of such things better civilizations are built.
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