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Turkish president warns of Holocaust if intolerance continues

Look pal, you can't even say which country you are from. Because most probaly you are living in an east-european shıthole country whose job is to supply cheap workers to countries like Germany.

That's Turkey lol....largest immigrant community in Europe :omghaha: You're so stupid you don't even know when you are pissing against the wind.

So don't act all high and mighty. There are 50 million muslims in Europe, lets see what you gonna do about it.

Most of them don't have the attitude that you display right now and will integrate readily to avoid the loss of their life style, but i guess the two braincells that you have interact and create heat, so you come out looking like a hotheaded illiterate.


No hard feelings @ other Turkish members, it's just he is a stereotype, and they are meant to be laughed at.
That's Turkey lol....largest immigrant community in Europe :omghaha: You're so stupid you don't even know when you are pissing against the wind.

Most of them don't have the attitude that you display right now and will integrate readily to avoid the loss of their life style, but i guess the two braincells that you have interact and create heat, so you come out looking like a hotheaded illiterate.

I have a lot of turkish friend even from childhood,not quite immigrants though,they were settled here for generations and I know this guy doesn't represent turks,the turks i know are one of the most hard working ,wonderful people i've ever met.
That's Turkey lol....largest immigrant community in Europe :omghaha: You're so stupid you don't even know when you are pissing against the wind.

Most of them don't have the attitude that you display right now and will integrate readily to avoid the loss of their life style, but i guess the two braincells that you have interact and create heat, so you come out looking like a hotheaded illiterate.

I have a lot of turkish friend even from childhood,not quite immigrants though,they were settled here for generations and I know this guy doesn't represent turks,the turks i know are one of the most hard working ,wonderful people i've ever met.
I have a lot of turkish friend even from childhood,not quite immigrants though,they were settled here for generations and I know this guy doesn't represent turks,the turks i know are one of the most hard working ,wonderful people i've ever met.

Been on vacation in Turkey years ago, rented a car with gf, went up and down the coast sleeping each night in another town/village. Great memories of people, food, scenery.

That said, i miss the same sentiments when interacting with Turks online. Seems they go in full retard mode out of some nationalistic drive. Sinan here isn't the first one....
There shouldn't even be different life styles in Europe,when in Rome act as the romans,fail to do so? Take a hike back to your "land of the free"! Europe doesn't have to tolerate or embrace anything! His remarks should be adressed at the immigrants,they're bringing all this pressure on themselves.I agree,someday a storm will come and will devastate some european minorities unfortunately but is't not Europe's fault as much as it is the agressive minority's who's been challenging their generous host.

I agree..If i decide to live in lets say London, or Berlin, i have to adjust myself to host countrys rules, laws etc...There is no argument here..But, you are missing the article`s highlight...Mr Gul doesnt say do not respect host countries laws and act berserk..What he is talking about is intolerance and he is right..Racism is on the rise in Europe, can you deny that?
Look pal, you can't even say which country you are from. Because most probaly you are living in an east-european shıthole country whose job is to supply cheap workers to countries like Germany. So don't act all high and mighty. There are 50 million muslims in Europe, lets see what you gonna do about it.
Dont look at it like 50 milion muslims.
There are many differences between countries,
For instance,in germany there are many Turks,in France many north African Arabs as in Holland and Belgium,in the UK many Pakistani and Bangladeshi.
Evry country has different issues.
Holland has the most problems with Maroccan youth,France with Algerian,Maroccan youth,Belgium also,Germany with Turks.
Overall there are problems with muslims but mostly because of the youth causing problems(especialy after 9-11 they stood out from other problems like economy)
If all goes bad who do you blame?
The foreighners,and in this case after 9-11 they started blaming the muslims.
You cannot come to a country and change the rules,look at our country.
Would you like it if they want to change our country,coming from abroad?
His(AUDIO) claims of if you dont like it get out is bs,if you are born and raised in europe nobody can kick you out.
There is a shift to the right in Europe but its not like there will be big problems, in the last two elections in Holland a politician named Geert Wilders(the political party PVV) who hates evrything about muslims had about 29% of the votes but in the last election he had about 12% left(dont know exactly how much).
There will allways be extremists who do stupid things,but where doesnt it happen?
Its just a blame game,i wouldnt worry much about muslims in europe.

Look pal, you can't even say which country you are from. Because most probaly you are living in an east-european shıthole country whose job is to supply cheap workers to countries like Germany. So don't act all high and mighty. There are 50 million muslims in Europe, lets see what you gonna do about it.
Dont look at it like 50 milion muslims.
There are many differences between countries,
For instance,in germany there are many Turks,in France many north African Arabs as in Holland and Belgium,in the UK many Pakistani and Bangladeshi.
Evry country has different issues.
Holland has the most problems with Maroccan youth,France with Algerian,Maroccan youth,Belgium also,Germany with Turks.
Overall there are problems with muslims but mostly because of the youth causing problems(especialy after 9-11 they stood out from other problems like economy)
If all goes bad who do you blame?
The foreighners,and in this case after 9-11 they started blaming the muslims.
You cannot come to a country and change the rules,look at our country.
Would you like it if they want to change our country,coming from abroad?
His(AUDIO) claims of if you dont like it get out is bs,if you are born and raised in europe nobody can kick you out.
There is a shift to the right in Europe but its not like there will be big problems, in the previous two of three elections in Holland a politician named Geert Wilders(the political party PVV) who hates evrything about muslims had about 29% of the votes but in the last election he had about 12% left(dont know exactly how much).
There will allways be extremists who do stupid things,but where doesnt it happen?
Its just a blame game,i wouldnt worry much about muslims in europe.
I am in my country ,here we were talking about Europe,my country is European(you know,the EU,we are all its citizens).Get it or you need a dictionary for that?
Yeah, I didn't know about EU, thanks for enlighting me? :no:

Last I checked the majority of turks came to Europe as cheap labour so don't go name calling now,
Last time you checked like 1960s/1970s, a lot of things changed since grandpa.

Turkey is far from an economic power house.

I love when people they do this. You don't know what you are talking about. Do a research about EU countries, ME countries and Turkey's GDP then come and tell me again the same things with facts.

Anyway what I was talkins refers to all immigrants ,including my countrymen.What I am going to do?Nothing!! But if you want to know what it will happen to european minorities just look back in history,Spain had a lot of arabs back in the 15th century.I am not advocating such solutions,but history has a cyclical way,
And we know what happened when cyprus greeks began to kill Turks in the island.

I was saying that in order to prevent this you should stop cryung "racists europeans" and look for problems closer to home.
We never cried dude, we always act so spare me. Remind you of the topic " treat different cultures and races fair"

Exactly! Someone asked from where I am from,I am from Romania and what I've said here,I've said before to some of my own countrymen crying off racist italians for example.Peopke just get pissed when their way of life is threatened by foreigners,it's just the way it is.
Then countries shouldn't accepts the immigrants at the first place. What we say is integration not assimilation.
Ohh i am the sentimental one ehh. !!!

What you gonna do? Pack up all kebap stands?
You have no leverage, your guests workers can simply be deported if they prove to be more trouble then they are worth.

The ones who wont integrate will be labeled as etremists eventually, corraled into slum villages, the troublemakers will be deported.

Talking shıt like you please than pointing me. I mean this is the hypocrisy, i am talking about.
I agree..If i decide to live in lets say London, or Berlin, i have to adjust myself to host countrys rules, laws etc...There is no argument here..But, you are missing the article`s highlight...Mr Gul doesnt say do not respect host countries laws and act berserk..What he is talking about is intolerance and he is right..Racism is on the rise in Europe, can you deny that?

Yes,unfortunately it is,but a way to stop racism is feeding the beast.Racist and nationalistic parties are on the rise because they have someone "evil" at whom they can point fingers.Now,if you ask me,i always thought that turks integrate better than arabs and they are less susceptible to radical islam then pakistanis,arabs.I am not fully aquainted with the turks in Germany so I may be wrong.

Then countries shouldn't accepts the immigrants at the first place. What we say is integration not assimilation.

Most don't,that doesn't stop illegals in flocking to Europe though.
Yes,unfortunately it is,but a way to stop racism is feeding the beast.Racist and nationalistic parties are on the rise because they have someone "evil" at whom they can point fingers.Now,if you ask me,i always thought that turks integrate better than arabs and they are less susceptible to radical islam then pakistanis,arabs.I am not fully aquainted with the turks in Germany so I may be wrong.
There is a difference between turks and the rest of the muslim world,maybe only 1% is radical.
You can see this evrywhere in Europe,Turks never cause problems regarding to radical muslim organisations.
Yes,unfortunately it is,but a way to stop racism is feeding the beast.Racist and nationalistic parties are on the rise because they have someone "evil" at whom they can point fingers.Now,if you ask me,i always thought that turks integrate better than arabs and they are less susceptible to radical islam then pakistanis,arabs.I am not fully aquainted with the turks in Germany so I may be wrong.

Most don't,that doesn't stop illegals in flocking to Europe though.

Yeah. Btw, most Turks in europe are usually religious, practicer muslims. Just take it as an plus info. ;)
Dont look at it like 50 milion muslims.
There are many differences between countries,
For instance,in germany there are many Turks,in France many north African Arabs as in Holland and Belgium,in the UK many Pakistani and Bangladeshi.
Evry country has different issues.
Holland has the most problems with Maroccan youth,France with Algerian,Maroccan youth,Belgium also,Germany with Turks.
Overall there are problems with muslims but mostly because of the youth causing problems(especialy after 9-11 they stood out from other problems like economy)
If all goes bad who do you blame?
The foreighners,and in this case after 9-11 they started blaming the muslims.
You cannot come to a country and change the rules,look at our country.
Would you like it if they want to change our country,coming from abroad?
His(AUDIO) claims of if you dont like it get out is bs,if you are born and raised in europe nobody can kick you out.
There is a shift to the right in Europe but its not like there will be big problems, in the last two elections in Holland a politician named Geert Wilders(the political party PVV) who hates evrything about muslims had about 29% of the votes but in the last election he had about 12% left(dont know exactly how much).
There will allways be extremists who do stupid things,but where doesnt it happen?
Its just a blame game,i wouldnt worry much about muslims in europe.

Sir, as always we are both speaking the same thing. I never said about changing the rules etc...
and President Gül never said something like that. What we are saying is "racism and intolerance toward different cultures and lifestyles" << This doesn't mean changing the rules.
I love when people they do this. You don't know what you are talking about. Do a research about EU countries, ME countries and Turkey's GDP then come and tell me again the same things with facts.

The per capita income between Turkey and Romania is about the same,the difference in GDP comes with the population numbers but we were not talking about a country vs country,if your nationalist over inflated ego wants that then go ahead.I'm out.
Most don't,that doesn't stop illegals in flocking to Europe though.

Okay, you are right here. I was only thinking about Turk's (my mistake) but your talking about whole muslims. Then you are right.
Okay, you are right here. I was only thinking about Turk's (my mistake) but your talking about whole muslims. Then you are right.
They closed the club again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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