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Turkish pilots held hostage in Lebanon arrive home


Feb 22, 2013
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The Turkish pilots abducted in Beirut two months ago have returned to Turkey after being handed over to Turkish authorities in Lebanon. A Qatari plane carrying them has landed at Istanbul Atatürk airport tonight at 11:05 p.m.

The pilots were greeted by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and their relatives at the airport. Their release was officially confirmed by Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu a few hours earlier.

"I have just spoken with them a few moments ago. They are sending greetings to the Turkish people. They are about to depart to Turkey," Davutoğlu said via Twitter a few moments before his live comments.

The pilots were brought to Beirut's Rafic Hariri international airport by a helicopter, where they were met by Turkish ambassador İnan Özyıldız, after being released and delivered to the Lebanese authorities.

Davutoğlu said that the pilots did not receive any ill-treatment while being hostages. He thanked both pilots' families for their patience during the negotiation process. He also thanked intelligence chief Hakan Fidan, Lebanese officials as well as his Qatari counterpart from his Twitter account.

The two pilots, Murat Akpınar and Murat Ağca, were kidnapped Aug. 9 in a majority Shiite area of Beirut by family members of one of the Lebanese hostages in Syria.

Akpınar also confirmed that both of them did not receive any ill-treatment while they were hostages.

“The first month has been very difficult. We have been transferred eight times, each time as if it was a new kidnapping. Right after the abduction, we were brought somewhere very close to the airport. We could hear the noise of the planes,” Akpınar said, adding that they tried to get along well with their kidnappers.

“We chose to have a good understanding with them. And we did, so much that one of our [kidnappers] has even decided to call his new son Murat,” Akpınar also said.

Akpınar said that an operation would have been a very poor decision as more than 100 people were guarding them. “100 people could be killed if an operation was to be conducted. We thank the [Turkish officials], we knew that they would abandon us there.”

In the meantime, the plane carrying the nine Shiite pilgrims kidnapped in Syria over a year ago, who were freed and brought to Turkey yesterday, landed in Beirut.

Live video from Lebanese television showed a Qatari jet landing at Beirut International Airport and Lebanese officials lining up to greet the men.

Lebanon's Interior Minister Marwan Charbel had announced yesterday that the nine Lebanese citizens, hostages at the hands of a Syrian rebel group since May 2012 were “in safe hands” after crossing the Turkish border. He added that the release of the Turkish pilots will also come shortly as “part of the deal.”

The development was quickly confirmed by Davutoğlu, who revealed that an intense diplomacy was pursued during the Feast of the Sacrifice.

“The matter has been solved to a great extent. We still will keep using caution until our pilots are delivered,” Davutoğlu said during a live interview on Oct. 18.
Also Lebanese were sent home today too....:)

Report: Palestinian mediation freed Lebanese abductees in Syria | Maan News Agency

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- It was Palestinian brokers who secured the release of nine Lebanese Shiite pilgrims who had been held in Syria since 2011, according to a Beirut-based satellite TV station.

Al-Mayadeen reported Saturday that the first phone call with the abductors was made by Palestinian ambassador to Turkey Nabil Maaroof from his mobile phone.

Additionally, al-Mayadeen reported, chief of the Palestinian general intelligence service Majid Faraj made shuttle visits to Istanbul as part of Palestinian efforts to broker an agreement with the abductors.

However, Palestinian officials have avoided commenting on the case until the abductees are back home.

Also Lebanese were sent home today too....:)

Report: Palestinian mediation freed Lebanese abductees in Syria | Maan News Agency

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- It was Palestinian brokers who secured the release of nine Lebanese Shiite pilgrims who had been held in Syria since 2011, according to a Beirut-based satellite TV station.

Al-Mayadeen reported Saturday that the first phone call with the abductors was made by Palestinian ambassador to Turkey Nabil Maaroof from his mobile phone.

Additionally, al-Mayadeen reported, chief of the Palestinian general intelligence service Majid Faraj made shuttle visits to Istanbul as part of Palestinian efforts to broker an agreement with the abductors.

However, Palestinian officials have avoided commenting on the case until the abductees are back home.


If something similar had occurred in Turkey. Turkish police would have found the kidnappers, assaulted, killed all the culprits and recovered the abductees. I wonder why this was not the case with Lebanese government ?
If something similar had occurred in Turkey. Turkish police would have found the kidnappers, assaulted, killed all the culprits and recovered the abductees. I wonder why this was not the case with Lebanese government ?

Lebanon won't get involved in Syria. Especially, during a civil war where the Syrian authorities cannot and don't how the logistics to recover or find their location.

I doubt Turkey would either. And they didn't do so in Lebanon. We've learned well enough how hostage situations play out in these countries. It won't be good to use force.

In Afghanistan or Pakistan though it's probably not the best situation no matter what you do it won't end good.
If something similar had occurred in Turkey. Turkish police would have found the kidnappers, assaulted, killed all the culprits and recovered the abductees. I wonder why this was not the case with Lebanese government ?

it did "happen" in Turkey... the Lebanese that were hostages, were kidnapped under the indirect supervision of the Turkish authorities since AKP control or have influence over terrorists group in Syria, thus a Lebanese kidnapped two Turkish pilots, so the Turkish government would release (or pressure the terrorists group to release) the Lebanese hostages... the Lebanese knew the Turkey has a great influence over the terrorists groups, thus they kidnapped two Turkish pilots...
it did "happen" in Turkey... the Lebanese that were hostages, were kidnapped under the indirect supervision of the Turkish authorities since AKP control or have influence over terrorists group in Syria, thus a Lebanese kidnapped two Turkish pilots, so the Turkish government would release (or pressure the terrorists group to release) the Lebanese hostages... the Lebanese knew the Turkey has a great influence over the terrorists groups, thus they kidnapped two Turkish pilots...

I don't think my government would supervise such atrocity.

And as far as i know. We only support FSA not the crazy bastards like El-Nusra or ISIS.
I don't think my government would supervise such atrocity.

And as far as i know. We only support FSA not the crazy bastards like El-Nusra or ISIS.

can you tell me why the Lebanese hostages were released after the Turkish pilots were kidnapped? or why there was hostage swap between Lebanese and Turkish hostages?

and F$A is Alqaeda... F$A is a name for Alqaeda the media uses in order to manipulate the general public that F$A is different then Alqaeda... both F$A and Alqaeda share the same goal, have the same ideology and use the same methods to terrorize people...
can you tell me why the Lebanese hostages were released after the Turkish pilots were kidnapped? or why there was hostage swap between Lebanese and Turkish hostages?

That doesn't shows my government was involved in initial kidnapping of the Lebanese hostages.

And who are these "Northern Storm Brigade" that kidnapped the Lebanese ?

and F$A is Alqaeda... F$A is a name for Alqaeda the media uses in order to manipulate the general public that F$A is different then Alqaeda... both F$A and Alqaeda share the same goal, have the same ideology and use the same methods to terrorize people...

I don't think so.
That doesn't shows my government was involved in initial kidnapping of the Lebanese hostages.

And who are these "Northern Storm Brigade" that kidnapped the Lebanese ?

I don't think so.

Our humanitarian Syrian Lion should be our world leader! LOL! Bashar ordered attacks on civilians? Never happened. Regime forces committed atrocities? It's clearly a F$A stunt. Bashar rigged elections? No, 98.9% of Syrians just love him. These things in your head never happened and don't exist. Bashar for life.
That doesn't shows my government was involved in initial kidnapping of the Lebanese hostages.

And who are these "Northern Storm Brigade" that kidnapped the Lebanese ?

I don't think so.

it wasn't involved, however it does back F$A terrorists that kidnapped the Lebanese, thus the the Turkish pilots were kidnapped in order to pressure AKP to pressure their group to release the Lebanese hostages so the Turkish hostage can return home, it was a hostage swap between Lebanese and Turkish hostages... why would the F$A release Lebanese hostages for Turkish pilots? what is the relation between F$A and the Turkish pilots, that F$A released Lebanese hostages in order to return the Turkish pilots? The relation is not between F$A and the Turkish pilots, the relation is between F$A terrorists and their sponsors.. who are their sponsors that want the Turkish pilots back home?

and F$A = Alqaeda...

Syrian Opposition Newscaster: No Such Thing as FSA in Syria Anymore. They're All Islamist Brigades! - YouTube
Our humanitarian Syrian Lion should be our world leader! LOL! Bashar ordered attacks on civilians? Never happened. Regime forces committed atrocities? It's clearly a F$A stunt. Bashar rigged elections? No, 98.9% of Syrians just love him. These things in your head never happened and don't exist. Bashar for life.
Bashar is going to help you get Palestine right?
Who was supporting Gaza again?
Our humanitarian Syrian Lion should be our world leader! LOL! Bashar ordered attacks on civilians? Never happened. Regime forces committed atrocities? It's clearly a F$A stunt. Bashar rigged elections? No, 98.9% of Syrians just love him. These things in your head never happened and don't exist. Bashar for life.

Bashar can't lead herds of sheep how can he lead a country
Bashar is going to help you get Palestine right?
Who was supporting Gaza again?

Get Palestine??? He and his father should have liberated golan but instead killed Palestinians in Lebanon thousands of people in Hama in 1982 now the sun have been killing people for three years the weapons and money one soldiers if he used them they would have liberated golan long time ago but he chose to destroy Syria and kill syrians
Get Palestine??? He and his father should have liberated golan but instead killed Palestinians in Lebanon thousands of people in Hama in 1982 now the sun have been killing people for three years the weapons and money one soldiers if he used them they would have liberated golan long time ago but he chose to destroy Syria and kill syrians
For Hazzy997,Bashar is the man(the Tin man maybe).
Bashar did sooo much for Palestine.
What exactly did he do for the Palestinians,can some one help me out here cause i dont know?
Bashar is going to help you get Palestine right?
Who was supporting Gaza again?

Be quiet secular man. Only Muslims care for Palestine. Go open a Quran and read something for once.

For Hazzy997,Bashar is the man(the Tin man maybe).
Bashar did sooo much for Palestine.
What exactly did he do for the Palestinians,can some one help me out here cause i dont know?

Are you really that oblivious? How could you not realize I was being sarcastic? I'm describing Syrian lion and his POV. That's what he says. Not me.
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