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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Lol....i laughed at Advanced Bastion....it all looks for a single JDAM. I don't think, they are that stupid to man those entrenchments... if they have little brain they would draw FSA forces into the city..where artillery will be less effective.

Delay them when crossing, hit with atgm/mines/ieds etc. So for initial clean-up more is needed than just simple artillery.
Lol....i laughed at Advanced Bastion....it all looks for a single JDAM. I don't think, they are that stupid to man those entrenchments... if they have little brain they would draw FSA forces into the city..where artillery will be less effective.

Its not that big of a city. If this and surrainding defense lines fall, Tal Rifaat is gone.

Good tranch network can stop or dalay enemy progress, for months and more. Just look at rebels in Eastern Ghouta, suroanded from all sides, pounded by air and ground for years now.... and still stands thanks to good tranch networks. Rebels indeed there have much sophisticated networks then this one, but point still stands. Its needs more then few artillery baragges to defeat. Especially if enemy is determinated.

Delay them when crossing, hit with atgm/mines/ieds etc. So for initial clean-up more is needed than just simple artillery.

Its not that big of a city. If this and surrainding defense lines fall, Tal Rifaat is gone.

Good tranch network can stop or dalay enemy progress, for months and more. Just look at rebels in Eastern Ghouta, suroanded from all sides, pounded by air and ground for years now.... and still stands thanks to good tranch networks. Rebels indeed there have much sophisticated networks then this one, but point still stands. Its needs more then few artillery baragges to defeat. Especially if enemy is determinated.


Example of trench is Israel-Egypt war, Israel built line, Egypt use pressure washers to claw in through. Btw this also goes for our border wall system, it won't work as good as we hope.

We're showcasing the classic AKP behavior of doubting whether to fully commit or not and hoping to half-*** it all the way through. TR soldiers needed to take Al Bab/Manbij for sure, maybe rest as well.
Its not that big of a city. If this and surrainding defense lines fall, Tal Rifaat is gone.

Good tranch network can stop or dalay enemy progress, for months and more. Just look at rebels in Eastern Ghouta, suroanded from all sides, pounded by air and ground for years now.... and still stands thanks to good tranch networks. Rebels indeed there have much sophisticated networks then this one, but point still stands. Its needs more then few artillery baragges to defeat. Especially if enemy is determinated.
Okay, let's look at the trenches in and around Tall Rifaat.


Some trenches within the city on a hill top, meant to men infantry....bombard here with artillery.


Northern "Bastion"....i take this as a fortified bunker....drop a 500 kg JDAM on it.


Some trenches dig along the road, suppose to man infantry...no elevation or something... exercise 3 IFVs' main gun on them...if anything raises it's head...blow it.

I said some days ago...Tell Rifaat has no strategic importance...Main objective is Al-bab at this point. If Turkish military wants to take Tell Rifaat, it will take Tell Rifaat. Charge with 30 tanks and 20 IFVs followed by 2000 infanty....let's see if they can hold it or not.
We're showcasing the classic AKP behavior of doubting whether to fully commit or not and hoping to half-*** it all the way through. TR soldiers needed to take Al Bab/Manbij for sure, maybe rest as well.

Turkey cant let Russia & Iran & others rearrange its backyard.
We're showcasing the classic AKP behavior of doubting whether to fully commit or not and hoping to half-*** it all the way through. TR soldiers needed to take Al Bab/Manbij for sure, maybe rest as well.

Mate, let's first agree upon the objectives of Euphrates Shield.

1-) To prevent ISIS from firing rockets in to our cities.
2-) To prevent a PKK/YPG belt under our southern border.

Now to achieve these objectives.
1-) Securing an ISIS free belt under our border. With 40 km depth. Which will push ISIS rockets out of the range.
2-) Capturing Al-Bab and Membic, effectively cutting YPG held areas to join each other.

So, let's say capturing Tell-Rıfat, advancing on Raqqa, trying to breach the siege of Aleppo...do not serve to the objectives of Euphrates Shield.
Mate, let's first agree upon the objectives of Euphrates Shield.

1-) To prevent ISIS from firing rockets in to our cities.
2-) To prevent a PKK/YPG belt under our southern border.

Now to achieve these objectives.
1-) Securing an ISIS free belt under our border. With 40 km depth. Which will push ISIS rockets out of the range.
2-) Capturing Al-Bab and Membic, effectively cutting YPG held areas to join each other.

So, let's say capturing Tell-Rıfat, advancing on Raqqa, trying to breach the siege of Aleppo...do not serve to the objectives of Euphrates Shield.

Thing is, say we capture Al bab with Turkish losses. Will they (politicians, not soldiers!) have appetite to go for Manbij? And lets say we capture Manbij as well, will we have luxury of clearing Tall Rifaat (+ Afrin?). I doubt it.

It's quite interesting that not one ally has publicly joined to go for Al Bab :) Guess all the fun is in Mosul (yersen)
FSA got hit by Rus/Syrian airforce/helicopters with YPG attacking on ground
Thing is, say we capture Al bab with Turkish losses. Will they (politicians, not soldiers!) have appetite to go for Manbij? And lets say we capture Manbij as well, will we have luxury of clearing Tall Rifaat (+ Afrin?). I doubt it.

It's quite interesting that not one ally has publicly joined to go for Al Bab :) Guess all the fun is in Mosul (yersen)

We lost 700 people to PKK terror since the elections...Do you see anyone questioning government ?
We lost 700 people to PKK terror since the elections...Do you see anyone questioning government ?


I'm talking about usual AKP shenanigans, saying XYZ but end result doing nothing and then going ''kandirildik'' (we were fooled). That's what I mean with will they have appetite for it. Much much easier to talk about some stupid bridge ;)
Its clear that there is a deal between YPG and SAA to protect their *** in North Aleppo, I wonder if and how TAF wil retaliate.
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