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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

We are not into 30 days of operation and Iran has started showing it's true colors - I hope Turkey has already a plan for this as they know inside out of Persians.
Isn't Turkish backed rebels supposed to be doing the ground fighting against YPG? Turkish army suffered quite a few casualties if it's only operating in an advisory and support capacity. How much combat are Turkish troops actually involved in?
What you expect from a group that still cant aim down the sight?
He is butthurt anti-Kremlin troll who is not working for anyone. He was kicked out of Donbass in 2014 since when he is spreading all kind of BS rumors and fantasies on internet about Russian failures in Ukraine, Syria and elsewhere.
I give 2 shits about Donbass or your dumbass. If you think I am Ukrainian or anti kremlin troll then get your head examined. Your russian bs won’t fly with this American.
ran menşeli askeri ekipmanları da sürekli PKK'nın elinde görüyoruz. PKK bu araç haricinde İran üretimi Anti tank füzesi de kullanmıştı.
Translated from Turkish by Microsoft

In the hands of the PKK, we are constantly seeing military equipment from Iran. Apart from this vehicle, the PKK also used Anti-tank missiles to produce Iran.

Our difference.Above video shows daily life in Al-Bab today. This is a town where one of the most bloody fights in Syria happened a year ago. Now see how alive the town is, how the buildings are standing. Compare that to Raqqa or Musul

I see 1 street that has some markets, same shit to be seen in Mosul.
In the end I see a large part of the city from a hill top, it's all destroyed. Dead city btw look at it from the top view, no life which makes sense as heavy weaponry were used to clear the city (artillery and air strikes). Your claim is false, why live on lies?

That's all I saw.
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I still don't understand turkish strategy.

Focus on the valleys south and north of Afrin and capture the moutains around them before, then cross the valleys until it reaches the city.
Battle in the western moutains are the hardest because they are the highest and the most defended and fortified.
I still don't understand turkish strategy.

Focus on the valleys south and north of Afrin and capture the moutains around them before, then cross the valleys until it reaches the city.
Battle in the western moutains are the hardest because they are the highest and the most defended and fortified.
We don't understand it either. If it was up to me, I'd attack Tal Rifad first. Maybe the aim is to push pkk away from border so they can't hit Turkish towns.
Anyway, the operation need a bigger frontline, more men power and defenses lines and more air support from planes.

And stop sending tanks, you have nothing that can save them from atgm at the moment.
This is what happens when politicians interfere in military matters: we lost 11 soldiers today. This can’t go on like this. We need to change the strategy and shake hands with Assad. Otherwise we will bleed to death in Syria.

I think this would be a strategic mistake- Turkey should not allow the PKK-YPG issue to contain it and use 100% of TR focus, and it should not fear such organizations. Turkey has clear foreign policy objectives in Syria, and if TR wants to become the dominant regional power it cannot look the other way in Syria. Let's take your proposal and imagine for a minute that this became the new norm, what would happen? Assad would gain full control over Syria, all of the rebels and oppsotion groups TR funded would have gone to waste, TR would lose credibility as a reliable partner and the 3 million Syrian refugees would linger in TR for many more years to come. On a geopolitical realm- TR would be defeated in the game of regional powers, and instead of becoming dominant it would become subordinate to Iran (Iran--> Syria-->Lebanon, etc reach- Iran is the base for Shiite Islam and all such regimes will gravitate to it, hence why Iran wants the Allawites in power in Damascus and Hezbollah in power in Lebanon, and not to forget the Shiite's in Iraq that Iran has tremendous influence over.) TR would be cut out of that and instead be left to play with the PKK problem all by itself, forever.

The goal of these operations is to ensure that TR creates a buffer zone, an area of influence, a region where it can help facilitate millions of Syrian refugees to retrun back to Syria- hence the YPG problem will be extinguished all together if the Arabs fill in those areas, it will have a military/political presence in N. Syria. This is just one small part of a grand plan to become the dominant power in the ME, you can also see military bases in Qatar, Somalia, Sudan, N. Cyprus, N. Iraq, etc. Iran sees this and that is why they are pissed and of course will send arms to demoralize TR and change it's course- and it appears they have succeeded with you :).
Interesting development;

I will not speak about his stance against YPG... since they already said that YPG was their enemy... in the past...and yet in Afrin/Aleppo they are best buddies... and keep letting the supply line open..till this day...
But this "ISIS spotted" excuse... is the same one used in Idlib... with that ISIS pocket in FSA/TR area.. who appeared by magic from nowhere...
It' s just an excuse to attack... they are using it with everyone...

I can understand...many will accept it since it's against YPG...but we should also remember, they use it with anyone...

I just Hope, the stance of some Turks will no change against Assad... because of that...

I think this would be a strategic mistake- Turkey should not allow the PKK-YPG issue to contain it and use 100% of TR focus, and it should not fear such organizations. Turkey has clear foreign policy objectives in Syria, and if TR wants to become the dominant regional power it cannot look the other way in Syria. Let's take your proposal and imagine for a minute that this became the new norm, what would happen? Assad would gain full control over Syria, all of the rebels and oppsotion groups TR funded would have gone to waste, TR would lose credibility as a reliable partner and the 3 million Syrian refugees would linger in TR for many more years to come. On a geopolitical realm- TR would be defeated in the game of regional powers, and instead of becoming dominant it would become subordinate to Iran (Iran--> Syria-->Lebanon, etc reach- Iran is the base for Shiite Islam and all such regimes will gravitate to it, hence why Iran wants the Allawites in power in Damascus and Hezbollah in power in Lebanon, and not to forget the Shiite's in Iraq that Iran has tremendous influence over.) TR would be cut out of that and instead be left to play with the PKK problem all by itself, forever.

The goal of these operations is to ensure that TR creates a buffer zone, an area of influence, a region where it can help facilitate millions of Syrian refugees to retrun back to Syria- hence the YPG problem will be extinguished all together if the Arabs fill in those areas, it will have a military/political presence in N. Syria. This is just one small part of a grand plan to become the dominant power in the ME, you can also see military bases in Qatar, Somalia, Sudan, N. Cyprus, N. Iraq, etc. Iran sees this and that is why they are pissed and of course will send arms to demoralize TR and change it's course- and it appears they have succeeded with you :).

Well said, some people understand Turkey's foreign policy better then the so called Turks themselves, usually the leftist CHPkk supporters.

We need to ask these people who call for dialogue with Assad, how will the 3.5+ million Syrian refugees in Turkey react? How will Turkey's credibility be seen on the international & regional stage? and remind them of the decades of Syrian support to PKK, they act as if Syria did not support PKK all these years, or that they are only supporting PKK because of Turkey's support to FSA, they are in a dilemma themselves as these are questions they themselves refuse to acknowledge.

IF Turkey was to negotiate with Assad, they will scream how can you negotiate with a murderer who supports PKK. There issue is not Turkish blood, there issue is how can we take cheap shots at the government.
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