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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

looks like there's more action in this thread compared to operation going on in Afrin :coffee:
Is Turkey going to deploy regular army units or rely only on commandos in Afrin ?

If you meant " conscripts " no way in hell. We have Police and Gendarmei Special forces for City fight. They are experienced first hand this kind of warfare from 2015. Sorry for my bad English :)
If you meant " conscripts " no way in hell. We have Police and Gendarmei Special forces for City fight. They are experienced first hand this kind of warfare from 2015. Sorry for my bad English :)

I don't know... I meant regular and professional units.... don't tell me a part from commandos,the rest of the Turkish army is only made of concripts ? :wacko:

even Turkey started to deploy Turkish Police Special Forces to Afrin

A weird concept for me to deploy Police units into a warzone.... If they were Gendarmes,I could understand,but cops ?

Thanks for enlightening me.
I don't know... I meant regular and professional units.... don't tell me a part from commandos,the rest of the Turkish army is only made of concripts ? :wacko:

A weird concept for me to deploy Police units into a warzone.... If they were Gendarmes,I could understand,but cops ?

Thanks for enlightening me.

Using cops is for reducing civilian casualties ...
They are special operation anti-terror teams of police.. and their total number are about 20000.. highly motivated nationalist men.. since 1990's they are fighting with pkk in cities or on field with soldiers.. especially in villages and city battles..
I don't know... I meant regular and professional units.... don't tell me a part from commandos,the rest of the Turkish army is only made of concripts ? :wacko:

A weird concept for me to deploy Police units into a warzone.... If they were Gendarmes,I could understand,but cops ?

Thanks for enlightening me.

These are not kind of Cops we known in EU. These special polices are trained and equipped for urban warfare and do it since years. With which succes we will see it in the near future.

Well said, some people understand Turkey's foreign policy better then the so called Turks themselves, usually the leftist CHPkk supporters.

We need to ask these people who call for dialogue with Assad, how will the 3.5+ million Syrian refugees in Turkey react? How will Turkey's credibility be seen on the international & regional stage? and remind them of the decades of Syrian support to PKK, they act as if Syria did not support PKK all these years, or that they are only supporting PKK because of Turkey's support to FSA, they are in a dilemma themselves as these are questions they themselves refuse to acknowledge.

IF Turkey was to negotiate with Assad, they will scream how can you negotiate with a murderer who supports PKK. There issue is not Turkish blood, there issue is how can we take cheap shots at the government.

Are all HDP and CHP members and supporters terrorists? If yes, it means +35% of Turkish populations.


KRG funds PKK, AKP funds KRG until lately they're a bit angry at them.
Syria needs to be under full control of SAA/gov

This is chronically impossible.

You don't border Iraq but Barzanistan, Barzanistan cannot control its borders. Illegal entity within the fedaral state, they must be dissolved but that is a lengthy process of politics, laws etc.

In Syria you should support the gov and stop this FSA project which is failed. Support Assad, walk over the SDF.

By weakening the Syrian gov with the FSA joke, you're strengthening the Kurds.

Turkey has no problems with Kurds, but heavy with Assad. Their is no way that Assad can stay on power for a middle or long term.
CHP members and supporters terrorists?
CHP is under PKK occupation, currently basement of CHP (those people who vote for) hate CHP leaders more than they hate Erdogan, because they are hijacking their political party (CHP was in Kemalists hands, now it's under Pan-Kurdist occupation)

CHP rulers do not represent their voters. They do get vote since it's the only opposition party against AKP, an ex-PKK supporter party.

Currently there is no political party in Turkey that didn't/doesn't support PKK o_O And when i say "we need to abolish all political parties, and should go direct democracy" people get crazy..
A weird concept for me to deploy Police units into a warzone.... If they were Gendarmes,I could understand,but cops ?

Thanks for enlightening me.

Turkish Police Special Forces and Gendarmerie Special Forces have great experience in urban warfare and showed great success in the fight against terrorism

Police Special Forces and the Gendarmerie Special Operations number was expected to reach 40.000 in total by the end of 2018

and they are coming to clean Afrin from the terrorists

Are all HDP and CHP members and supporters terrorists? If yes, it means +35% of Turkish populations.

Turkish People criticized only Leader of the CHP and some CHP deputies for working in favor of the pro PKK and worked for the HDP

and HDP is full of terrorist
Sounds fake, in the video you only can see a plume of smoke, plus from that distance, they cannot possibly know how many soldiers they killed. Also we would have heard about it by now.

I thought that distance wasnt that far so I thought how could their trenches be that close to Azaz, may be its not Azaz? Plus as you said nothing is visible in the video.
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