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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Are all HDP and CHP members and supporters terrorists? If yes, it means +35% of Turkish populations.

This is chronically impossible.

Turkey has no problems with Kurds, but heavy with Assad. Their is no way that Assad can stay on power for a middle or long term.

It is like asking; are all those supporting ISIS terrorist?

Majority of CHP voters are pro-Atatürk and loyal to the republic.
that means Germany has no freedom of speech

German freedom of speech does not allow calls for violance against other people, which is a good rule. Unlike in Turkey where today a pro government tabloid called Akit called for the assassination of journalists of another paper. You're also allowed to insult Presidents in Germany now. In Turkey there are dozens in jail because they have allegedly insulted Erdogan. So by your definition thats an acknowledgement that your dear leader has killed free speech in Turkey.
German freedom of speech does not allow calls for violance against other people, which is a good rule. Unlike in Turkey where today a pro government tabloid called Akit called for the assassination of journalists of another paper. You're also allowed to insult Presidents in Germany now. In Turkey there are dozens in jail because they have allegedly insulted Erdogan. So by your definition thats an acknowledgement that your dear leader has killed free speech in Turkey.

Yes, dear of ours, but never yours holy
So by your definition thats an acknowledgement that your dear leader has killed free speech in Turkey.
So, you don't know what sarcasm is o_O He wasn't serious when he wrote "that means Germany has no freedom of speech", he mocked up with the behavior of calling anti-terrorism actions as "actions against freedom of speech" (Where german government does, when Turkey arrests Fethollah islamist terrorists or PKK racist terrorists). Come on now, it's so obvious o_O
This is happening in Ankara:
HDP member (political wing of PKK) calling Öcalan with love and respect.


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