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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Like we are the devils anyways. :D
yeah, who cares at this point.
Meanwhile syrian air force:

unguided barrel bombs which will be dropped from high,
not a single fvck given about collateral damage
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Büyük İskender = Alexander The Great.

İskender is arabic for Alexander. İskenderiye = Alexandria. İskenderun = also Alexandria. :)

Alexander the "Great" named a lot of cities after himself :) not the most humble leader in history

By the way Turkish City of Iskenderun is called Alexandretta which is particulary important city because it is believed that this area is where holy grail went missing.This even mentioned in the famious "Indıana Jones The Last Crusade" One more Alexander's city :)

Alexandria is located in Egypt Bro :)
By the way Turkish City of Iskenderun is called Alexandretta which is particulary important city because it is believed that this area is where holy grail went missing.This even mentioned in the famious "Indıana Jones The Last Crusade" One more Alexander's city :)

Alexandria is located in Egypt Bro :)
I know man, but look at how many Alexandrias there are:

Iskanderun is Alexandria for persian if I remember correctly.
Iskenderiye must be Alexandria for arabic, I don't speak either of these languages so don't quote me on this.
Thanks for the info. But you are wrong about this part. Look this ;

"İskenderun historically known as Alexandretta and Scanderoon, is a city and the largest district in Hatay Province on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. "
don't know, maybe they changed the suffix to differentiate it from other Alexandrias :)
TSK could push from south in Idlib region and then encircle Jinderes, trap YPG fighters in the progress and make the final push to Afrin go more smoothly.
I am not an expert on Afrin operation just providing the News. But if you want to know how it is done by Pakistan Army then I can explain. first send in locals to get info than set up mortars positions and heavy artillery positions. Setup a SLC-2 RADAR and send drone over flights. once all info is gathered tell civilians to move out and hold the line with out firing for 2 to 3 days. then start pounding the hill tops with mortars and shells once high ground is clear send in IED detection units and set up front base after that enter few houses and make way through in houses than open roads and step by step clear the area and then let civilians enter from behind after verifying them. Taking on terrorists is a slow process and the best way is to gain and hold the area and then move forward. don't encircle the terrorists instead push them and make them run back and corner them. that is how you save civilians and get minimum damage.

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