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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

What if Syria will be a Federal Country like Iraq ? Or worse What if Syria will split up ? What if USA stays Syria for permanent ? What happens then ?
^^ You can take all of Syria, infact many Syrians will enjoy it at this current time because they need governing and money. Do you want to fund them and have millions of them migrate to Istanbul and Ankara though. The country doesn't have such easily extracted resources to take, not close by Turkish border. This is not beneficial to you.

We have enough Syrians (and many other leeches) in Turkey already... I hope soon most of them refugees will be kicked out so I don’t think that another 10–15 million of them in Turkey is a good idea. There are enough Arab countries where they can look for stability and money.
I only hope that we can get most Syrian Turkmens under our protection. All others don’t matter.
Afrin is not even that mountainous as some people think. Comparing heigh point in Afrin to some parts in south east Turkey or Iraq, the heights in Afrin is nothing. It is still good to take the strategic locations in Afrin so they can’t supply the fortified positions. Otherwise Afrin is going to be a meat grinder. They are coming with huge supplies of TOW’s. :/

I don’t get why some people are acting like Afrin is a huge mountain. The highest mountain there is 300 meter or something. Compared to the Turkish mountains that is nothing.
It not the height of the hills that makes it tricky. It's the uneven terrain, the deep gorges, the forest cover, small woodland paths concealed by overgrowth that can only be known by local knowledge, the caves and tunnel networks, every nook and cranny providing a place to hide or a place to attack. Small groups of adversaries can do a lot of damage if they know the terrain well.
Also many of the mountains are over 700 to 800m, Barsaya mountain is 850m.
Look around for pictures of the region and you will see why it's a hard fight.
Bir günde yazı okuma bilmeyen terör örgütüne karş bir yerli helikopter ve 11 şehid verdik, geçen haftada tanklarımız. Sizde burda Amerika’yla savaşalım lafını yapıyorsunuz. Önce biz kendimizi bir toparlayalım, sonra Amerika’yla savaşalım diye konuşuruz.
Bir günde yazı okuma bilmeyen terör örgütüne karş bir yerli helikopter ve 11 şehid verdik, geçen haftada tanklarımız. Sizde burda Amerika’yla savaşalım lafını yapıyorsunuz. Önce biz kendimizi bir toparlayalım, sonra Amerika’yla savaşalım diye konuşuruz.
It is enough to show to them that we're prepared to go to war.
I don't think they understand how important this issue is for Turkey.
Our words are falling on deaf ears but actions speak louder than words.
That's why we should attack Manbij.

I suggest we wait until the new Pulat APS' are installed on Leopard 2s and then march them off to Manbij. Capture a few villages and see how they respond.
11 Turkish troops KIA today, bringing to total to about 25 so far.

Does Turkey still use conscripts for front line combat?
No, most of those were professional.
Isn't Turkish backed rebels supposed to be doing the ground fighting against YPG? Turkish army suffered quite a few casualties if it's only operating in an advisory and support capacity. How much combat are Turkish troops actually involved in?
Isn't Turkish backed rebels supposed to be doing the ground fighting against YPG? Turkish army suffered quite a few casualties if it's only operating in an advisory and support capacity. How much combat are Turkish troops actually involved in?

Initially yes, but they seemed to be ineffictive, so I think more Turkish troops will involve from now on.
I wanted to put some things into perspective and remind people who the real traitors are.

Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I. voiced his support for Afrin operation.


View attachment 453223

Armenian Orthodox Patriarch of Istanbul voiced support for Afrin operation.


Kurdish Shariatist Naqshbandi sheikh condemned the Afrin Operation calling it an invasion.


Make of this what you will.

from his name you see that he is kurdish the exxessive use of X wich doesnot exists in turkish..

he also said this


its the same shit like sheikh ubeydullah of nehri sheikh said of salu and mulla mustafa barzani even writing their names is making my hands dirty I feel dirty..

sorry for your eyes to read the names of such traitors..
@cabatli_53 I would like to request a clean up of at least the past 2-3 pages. emotions are running high and ruining the purpose of this thread.
Our difference.Above video shows daily life in Al-Bab today. This is a town where one of the most bloody fights in Syria happened a year ago. Now see how alive the town is, how the buildings are standing. Compare that to Raqqa or Musul

@cabatli_53 I would like to request a clean up of at least the past 2-3 pages. emotions are running high and ruining the purpose of this thread.

Bro that would be a mistake.No dont delete anything. Two years later , 3 years later we will look to this page for more information and take necessary lessons and precautions for future operations. We must remember these days. Please dont delete anything.
Credit to @Deliorman ;
A Russian officer who works for Donetsk National Republic claimed:
Having attacked to Russian " Wagner" 5th assault brigade in Hisham The USAF attacked to Kurds.!!!
He claimed Kurds had been slaughtered by USAF!!
There were heavy loses of two lorries of dead bodies!

Of course resource is not reliable.
Moreover he didnt use clear language. He answered very flexible very hard to deduce.
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