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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

FSA has already lost every city and village. They have nothing to say anymore. And Jarablus is taken by Turkish soldiers. They have nothing to bring to the (negotiation table) anymore. Assad has won. We are past that. At this point we are talking about who is going to rule in north Syria. I would prefer Assad of YPG.

assad have not the man power to conrol, so who have won what?
He is half right. FSA cant do shit ! The only move forward is reconciliation with Damascus. But with Erdo its impossible ! He would rather PKK built a country on our borders !!!

At the moment Iran and Russia has influence over Assad.i don’t deny that but If we promise certain things to Assad then he will be on our side and we would gain influence and perhaps have a say how Syria is going to look like. I believe with Assad on our side the Americans and YPG doesn’t have a chance. Perhaps you are right. We need regime change in Turkey. If that doesn’t happen I’m afraid Syria will crumble and a PKKistan will be created on Turkish borders with the US as guaranteer.
Turkey needs to add more of it's own troops to this operation. FSA guys won't be so motivated unless the majority of them are Arab locals from Afrin region

btw any news on deployment of TSK commandos?
Afrin operasyonunda Bu pkk lı köpeklerle 30 yıldır en etkili mücadeleyi veren en tecrübeli birlikler olan JANDARMA ÖZEL HAREKAT TABURLARI JOH Operasyona Acilen DAHIL EDILMELIDIR...
At the moment Iran and Russia has influence over Assad.i don’t deny that but If we promise certain things to Assad then he will be on our side and we would gain influence and perhaps have a say how Syria is going to look like. I believe with Assad on our side the Americans and YPG doesn’t have a chance. Perhaps you are right. We need regime change in Turkey. If that doesn’t happen I’m afraid Syria will crumble and a PKKistan will be created on Turkish borders with the US as guaranteer.

lets talk about your half wrongness. Assad will never be on our side. We can never trust him. In the future he will back PKK because he wants to tap into the Turkey's vast water resources. The only reason why we should back him because its millions times better than PKKistan alternative. Politicians cant be driven by emotions or anger or ethnic hate etc. Thats whats wrong with Erdo. He cant see the danger right in front of him...
at the moment we are fighting aganist iran in afrin..

lets talk about your half wrongness. Assad will never be on our side. We can never trust him. In the future he will back PKK because he wants to tap into the Turkey's vast water resources. The only reason why we should back him because its millions times better than PKKistan alternative. Politicians cant be driven by emotions or anger or ethnic hate etc. Thats whats wrong with Erdo. He cant see the danger right in front of him...
you dont know anything about pkk esad family relation ship. iran=esad=ypg=pkk they are all the same
He is half right. FSA cant do shit ! The only move forward is reconciliation with Damascus. But with Erdo its impossible ! He would rather PKK built a country on our borders !!!
Reconciliation with who and by who?
Since right now... You have a tri-party state...FSA&Cie - Assad - YPG
And neither of them will accept reconciliation...if it means having the same political environment and sys than 7 years ago...

Turkey-Russia and US can't impose a reconciliation... and will not Accept a reconciliation that will not fit their agendas either...
So the will of the Syrians will come against the will of the Guarantors...

Right now there is two option to This conflict...
-Cease fire
-Or total annihilation...

You may want to add... Why not making it a Tri (Official) state and every get his land and rule...
It's also non-possible... since each side...believe to be the rightful owner of all Syria... They will continue to fight against each others...

The syrian conflict is also creating newest rivalry/enemies...that should havebeen kept silent... We have it nowadays... With TR-IR relation TR-SY relation RU-IR relation TR-US relation SY-ISrael relation and so on...

The thing is... more time pass... longer this conflict will exist... The new generation are being educated to maintain and continue the fight...According to each doctrine...and therefore "Enemy"
Death is ok... you can forget it... But Injustice/Hypocrisy as being linked to mass killing... are hard to forget... This conflict will nourish many generation to come...

What we see right now in Syria and around...could be only the premise of something stronger-Greater-Darker... int he coming years/decades...
Syria is a bomb...in the making... And those 7 years... was only the beginning...

And last...You may say..."It's impossible...for so long and such..." Then Here my answer... it's not the first time that is happening in Sham... Human history is an endless circle...
Russia's interest is to prolong the conflict and create divisions in NATO

yes they do seem to be better than America when it comes to Relations with Turkey but it's all interest. I have a feeling that the Russians are secretly improving the Iranian-YPG connection and allowing Iranian militias to attack TSK
at the moment we are fighting aganist iran in afrin..

you dont know anything about pkk esad family relation ship. iran=esad=ypg=pkk they are all the same
Dont assume anything. You dont know me and you certainly dont know how informed i am about PKK and Assad! I know more than enough trust me. Let me give you a friendly advice. Open youtube and searh for Ilker başbug. Click the most recent interview about afrin. He explains everything. I mean everthing. If you watch all of it you will understand my point.
I found it for you ;
I wanted to put some things into perspective and remind people who the real traitors are.

Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I. voiced his support for Afrin operation.



Armenian Orthodox Patriarch of Istanbul voiced support for Afrin operation.


Kurdish Shariatist Naqshbandi sheikh condemned the Afrin Operation calling it an invasion.


Make of this what you will.
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Dont assume anything. You dont know me and you certainly dont know how informed i am about PKK and Assad! I know more than enough trust me. Let me give you a friendly advice. Open youtube and searh for Ilker başbug. Click the most recent interview about afrin. He explains everything. I mean everthing. If you watch all of it you will understand my point.
I found it for you ;

Link doesn’t work.
Syria as a state entity is dead even if Assad gets 100% of the country under his control (which I don’t see happening). Let’s say that Iranians get their land bridge to Israel, the Russians get their bases on the Mediterranean sea and Assad keeps his chair. They will rule a bunch of ashes and people majority of whom hate each other and Assad in the guts, a country full of terrorism and internal struggles for years to come. And what about the SDF and the Americans that are occupying most of northern and eastern Syria? How exactly will the Assad-Russia-Iran coalition kick them out of there?
Iraq is a Switzerland compared to all that.

Who will pay those hundreds of billions needed for the reconstruction of the country? Maybe Russia and Iran will be happy to spend billions they don’t have on a country thousands of kilometers away when they themselves need $ too. I know Syria has some limited natural resources but they are not enough to bring any prosperity or to attract international investments. Wealthy Arab countries in the Gulf, Turkey or the Western nations also won’t donate even a cent to Assad.

Assad is closer to the final win than anyone else but in the end he will win only a d*ck in his ***... And the funny part is that if he had some dignity and real love for his country he would have left his office with peace when protests against him started and all of this mess would have never happened.
^^ You can take all of Syria, infact many Syrians will enjoy it at this current time because they need governing and money. Do you want to fund them and have millions of them migrate to Istanbul and Ankara though. The country doesn't have such easily extracted resources to take, not close by Turkish border. This is not beneficial to you.
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