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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

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This has always been a CIA tactic. In Afghanistan they always sent Soviet and Eastern European weapons. but it is quite clear that US has been the main weapons supplier to the PKK.

These pictures are disingenuous. It is like showing the Afghan Mujahideen of 1980s with AK-47s and RPG-7s and claiming the US didn't fund, train and arm the Mujahideen.

In Syria you can buy almost any kind of weapon if you have the $$$.

White, British Christian TERRORIST. Good riddance.
A series of Tweet, about the Ammunition depot "sources" are being researched
Mostly Iranian /Russian (+East EU) made and a very small fraction of US made.

@Combat-Master YOu asked about the source of the anti-recoil ammunition, it is indeed Iranian.

M8. I don't need some half-assed twitster telling me what it is when he can't even get the diameter correct, I know what it is. I asked if somone could translate what is written on the munition, not the source.. Also, there's a video clip of Turkish soldier handling the munition telling us that it is US made which has been painted over and disguised. So no, don't think it is Iranian.
Haha this guy is a funny character, I wish him the best, hope he stays safe.

TFSA & TSK capture Shaala village, outside of main operation area looks like we can expect something in Tal Rifat and Minagh soon.
I think the weapons need to be shared under control of the TSK. After all, you do not know where they will end
Shared under TSK or taking them yourself...the result is the same... If they want to sell/give some... they will.
Those weapons is also spoils of war, a way to also pay/reward the factions involved...

But the big part of those spoils are under TSK hand, what is left, there and there, it's free to use, for the first to get it.
I don't usually laugh about fighters dying,but damn those NDF&Assad militias who came to Afrin were so fucking useless. They are the real definition of cannon fodder. :lol:

They died for nothing. Instead of sitting on their asses in Damascus they wanted to play soldiers and died for a faction that has been backstabbing Assad since the war has begun.
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