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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Turkey could take Afrin quickly if it used the Aleppo or Raqqa method but this would entail massive damage and huge losses of life which isn't what Turkey is looking to take on.

There are 3 main routes into Afrin. One from the NE from Azaz direction, one along the valley from the SW from Jinderes, and the third is from the NW along the valley east of Raco. Each of these routes are vulnerable from the adjacent mountains so securing the highlands first is a priority. Tel Rifaat isn't so important right now. Nor is cutting off the supply lines from Nubl. They are well monitored and as seen by the destruction of the military convoy any serious threats coming from Assadist areas can be taken care off.
It seems like the military planners want to leave a route left open and if that means having to accept some NDF or YPG reinforcements from other areas can enter then so be it. So far despite the hype the NDF have been useless. Once the photo shoots were over, the only news we've heard from them have been them getting killed.

I'm not sure if you know or remember about el Bab? Most of the fighting took place to the west of the city. It lasted ages but was ultimately a fight of attrition. Once that front collapsed, the rest of the city was taken quickly. What had happened was most of their fighters either died or ran away, so ES forces rolled into the rest of the city relatively quickly.
A similar situation is taking place in Afrin, as evidenced by their poster fighters dying on the front lines, jubilation over NDF forces arriving, the desperation of their propaganda. They are in quite bad shape.

Terrain is very important. The YPG have spent years developing sophisticated (with European help) tunnel networks and reinforcements in locations throughout the region. Overcoming them were one of the hardest battles. It took the Russians years to secure the north Caucasus mountains after the Chechen uprising, and to some extent haven't fully controlled it, especially near Georgia and in Dagestan. The Taliban have been fighting an insurgency against the US occupation since 9/11 and are far from being defeated. Historically all the major rebellions and insurgents have had their mountain or forest heartlands, due to the difficulty of movement and vision in the terrain.

I agree I don't understand why so little has been done along the Tel Rifaat strip but im not in the command room to know everything that's going on. I would think the closer we are to Afrin city, the more likely movement will take place in this area. If there isn't you know there were agreements made prior to the start of the ops.
Right now if OB forces were to move into Tel Rifaat or Minagh then they would be vulnerable from the west, and Assad would move north from Aleppo like they did during the elbab offensive to take tadif. Then they would need to manage Syrian forces to the south as well as the YPG in Afrin region.
I would say though, if they do go for the tel Rifaat region, I think it would be better to take it from the east. Moving west from El Bab. This should cut short any northward movement from Assad and also encircle Tel Rifaat from north, east as well as the west. Tel Rifaat is heavily fortified.

As for the silly comment about Greece, I know your trolling but you can't compare traditional modes of warfare to unconventional and irregular forms of warfare. Nato is stuck in the cold war. Maneuvering large battalions of troops just wont cut it in these environments, your not just fighting soldiers, but insurgents too. Greece has no experience of it whereas Turkish forces (police and military) are adapting fast. Both through anti PKK ops at home, and through ES and OB ops in Syria.
In many ways the rift between Nato and Turkey has been a godsend allowing Turkey to move away from the conventional military doctrines of Nato. Technology has meant that style of warfare is unlikely. Turkey is now developing other principles in warfare, and Nato is playing catch up.
What is is good for me trolling fellow muslims and muslim countries? Please dont make that up. you sound stupid.......Im saying if turks dont take radical measures to actually win militarily then it will also lose politically.....just imagine if turkish objectives arent met.....the other big players (iran,russia,america) wouldnt even bother turkey anymore......and oh yes i do remember al bab and the battles preceding it .....like how the incompetent fsa almost lose the entire northern aleppo to IS, when IS troops beat them back with limited weapons and almost capture azaz even though the rebels had turkish artillery and air support, when fsa troops announce that they capture al rai and then in just a matter of hour IS retook al rai back.......this shows that there are some serious issue within the FSA or the TSK and how they conduct warfare

Well then why are american after more then 10 years not able to destroy taliban in the mountains? You should stop with farting...
Kid...First of all .....so do you turks, you cant destroy pkk even inside turkish borders, second the military objective of turkey in Olive branch is to kick pkk out of local population and end their de facto governance over the land thus lose its influence and authority just like what americans want to achieve in 2001.....the difference is america knows whats important first and rooted taliban out of main local populace (kabul and kandahar) first and put an end on the de facto quasi state of taliban as fast as possible..while turkey is doing the opposite, being busy on smaller villages while forgetting the real deal = afrin..........just imagine the blow to the kurds if afrin (the place where rojava project actually start) is captured.....it will sent shockwave to them just like when they lost kirkuk in iraq, in the end(when afrin and all other rojave territories are captured) kurds will start to throw the blame on each others and be weaken internally......just like what happened in KRG between KDP and PUK right now

The next wannabe General :woot:
What do you want? That we bomb the shit out of Afrin and kill thousands of civilians?
Hmmmmm its called military forums just in case you forgot....
What is is good for me trolling fellow muslims and muslim countries? Please dont make that up. you sound stupid.......Im saying if turks dont take radical measures to actually win militarily then it will also lose politically.....just imagine if turkish objectives arent met.....the other big players (iran,russia,america) wouldnt even bother turkey anymore......and oh yes i do remember al bab and the battles preceding it .....like how the incompetent fsa almost lose the entire northern aleppo to IS, when IS troops beat them back with limited weapons and almost capture azaz even though the rebels had turkish artillery and air support, when fsa troops announce that they capture al rai and then in just a matter of hour IS retook al rai back.......this shows that there are some serious issue within the FSA or the TSK and how they conduct warfare

Kid...First of all .....so do you turks, you cant destroy pkk even inside turkish borders, second the military objective of turkey in Olive branch is to kick pkk out of local population and end their de facto governance over the land thus lose its influence and authority just like what americans want to achieve in 2001.....the difference is america knows whats important first and rooted taliban out of main local populace (kabul and kandahar) first and put an end on the de facto quasi state of taliban as fast as possible..while turkey is doing the opposite, being busy on smaller villages while forgetting the real deal = afrin..........just imagine the blow to the kurds if afrin (the place where rojava project actually start) is captured.....it will sent shockwave to them just like when they lost kirkuk in iraq, in the end(when afrin and all other rojave territories are captured) kurds will start to throw the blame on each others and be weaken internally......just like what happened in KRG between KDP and PUK right now

Hmmmmm its called military forums just in case you forgot....
Just wait for the 2019 elections. PKK will be destroyed before 2019 or in case something goes very wrong politically or inside the country's elite shortly after 2019 elections. Mark my words. The problem is not in that we cant destroy PKK both on the political and military field. The problem lies much deeper but it will be solved. It will end soon but the real concerning thing is what will come afterwards...
Who think that Muslims will be seperated from each other they are in mistake. Real Muslims Kurdish allways stand with Turkey and we will be broke all the games together which fictionalized on ME.

Highly doubt this is true. Surely there must be some Kurds fighting in FSA ranks but a 400 strong band deciding to fight againts other Kurds? Even the Turkmen brigades has hardship gathering such numbers.
Highly doubt this is true. Surely there must be some Kurds fighting in FSA ranks but a 400 strong band deciding to fight againts other Kurds? Even the Turkmen brigades has hardship gathering such numbers.

Nope, Turkmans have many fighters in high numbers in operation area also Kurdish of Syria are very royal to Islam and they were hating from Be ke ke since long time but bitches of US was suppressing Kurds, Turkmans and Arabs at the North Syria until we came ;)
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To think that we plan to establish a meat grinder and kill much be ke ke as possible, is not right and would be strategically without any sense, why ?

Because we don't have a choice! Turkey cannot attack Syria anywhere, we must deal with Russia and US for every other area.
So if we take Afrin, YPG will start to organize attack in Turkey, while Turkey would be unable to attack anywhere.

But if Afrin is open battleflied, YPG will be forced to come in Afrin, symbolically they cannot abondon it, and Turkey can target them here.

be ke ke is forcing local population to fight, to kill them is senseless. We need to capture Afrin as fast as possible and end be ke ke terror regime and stop their propaganda and influence on local population.

Afrin was already Apoist city in 1990, when Ocalan organize rally with Assad's father blessing. And the syrian civil war has done the deal, Afrin is PKK city now, we cannot change it.
Highly doubt this is true. Surely there must be some Kurds fighting in FSA ranks but a 400 strong band deciding to fight againts other Kurds? Even the Turkmen brigades has hardship gathering such numbers.
There are thousands of Kurds who fled from YPG in Afrin to Turkey and ES area. No doubt that they want to return to their homes.
Just wait for the 2019 elections. PKK will be destroyed before 2019 or in case something goes very wrong politically or inside the country's elite shortly after 2019 elections. Mark my words. The problem is not in that we cant destroy PKK both on the political and military field. The problem lies much deeper but it will be solved. It will end soon but the real concerning thing is what will come afterwards...

I do not think that PKK will still have the energy and motivation left to pursue their goal after being defeated in northern Syria. You must remember that the US started a civil war to achieve the free kurdistan goal. As long as the US cant defeat Russia, they cant do anything. They need Turkey for it, but the point is that their goal(free kurdistan) is contradictory to the interests of Turkey. The only solution is to start a war between the countries around it. Europe does not want this, the US has no energy for this either. So the project will be postponed. This can take decades.

Finally they getting some millitary structure and dicipline.
Just wait for the 2019 elections. PKK will be destroyed before 2019 or in case something goes very wrong politically or inside the country's elite shortly after 2019 elections. Mark my words. The problem is not in that we cant destroy PKK both on the political and military field. The problem lies much deeper but it will be solved. It will end soon but the real concerning thing is what will come afterwards...
Well i hope so

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