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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Never underestimate the arrogance of Europeans and their governments.
Do you really think the Europeans want angry Turks and Middle Easterners ???:enjoy:

Europe doesn't have the reach/power of the US indeed

Agreed. But closer relations to tackle this "K*rdish Problem" is good for us. We cannot let these terrorists of Zagros mountains take whats not theirs. :victory:
Footage from Maydan Ekbis in north western Afrin after YPG expelled. One of the guys have M16+ thermal sight.
Former PYD co-leader Salih Muslim caught in Prague: Report

Former Democratic Union Party (PYD) co-leader Salih Müslim, who was being sought with a “red notice” by Turkey, was caught on Feb. 24 in the Czech capital Prague, state-run Anadolu Agency reported.

Muslim was detained upon Turkey’s request, according to diplomatic sources.

The sources also said the Turkish Justice Ministry would send documents to request the extradition of Muslim to Turkey from Czech Republic.

On Feb. 12, Turkey’s Interior Ministry added Muslim to its “wanted terrorists” list along with several other names.

Salih Muslim is among 44 names added to the “red list,” which includes most sought-after individuals such as leaders and senior figures of groups deemed as terrorist organizations by Turkey.

It is claimed that Muslim is one of the leaders of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and its alleged urban wing, the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK). Anyone giving solid information on his whereabouts will be rewarded 4 million Turkish Liras.

According to Turkish media reports, in 2013 and 2014, Muslim was invited by the Turkish government to Ankara and Istanbul to hold talks on the Syrian crisis and the northern Syrian territories under PYD control.

But following those visits the 2nd High Criminal Court in the southeastern province of Mardin rendered a verdict regarding PYD and its military wings, the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ), as “terrorist organizations.”


I want your opinion on one thing guys. Why are we not attacking Tal Rifat? We virtually haven't touched that place yet while shelling almost everywhere else in the Afrin pocket.
If things go on like this I think YPG will resist until we reach the outskirts of Afrin and then they will just hand over Afrin to SAA. Without a stronghold like Afrin protecting the rest of the canton is hard, so we shouldn't allow this. If we take afrin our presence in the canton will be stable and solid. The key to not letting this situation arise is to cut off YPG from SAA, which imo starts at tal rifat.
There must be some logic in this no doubt, but I can't figure it out. What is your opinion?
For me turks (i mean that erdogan guy) didnt want afrin in the first place.....if he (erdogan) wants afrin in the first place he shouldve secured tall rifaat,menagh etc and captured areas still connected to assad and russian side to prevent reinforcement coming from manbij or from regime areas (now congrats the regime ndf had entered afrin)...but he didnt.....for god sake man, even if it has to involve the entire turkish paratroopers to be dropped there to block pkk reinforvement.......also did you notice just how slow this operation was.....did turks know anything about blitzkrieg?. And please dont blame it on the terrain, that is pure nonsense

Its been one month.......afrin,rajo,cinderes isnt even included in the "official" captured areas, if it took you this long to capture afrin from a rag tag kurdish terrorist, wouldnt it be wise to think twice if lets say a confrontation between turks and similarly advanced near peers armies like greece or maybe russia happen in the future?
For me turks (i mean that erdogan guy) didnt want afrin in the first place.....if he (erdogan) wants afrin in the first place he shouldve secured tall rifaat,menagh etc and captured areas still connected to assad and russian side to prevent reinforcement coming from manbij or from regime areas (now congrats the regime ndf had entered afrin)...but he didnt.....for god sake man, even if it has to involve the entire turkish paratroopers to be dropped there to block pkk reinforvement.......also did you notice just how slow this operation was.....did turks know anything about blitzkrieg?. And please dont blame it on the terrain, that is pure nonsense

Its been one month.......afrin,rajo,cinderes isnt even included in the "official" captured areas, if it took you this long to capture afrin from a rag tag kurdish terrorist, wouldnt it be wise to think twice if lets say a confrontation between turks and similarly advanced near peers armies like greece or maybe russia happen in the future?

Well then why are american after more then 10 years not able to destroy taliban in the mountains? You should stop with farting...
Its been one month.......afrin,rajo,cinderes isnt even included in the "official" captured areas, if it took you this long to capture afrin from a rag tag kurdish terrorist, wouldnt it be wise to think twice if lets say a confrontation between turks and similarly advanced near peers armies like greece or maybe russia happen in the future?

The next wannabe General :woot:
What do you want? That we bomb the shit out of Afrin and kill thousands of civilians?
For me turks (i mean that erdogan guy) didnt want afrin in the first place.....if he (erdogan) wants afrin in the first place he shouldve secured tall rifaat,menagh etc and captured areas still connected to assad and russian side to prevent reinforcement coming from manbij or from regime areas (now congrats the regime ndf had entered afrin)...but he didnt.....for god sake man, even if it has to involve the entire turkish paratroopers to be dropped there to block pkk reinforvement.......also did you notice just how slow this operation was.....did turks know anything about blitzkrieg?. And please dont blame it on the terrain, that is pure nonsense

I think the goal was to create meat grinder...let YPG to come and died in Afrin. If Turkey use blitzkrieg strategy, YPG would attack no protected area, or organize attack in Turkey.
Turkey is also not so free to attack other area in Syria they must make a deal with Russia and take in consideration US's soldier present with YPG.
So because politically Turkey is not free to attack the whole North Syria, Turkey let open tallriffat tp create a meat grinder.
For me turks (i mean that erdogan guy) didnt want afrin in the first place.....if he (erdogan) wants afrin in the first place he shouldve secured tall rifaat,menagh etc and captured areas still connected to assad and russian side to prevent reinforcement coming from manbij or from regime areas (now congrats the regime ndf had entered afrin)...but he didnt.....for god sake man, even if it has to involve the entire turkish paratroopers to be dropped there to block pkk reinforvement.......also did you notice just how slow this operation was.....did turks know anything about blitzkrieg?. And please dont blame it on the terrain, that is pure nonsense

Its been one month.......afrin,rajo,cinderes isnt even included in the "official" captured areas, if it took you this long to capture afrin from a rag tag kurdish terrorist, wouldnt it be wise to think twice if lets say a confrontation between turks and similarly advanced near peers armies like greece or maybe russia happen in the future?

We can just speculating here. Maybe they don’t want causalities on her own side or on the other side. Maybe they have some logistical problems, or the ally FSA is insufficient trained and armed. Maybe some political decisions. Who knows, maybe some Gülen Officers of Turkish army sabotaging the mission.
For me turks (i mean that erdogan guy) didnt want afrin in the first place.....if he (erdogan) wants afrin in the first place he shouldve secured tall rifaat,menagh etc and captured areas still connected to assad and russian side to prevent reinforcement coming from manbij or from regime areas (now congrats the regime ndf had entered afrin)...but he didnt.....for god sake man, even if it has to involve the entire turkish paratroopers to be dropped there to block pkk reinforvement.......also did you notice just how slow this operation was.....did turks know anything about blitzkrieg?. And please dont blame it on the terrain, that is pure nonsense

Its been one month.......afrin,rajo,cinderes isnt even included in the "official" captured areas, if it took you this long to capture afrin from a rag tag kurdish terrorist, wouldnt it be wise to think twice if lets say a confrontation between turks and similarly advanced near peers armies like greece or maybe russia happen in the future?

Turkey could take Afrin quickly if it used the Aleppo or Raqqa method but this would entail massive damage and huge losses of life which isn't what Turkey is looking to take on.

There are 3 main routes into Afrin. One from the NE from Azaz direction, one along the valley from the SW from Jinderes, and the third is from the NW along the valley east of Raco. Each of these routes are vulnerable from the adjacent mountains so securing the highlands first is a priority. Tel Rifaat isn't so important right now. Nor is cutting off the supply lines from Nubl. They are well monitored and as seen by the destruction of the military convoy any serious threats coming from Assadist areas can be taken care off.
It seems like the military planners want to leave a route left open and if that means having to accept some NDF or YPG reinforcements from other areas can enter then so be it. So far despite the hype the NDF have been useless. Once the photo shoots were over, the only news we've heard from them have been them getting killed.

I'm not sure if you know or remember about el Bab? Most of the fighting took place to the west of the city. It lasted ages but was ultimately a fight of attrition. Once that front collapsed, the rest of the city was taken quickly. What had happened was most of their fighters either died or ran away, so ES forces rolled into the rest of the city relatively quickly.
A similar situation is taking place in Afrin, as evidenced by their poster fighters dying on the front lines, jubilation over NDF forces arriving, the desperation of their propaganda. They are in quite bad shape.

Terrain is very important. The YPG have spent years developing sophisticated (with European help) tunnel networks and reinforcements in locations throughout the region. Overcoming them were one of the hardest battles. It took the Russians years to secure the north Caucasus mountains after the Chechen uprising, and to some extent haven't fully controlled it, especially near Georgia and in Dagestan. The Taliban have been fighting an insurgency against the US occupation since 9/11 and are far from being defeated. Historically all the major rebellions and insurgents have had their mountain or forest heartlands, due to the difficulty of movement and vision in the terrain.

I agree I don't understand why so little has been done along the Tel Rifaat strip but im not in the command room to know everything that's going on. I would think the closer we are to Afrin city, the more likely movement will take place in this area. If there isn't you know there were agreements made prior to the start of the ops.
Right now if OB forces were to move into Tel Rifaat or Minagh then they would be vulnerable from the west, and Assad would move north from Aleppo like they did during the elbab offensive to take tadif. Then they would need to manage Syrian forces to the south as well as the YPG in Afrin region.
I would say though, if they do go for the tel Rifaat region, I think it would be better to take it from the east. Moving west from El Bab. This should cut short any northward movement from Assad and also encircle Tel Rifaat from north, east as well as the west. Tel Rifaat is heavily fortified.

As for the silly comment about Greece, I know your trolling but you can't compare traditional modes of warfare to unconventional and irregular forms of warfare. Nato is stuck in the cold war. Maneuvering large battalions of troops just wont cut it in these environments, your not just fighting soldiers, but insurgents too. Greece has no experience of it whereas Turkish forces (police and military) are adapting fast. Both through anti PKK ops at home, and through ES and OB ops in Syria.
In many ways the rift between Nato and Turkey has been a godsend allowing Turkey to move away from the conventional military doctrines of Nato. Technology has meant that style of warfare is unlikely. Turkey is now developing other principles in warfare, and Nato is playing catch up.
What are the estimates on the number of YPG members? I wonder how many are left after the death of over 2000. Do they just keep reproducing? How are they still operational?
We have not the permission to close the road between saa and be ke ke, jet. Russia wants still some roome to negotiate for be ke ke, to accept their conditions meanwhile using turkish offensive as threat.

When Russia leaves the negotiations, we will close that road.

The operation would be much easier, if we could stop that supply road and isolate them completely while attacking them from every sight.
What are the estimates on the number of YPG members? I wonder how many are left after the death of over 2000. Do they just keep reproducing? How are they still operational?

-10.000+ in Afrin before the OP + recruiting after the OP.
-YPG gave away control of the part of Aleppo city that they controlled to the SAA. These fighters were send to Afrin.
-YPG can and has reinforced Afrin with troops from Manbij and the East of the Euphrates, because the SAA allows them to pass through their territory (between Manbij and Aleppo).
To think that we plan to establish a meat grinder and kill much be ke ke as possible, is not right and would be strategically without any sense, why ?

be ke ke is forcing local population to fight, to kill them is senseless. We need to capture Afrin as fast as possible and end be ke ke terror regime and stop their propaganda and influence on local population.

The problem is politically, but guys like Mete Yarar are not talking about it. Strategically we have to operate on harder conditions, because of political agreement with russia.
To think that we plan to establish a meat grinder and kill much be ke ke as possible, is not right and would be strategically without any sense, why ?

be ke ke is forcing local population to fight, to kill them is senseless. We need to capture Afrin as fast as possible and end be ke ke terror regime and stop their propaganda and influence on local population.

The problem is politically, but guys like Mete Yarar are not talking about it. Strategically we have to operate on harder conditions, because of political agreement with russia.
Be ke ke lol.

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