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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Turkey shouldn’t wait. It should just push harder now and bomb the shit out of them to give them a nice message.
If you are talking about YPG you must see the advances from today. On 3 fronts all 3 targets are important in both tactical and strategic point of view. Also the day didnt ended and there is more time for advancements. Today they worked good.

If SAA moves in with surface to air missiles then we may have to hit them. We should track their every move with armed drones.

Edit: I doubt they will enter Arfin. Especially after reading recent tweets.
If SAA moves in with surface to air missiles then we may have to hit them. We should track their every move with armed drones.

Edit: I doubt they will enter Arfin. Especially after reading recent tweets.

Without Russias permission ASSad has not the balls to move against Turkey!
No flyzone, maybe... But our Artillery can reach 40km and show them hell.
Looks like Putin and Erdogan had a phone call. Hope Erdogan made it clear that we will target iranian militias without mercy. If Putin wants this conflict to end and let his economy heal he will have to work with us and the rebels and put a leash on Iran and punish Assad when he steps out of line.
Without Russias permission ASSad has not the balls to move against Turkey!
No flyzone, maybe... But our Artillery can reach 40km and show them hell.
With which systems SAA can imply a no fly zone over Afrin against the TuAF? Its not something that can be achieved with S200 and L39 Albatross. After we get the intelligence we can destroy their air defense systems in the area with ease without even getting not only in the air defense's effective range but also out of the range of the radars. SAA air defense is not something that must worry us much. Also we must not forget that big amount of those systems were hit by Israeli Air Force.
What is exciting about it, too many on this forum get their fulfillment from hearing others bleeding to death, whilst you're in safe Europa.

I don't see genocidal shia freaks as humans just like I don't see genocidal sunni freaks as humans. Well all know what those people want to do and have done to sunnis,christians and even shias themselves who didn't want any part in their genocide. Don't play naive. They wanna threaten Turks and our country, wanna attack our soldiers? Let them come.They will be sent to hell and can sit there together with Stalin, Hitler and Bin Laden. And the rest will run back to daddy russia like they did in Tadif.
Concerning SAA move on Afrin...
Few points should be put ahead...

ASSad gave a list of conditions to YPG, like having full control; no more weapons whatsoever, whatever in civilian or militia hands, and Afrin civilians to be incorporated into the conscripts...

By those few conditions... Turkey can't do anything about it... since it will put YPG/PKK with no power of actions. And therefore the Olive Branch op is no more.

Other may say..."But how can we be sure?" Well it's simple... Say Hi to Russia... they will mostly come ahead to check for it...

So all those TSK/FSA dead...will be for nothing... Again...
Let's hope Turkey do not care about this and continue (unlikely)... but you guys can stop fantasizing about TR going in frontal fight/war with ASSad... just stop right here... "If YPG accept ASSad condition of total surrender"...TR can't do anything..;they gonna swallow it and move on.
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