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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Kurdish sources are saying that they agreed on no fly zone againts Turkey but also on joint operations to take back land from Turkish controlled areas? I dont think Assad could have made such a mistake. I mean this is practically a reason to go to war. If this is true and Russia doesnt stops it, Turkey would have no choice but cooperate with US(who are eager for this) to directly clash with Assad.
Russia is against the agreement.
I would say we just ignore the “symbolic team” and steam through.
Symbolic team? Suicide team more correctly. And with what are they going to block the airspace for the TuAF? If they try to do something stupid the biggest success they will achieve is just promote our national weapon systems and put "combat proven" title on them.
fake news ther is no thing like symbolic team, if you want to fight then you fight. Lets assums assad make a deal with ypg, still we will bomb the hell and ther will be no no fly zone for us.
1. Assad closing the Air space?

Assad Air defence is dead. The Israelis saw to it and even with their Air Defence intact they needed 20 Rockets from S-200 to shoot down one F-16 who was on his way back to Israel.
S-400 are operated by Russia and they will never shoot at our jets.

2. Sending a couple militias to Afrin with two Flags in their hands won't save them from us. The goal is to isolate Afrin by cutting them off from the regime held areas which will happen sooner or later and then Afrin will be sieged and starved until they surrender or die. So Assad is sending his mercenaries to die.

3. We have seen what happened the last time iranian mercenaries attacked our troops it didn't end well for them.

4. Any provocation by Assad will be him signing his own death. And we know that he is stupid enough to do it.

Conclusion: The beating will continue without delay. I expect us to severe the connection to regime held areas over the next days. Either with 24/7 bombardmant of any vehicle entering the area or a push by rebels throught Minnag and Idlip.
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I wouldn't put anything past Assad and his Iranian funded mercenaries. Turkey should push into the Tel Rifaat strip. Especially Kafr Naya and Ahras to the south of Tel Rifaat. If Assadist forces get too cocky then its not far to Anadin from there and we can cut their necks off and isolate Zahra and Nubl.
The other strategic point would be the highlands to the south of Afrin. This would provide a direct line of view towards the roads in the plains going into Afrin city from Assad controlled areas.
At worst scenario, we should consider teaming up with Israel to completely wipe out all air defence systems and remaining planes of SAA.
Kurdish sources are saying that they agreed on no fly zone againts Turkey but also on joint operations to take back land from Turkish controlled areas? I dont think Assad could have made such a mistake. I mean this is practically a reason to go to war. If this is true and Russia doesnt stops it, Turkey would have no choice but cooperate with US(who are eager for this) to directly clash with Assad.
Exactly. That's why I believe this whole agreement is symbolic rather than a serious threat to us. Even if Assad sends few troops to Afrin, he'll be in power of Afrin city center at most. However, if this agreement is serious and Russia openly supports this, we have no other choice than work together with the US against Assad and eventually Russia. Is this really what Russia wants? I don't think so.
Assad and Iran have different interests than Russia. But luckily only Russia’s opinion matters. Iran is angry that it is not getting what it wants. The real problem is Iran. They want to use Kurdish card to put Turkey into a checkmate in Syria or at least limit Turkish influence as much as possible. If you remember they sent heavy equipment to Afrin. If I remember correctly: some knock-off TOW’s that destroyed couple of our tanks and that shitty Jeep thing with a tube on it. We need to get Assad away from Iran because in Deiz Assad can get much more than in Afrin. Afrin has nothing. Deiz has gas.
Assad and Iran have different interests than Russia. But luckily only Russia’s opinion matters. Iran is angry that it is not getting what it wants. The real problem is Iran. They want to use Kurdish card to put Turkey into a checkmate in Syria or at least limit Turkish influence as much as possible. If you remember they sent heavy equipment to Afrin. If I remember correctly: some knock-off TOW’s that destroyed couple of our tanks and that shitty Jeep thing with a tube on it. We need to get Assad away from Iran because in Deiz Assad can get much more than in Afrin. Afrin has nothing. Deiz has gas.
IRGC Maj Gen Yahya Rahim Safavi has already said Iran is exporting Syrian Phosphates, and is looking to take some of Syria's oil and gas fields too.
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