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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

The funny part is that some people sympathizing to the terror organization dont want to believe that we are kicking their asses and are thinking that we are going to lose and the most funny part is that the foreigners watching their propaganda videos are believing the same thing :D :D . I laughed when I entered youtube searching for some battle footage from the operation and saw videos with titles like "Turkey is losing badly against the Kurds in Syria" ahahah :D .

Thanks :tup:... this is Afrin every day! But they don't believe it...

New blood to Germande !



She is in hell now!
Dumuzi is not a source. He even said that "there are street clashes in jinderes, conquer is soon" in past, lmao. He is one little boy in his chair that makes up things in his mind.
Funny, what a coward and shameless people... Most of " DEMOCRATIC AND CIVILIZED countries supports that terrorists... Most of European people loves them, I can call it sympathy." bro they are brave and real WARRIORS. Ha ha ha look at them, oily dirty hair with stink. I am angry because seriously most of countries support that hewals. Everything about turkish hate and bu**hurt.
You don't know Arabs well

When an Arab is involved to a fight he will fight till the end. There is no time for negotiations or giving up regardless of the odds against you.

Also Arab tribal customs specify that if you kill a member of a tribe you are in a debt to them. So If Assad wants to take over that specific area without battle he better pay up and basically bow down to them. Otherwise only other option is to try take over militarily.
Reports that National Army FSA and Turkish Armed Forces captured Dervish Obashi from YPG militants
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