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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Those guys are really fake as f*ck!

They are a bunch of guys for black propoganda.

They are a MI6-affiliated ''neutral and impartial organisation'', and got some training from the AKUT (Arama Kurtarma Derneği).

The biggest army of the west is the media and values that are regularly violated by the creators on the ground, a small unit in the army to legit and cover the agenda under the values is seen in the clip you posted.

So we can just turn to Russia right?
The Russians will throw more mud at Turkey whenever the opportunity arises than they will do at the US who just took out hundreds of their men at Deir ezzur.

So PKK rats claimed that we used napalm in Afrin some days ago and now Kremlin’s fake news shitty medias talk about us using chemical weapons too... a photo of a couple guys breathing oxigen on a bed is enough to blame Turkey in using chemicals against the heroic BeKeKe. Did they ask them if they didn’t accidentally breathe some smoke from the burning tires some geniuses in Afrin use to hide them from drones. :D

This "attack" has to be up there alongside the cardboard tank as one of the most fake stunts to come out of the PKK fakist studios.

Last week-Napalm
Today-Toxic Gas
Next week-Nuklear???

i think they sniffed to much burning tires.
According to the PKK media accounts they've already trapped f16s above the skies of afrin, submarines have appeared on top of the mountains, so maybe next week they will show glowing green rabbits and claim its proof of a nuclear attack.
Man......It seems this Ghoutta of a place seems to have suffered alot during this Syrian conflict, daily barrel bombings for over 5 years, encirclement,besieged and starvation etc etc. How are they even surviving considering the massive imbalance of power(Assad Military, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and other shia militias from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq etc)?
I think they should just give it up. The Syrian revolution has been a total failure, and the country is already destroyed beyond return. Moreover foreign and regional powers are now the rule makers there. lol

You don't know Arabs well

When an Arab is involved to a fight he will fight till the end. There is no time for negotiations or giving up regardless of the odds against you.

Also Arab tribal customs specify that if you kill a member of a tribe you are in a debt to them. So If Assad wants to take over that specific area without battle he better pay up and basically bow down to them. Otherwise only other option is to try take over militarily.
New batch of AKM from Romania in hands of YPG
You don't know Arabs well

When an Arab is involved to a fight he will fight till the end. There is no time for negotiations or giving up regardless of the odds against you.

Also Arab tribal customs specify that if you kill a member of a tribe you are in a debt to them. So If Assad wants to take over that specific area without battle he better pay up and basically bow down to them. Otherwise only other option is to try take over militarily.
LoL. Just you made me smile. They are ready to give up untill you are ready to pay them.
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