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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

That’s not good and demoralized the ordinary soldier. They know, there are better stuffs, and get the feeling the government think more on money than life’s of soldiers.
Special forces has special operations. In general, it does not take much time to do the job , after that they remove from the battlefield, but ordinary soldier stay till war is over. The brunt is doing by these soldiers. It seems the government does not care much for these soldiers.

Why? is there a difference between the regular Army Uniforms and equippment of Germany, Turkey and the US?

in my opinion (Photos) all of them are equal equipped...

There is no country, where a normal Army Infantry Soldier has the same stuff like a Special Force Soldier.
Pro-Assad forces = it's not an official SAA force.

Likely a pro Iranian group. In addition, Assad was and still is against any kind of Turkish presence in Idlib but we deployed forces in Idlib because Russia approved it. Thé same thing is happening in Afrin. So, relax.
no solution for terrorists and their father USA

Insallah that is true, but all we can do is move with solid and cautious steps.

I hope they move out in a way that'll cause big headlines and major issues to PKK/YPG/PYD from Manbij.
Probably true, my initial impression was that Erdog. had backed down but there's no way he can do that. The public backlash would be intense.

Not sure about this too. We must be knew which men will guard Afrin and Manbji before to declare if this deal is for Turkey's interest or not.
Looks like the civilians are happy(8:26min)
River corssing(i think its the river Afrin)
Seems...ASSad/RU doesn't care about observation points...
Airstrike 20km behind 4 Observation points...

And East Ghouta offensive has started ...Get ready with the green buses and 350K+ refugees more in Idlib and indirectly a good chunk in TR... with few dozens of thousands dying in the process of the offensive...
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Seems...ASSad/RU doesn't care about observation points...
Airstrike 20km behind 4 Observation points...

And East Ghouta offensive has started ...Get ready with the green buses and 350K+ refugees more in Idlib and indirectly a good chunk in TR... with few dozens of thousands dying in the process of the offensive...

The moment when these guys claim "Turks kill civilians"...
Seems...ASSad/RU doesn't care about observation points...
Airstrike 20km behind 4 Observation points...

And East Ghouta offensive has started ...Get ready with the green buses and 350K+ refugees more in Idlib and indirectly a good chunk in TR... with few dozens of thousands dying in the process of the offensive...
Man......It seems this Ghoutta of a place seems to have suffered alot during this Syrian conflict, daily barrel bombings for over 5 years, encirclement,besieged and starvation etc etc. How are they even surviving considering the massive imbalance of power(Assad Military, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and other shia militias from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq etc)?
I think they should just give it up. The Syrian revolution has been a total failure, and the country is already destroyed beyond return. Moreover foreign and regional powers are now the rule makers there. lol
Man......It seems this Ghoutta of a place seems to have suffered alot during this Syrian conflict, daily barrel bombings for over 5 years, encirclement,besieged and starvation etc etc. How are they even surviving considering the massive imbalance of power(Assad Military, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and other shia militias from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq etc)?
I think they should just give it up. The Syrian revolution has been a total failure, and the country is already destroyed beyond return. Moreover foreign and regional powers are now the rule makers there. lol
Ghouta is hell on earth since 7 years now... they got gazed many times... bombed every day... starved to death... They don't even have enought place for their dead... A report spoke about bodies in some morgues since years now... few epidemics showed up there already... The only food that goes in is the UNHCR one... onlt problem... only 30-50% of it get there... etc...
The thing is... surrender to who? ASSad?... and if you say... that they should move to Idlib and such.... well it's a blockade...every agreement has been refused... to let them out...
So what is left? Death? Resistance? Surrender? in the End it's all the same... they will die...

The moment when these guys claim "Turks kill civilians"...
who said that? White helmets?

Those guys are really fake as f*ck!

They are a bunch of guys for black propoganda.
Try to not buy in propashit from RT... if you searched a little bit...instead of swallowing whatever you see...you will see that is an exercice...
Or maybe you want me to share them with half cut bodies? to satisfy your "Conspiracy theories"??

Sometimes ppl...
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