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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

these kurds are muslim or communist?
i feel more happy to cheer for turkey if they are communist

then, may Allah give victory to Turkey

The great majority of Kurds are very strict muslim. But the PKK which has been founded on the communist values and its western supporters are creating a percept image by the pictures, in which the terrorist females are always with no head scarf especially on the western media machine as if they are secular...

No matter what/which Allah they believe in, PKK/YPG is a terrorist organisation which sould be eliminated like ISIS.

Terrorism has nothing to do with religions.
Assad play with fire, they has to focus to capture petrol reserves from PYD at deirzzor first.
I see scenarios 1-3 as potential outcomes-

Erdogan says If SAA enters into Afrin, There would be some results for them. The operation will proceed How it is planned.
Erdogan says too many things ... what you couldn't reach your objective after 3 weeks of direct assault ...

I don’t think SAA will ever go in their and risk it just to protect YPG, and I don’t see how YPG would agree to the terms of completely handing over Afrin to SAA.
they want to cute your route to helping Al Qaede terrorist not helping YPG .... they want to take back control of their country ....

Iran is behind this- they probably influenced Assad to send troops into Afrin which is a mistake given how the SAA is thinly stretched. This is also an indication of the growing divide between Moscow and Tehran, interesting :)
Moscow by herself has no real power in ME ( soviet is long dead ) so they have to act according of our design or else if we lose , we will make sure they lose as well ... unfortunately , the old corrupted men in power did lost their wisdom and courage to play as active player and let to be used as card in hand of second and third level power in region ...
What I want to ask is how did the FSA lose control of Kobane, didnt the FSA go to kobane through Turkey to help the kurds fight back against Isis when the were right at Kobane's doorstep.

Did those fsa that helped the kurds defect and join the SDF? there is no fsa presence in kobane anymore or am i getting it all wrong.
What I want to ask is how did the FSA lose control of Kobane, didnt the FSA go to kobane through Turkey to help the kurds fight back against Isis when the were right at Kobane's doorstep.

Did those fsa that helped the kurds defect and join the SDF? there is no fsa presence in kobane anymore or am i getting it all wrong.

That was never the fsa, those were peshmerga forces. from iraqi kurdistan.
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