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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Apparently time is our ally, rushing, stress, panic, fallout is not our ally. And neither are they an ally of the enemy. Yet they can't stop from doing those things.

Pressuring them to even greater height of atrocities will only be in our favor, they won't have anywhere to hide. not even among the people when the time comes.

It's probably caused by the weather. cold and moist.

yeah, no. Your hair if you shower everday will never look like that other than you exercised before and we both know that isn't the case with those morons.

We will most likely storm all the bigger cities in one big swoop instead of one by one. This way they won't be able to send support to a single town. That is why they are first taking over the surrounding towns.
If the pace was like this from the beginning, we would be at the outskirts of Afrin by now.

I agree that Jindires and Raju should be assaulted simultanously and hopefully taken fast. This will silence the jokers.
It wasn't possible in the beginning since, the few new "armies" that joined Afrin op were fighting in Idlib/Hama front.
It's since TR completion of observation point in Idlib front...that things began to speed up (More manpower and equipment in the south front/Jinderes region) That gave TR another point of pressure for YPG, they had to widen their fronts, therefore decrease manpower in other fronts, like the North and West side... And then you get your snowball effect of unbalance of power and things fall faster and faster...

BUT... more the length of the front decrease, more concentrated YPG will be...Things could get slower, when TR/FSA get herself 10-15 km from Afrin city...but since it's mostly flat terrain... intense airstrikes will mostly be used in the outskirt of Afrin...to clean the advance.

And last you get an important Urban Warfare point , that will be Afrin city... that could extend the op for many weeks, if fortified enough and with Civilians inside.

I wonder if TR will open a corridor, when they get to Afrin city, the same used in Aleppo, a safe Road from Afrin to Azaz, that will be under Watch (TR/RU etc...) to give civilians inside, the chance to leave... That could also speed up the Op, by using less "precise" airstrikes to avoid civilians...and therefore could increase the "carpet bombing" effect...

That corridor is also interesting, on the international level... it will show TR goodwill in preserving civilian death and shut up those criticizing them...
We could even get a reverse support effect...if per exemple YPG, doesn't allow citizens to flee on that safe corridor...and therefore use the Civilian shield argument.
they should sue france for allowing violent groups to protest and if they already allowed them to protest, for failing to maintain public security
No one gonna sue no one...
Peaceful protest are allowed... and we don't even know if it was allowed in the first place...could be an illegal one.
M-60T1 tanks to Syria
By Dylan Malyasov

14, February, 2018
  Country: Syria,Turkey

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Turkey has sent an improved version of its M-60T1 (also known as Sabra ) tanks to Afrin, northwestern Syria.

The extensively upgraded M-60T1 tanks were spotted during deploy in Syria as part of a military operation in Afrin that aimed at establishing security and stability along Turkish borders and the region.

The M-60T1 feature a number of differences to the base’s version of M-60T Sabra tank. The improved version is equipped with new remote weapon platform, modern laser warning system, and optics surveillance system.

The new Remote Weapon Station (RWS) replaces at the left-back of the turret the M85 HMG weapon station and some source reported that could be a SARP RWS from the Aselsan company. Depending on the operational requirements, SARP can be equipped with 12.7mm machine gun, 40mm automatic grenade launcher or 7.62mm machine gun. Through its extensive surveillance and remote control capabilities, SARP enhances situational awareness of the gunner in his proximity while the vulnerability to attacks is decreased drastically.

More: Russia’s defence company develops advanced tactical vehicle for Airborne Forces

The M-60T1 is equipped with advanced TLUS laser warning system to detect, classify, identify and give warning of hostile laser threats aiming on the platform, in a very short time with high sensitivity. TLUS can activate the countermeasure systems available on the platform either directly or via a host computer.

More: U.S. Army selects BAE Systems to develop Advanced precision guidance kits for artillery shells

Also, on board of tanks installed a new DAS 360° Continuous Surveillance System with integrated uncooled thermal imagers and daylight TV cameras. The system is specifically designed for continuous stationary and mobile surveillance. According to the operation conditions, the user has the option to stick as many 3x sensor blocks as needed together to cover whole perimeter of the structure or vehicle for situational awareness.


1- SARP Remote Weapon Station, 2- TLUS laser warning system, 3 – DAS 360° Continuous Surveillance System
It wasn't possible in the beginning since, the few new "armies" that joined Afrin op were fighting in Idlib/Hama front.
It's since TR completion of observation point in Idlib front...that things began to speed up (More manpower and equipment in the south front/Jinderes region) That gave TR another point of pressure for YPG, they had to widen their fronts, therefore decrease manpower in other fronts, like the North and West side... And then you get your snowball effect of unbalance of power and things fall faster and faster...

BUT... more the length of the front decrease, more concentrated YPG will be...Things could get slower, when TR/FSA get herself 10-15 km from Afrin city...but since it's mostly flat terrain... intense airstrikes will mostly be used in the outskirt of Afrin...to clean the advance.

And last you get an important Urban Warfare point , that will be Afrin city... that could extend the op for many weeks, if fortified enough and with Civilians inside.

I wonder if TR will open a corridor, when they get to Afrin city, the same used in Aleppo, a safe Road from Afrin to Azaz, that will be under Watch (TR/RU etc...) to give civilians inside, the chance to leave... That could also speed up the Op, by using less "precise" airstrikes to avoid civilians...and therefore could increase the "carpet bombing" effect...

That corridor is also interesting, on the international level... it will show TR goodwill in preserving civilian death and shut up those criticizing them...
We could even get a reverse support effect...if per exemple YPG, doesn't allow citizens to flee on that safe corridor...and therefore use the Civilian shield argument.

I still have my doubts about Afrin city. I think offensive will get halted before it gets there. Either Russia will involve or we will stop due the civilian amassing in the city. And I still think its unnecessary to take Afrin itself. Surrounding it, clearing our borders and breaking the military development in the region would be more than enough. There will be a lot of civilian casualties and even after we take it, controlling it will be problematic as its populated by predominantly pro-pkk Kurds.
They are openly coming to fight againts us, I hope our air force dont just sit and watch that convoy arrive to Afrin?
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