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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Afrin city center will be encircled in coming days: Erdoğan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Feb. 20 that the city center of Syria’s Afrin will be “encircled” in the coming days by advancing Turkish soldiers and members of the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

Erdoğan was speaking at the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) weekly parliamentary group meeting in Ankara
Afrin city center will be encircled in coming days: Erdoğan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Feb. 20 that the city center of Syria’s Afrin will be “encircled” in the coming days by advancing Turkish soldiers and members of the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

Erdoğan was speaking at the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) weekly parliamentary group meeting in Ankara

What does that mean? Afrin city is already "some sort of " encircled already...
Or does he mean , in few days, they will get to Afrin gates?

If it's the latter...Then...I don't think they will get to Afrin gates in few days... (only if all YPG forces withdraw from all surrounding points...in a night...)
Afrin city center will be encircled in coming days: Erdoğan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Feb. 20 that the city center of Syria’s Afrin will be “encircled” in the coming days by advancing Turkish soldiers and members of the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

Erdoğan was speaking at the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) weekly parliamentary group meeting in Ankara

The last speech of him was brutal for US " A liar, cheater country " ... We are close to see the bottom of the ties if we haven't already.
I really don't get these european politicians. They want to demonize Turkey, yet they complain about immigrants in general. So why don't they use this opportunity to arrest these "terrorist" supporters, sentence them, and then evict them from the country. Send them back to where they came from be it Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria ?

They would be getting rid of Immigrants who're almost begging for it. It's difficult to tell a real turk from a european. Only the name gives us away. If my name had been Thomas they wouldn't know I am a turk.
I really don't get these european politicians. They want to demonize Turkey, yet they complain about immigrants in general. So why don't they use this opportunity to arrest these "terrorist" supporters, sentence them, and then evict them from the country. Send them back to where they came from be it Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria ?

They would be getting rid of Immigrants who're almost begging for it. It's difficult to tell a real turk from a european. Only the name gives us away. If my name had been Thomas they wouldn't know I am a turk.
UE Jews tried this method of "namechanging"... But it didn't work... You know the end story...

And for your first Q... UE countries are under the rule of Law... YOu can't throw out ppl like that...even more when the majority of Turks are bi-nationals...
As for Migrants... only the asylum seekers are allowed...the other...they are getting them (as they could) out of their countries...
SAA:We are going to Afrin!!!

Turkey: We will bomb you the second you enter the region

SAA: We are staying here!

SAA: It's our chance to retake some lands, let's seek a deal with YPG, they will mostly say yes, since TR is coming to them
YPG: Come, but we stay as we are.
SAA: No, you need to surrender to us.
YPG: NO, but we can make it work, I promise
SAA: Ok, but at least, I take the building, few weapons etc...

"Turkey advancing, and RU on their side"

YPG: Ok, come

"SAA send some "troops" to check the water"
"Turkey and RU not happy"
"SAA, refute the news"
"YPG do not"
"SAA publish TR friendly conditions"
"YPG refute"
"TR not happy"
"YPG push SAA to come"


"TR ask 100% proof, of YPG ends" -- TR can't legitimate her action if YPG is out the equation.--
"SAA can't give any guarantee"
"RU don't want to butt in and Keep the deal as Day 1"

TR: "WE are going to Afrin"


Op Continue.
In my Opinion. Olive branch forces should carry out a military operation in Rajo and Cinderes at the same time..and the operation must end at the same time... this will cause big impact on YPG.
If the pace was like this from the beginning, we would be at the outskirts of Afrin by now.

I agree that Jindires and Raju should be assaulted simultanously and hopefully taken fast. This will silence the jokers.
In my Opinion. Olive branch forces should carry out a military operation in Rajo and Cinderes at the same time..and the operation must end at the same time... this will cause big impact on YPG.
It would cause a bigger pressure on YPG and Assad to cooperate. It's better to liberate all the villages around the greater settlements first.
If the pace was like this from the beginning, we would be at the outskirts of Afrin by now.

I agree that Jindires and Raju should be assaulted simultanously and hopefully taken fast. This will silence the jokers.

Or would it have? Perhaps the slow approach allowed Ypg to lose heavy casualties, lose morale, tunnels, bunkers, arms catches, cut supplies to the point that they are in heavy panic right now resulting in the collapse of their lines
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