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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I don't see genocidal shia freaks as humans just like I don't see genocidal sunni freaks as humans. Well all know what those people want to do and have done to sunnis,christians and even shias themselves who didn't want any part in their genocide. Don't play naive.

The solution is not to kill every one of them but to take power, restore order. They will fade back to civil society, fixing their brains is a long-term process that involves altering/minimizing religious influence over society. The problem lies within the religious teachings. Killing won't stop it, unless you kill like 70% of the region.
BTW, negotiations between Assad and YPG are still ongoing. Especially pro Iranian elements within the Assad government and military are eager to enter Afrin.
The solution is not to kill every one of them but to take power, restore order. They will fade back to civil society, fixing their brains is a long-term process that involves altering/minimizing religious influence over society. The problem lies within the religious teachings. Killing won't stop it, unless you kill like 70% of the region.

Those people are long gone. The US didn't try to help most nazi officers, they hung them and never looked back. That is how you deal with radical freaks not by talking to them. They sure as hell didn't talk while they were killing children just because they had their homes in rebel areas.

No mention of Afrin. Looks like Putin doesn't care if we bomb iranian militias to pieces. Better even for him, this way he can get Iran better under control.
Those people are long gone. The US didn't try to help most nazi officers, they hung them and never looked back. That is how you deal with radical freaks not by talking to them. They sure as hell didn't talk while they were killing children just because they had their homes in rebel areas.

You launch a military operation, overwhelm the enemy. The hardcore terrorists will remain, they will die. Some will blend back with civil population starting a guerilla warfare, also they have to be eliminated. A large portion will return back to civil life, they've to be educated.. this time not religious education. Low-intensity long-term military operations to kill them doesn't end any of it, the supply of terrorists will be endless as some factors such as revenge will keep making for new recruits to terror groups as we can see in Syria where the war has not been ending.

Overwhelming them in a quick large-offensive OP is a lot more successful, cleaner and less bloody. Infact many of the anti OS operations were slow, block by block for the reason as they said (civillians are among them) however this might have been cleaner if cities were invaded from multiple directions with large numbers of conventional forces.
Those people are long gone. The US didn't try to help most nazi officers, they hung them and never looked back. That is how you deal with radical freaks not by talking to them. They sure as hell didn't talk while they were killing children just because they had their homes in rebel areas.

No mention of Afrin. Looks like Putin doesn't care if we bomb iranian militias to pieces. Better even for him, this way he can get Iran better under control.

But its not Iranian backed Militias that will be entering, its SAA so you will just be killing sunnis, and by following your logic the only solution is to kill all sunnis and shias, may as well wipe syria off the map and let the Christians rebuild it.
Syrian army to help Kurdish forces repel Turkish offensive in Afrin: reports
The Damascus government and Kurdish forces have reportedly agreed to join forces in Afrin to counter an ongoing Turkish offensive. Syrian state media report that the deployment of pro-regime troops is imminent.

Damascus will deploy its militia fighters to Afrin "within the next few hours" to reinforce Kurds against the Turkish offensive, Syrian state agency SANA reported on Monday morning.

The move aims to "support the steadfastness of its people in confronting the aggression which Turkish regime forces have launched on the region," SANA said, citing its correspondent in Aleppo. Syrian state television also announced that the deployment was imminent, without providing details.

Read more: German Kurds protest Turkey's Afrin assault in Cologne


Turkey's foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu reacted by saying any Syrian fighters deployed to "cleanse" the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and its Syrian offshoot the Democratic Union Party (PYD) would have "no problems," but if they enter to defend the Kurdish militia known as the People's Protection Units (YPG), which Turkey considers a terrorist organization linked to the PKK, then "nothing and nobody can stop us or Turkish soldiers.

"This is true for Afrin, Manbij and the east of the Euphrates River," Cavusoglu added. Manbij is a second Kurdish-controlled enclave in Syria close to the Turkish border.

Last month, Ankara launched an operation against the YPG which controls Afrin.

Read more: Turkey's military offensive against Kurdish-held Afrin: What you need to know


Russian President Vladimir Putin with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara, December 2017

Erdogan and Putin to 'cooperate in fight against terrorism'

The Turkish and Russian presidents discussed the latest developments in Syria and agreed to cooperate in the fight against terrorism, according to Turkish broadcaster Haberturk. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on the phone on Monday, with the Syrian regions of Afrin and Idlib the main topic of conversation.

Monday's developments come a day after a senior Kurdish official told Reuters that the Kurds had reached a deal with Damascus.

The agreement, supposedly brokered by Russia, further complicates the conflict in Northern Syria as rivalries and alliances among Kurdish forces, the Syrian government, rebel factions, Turkey, the United States and Russia become more entangled.

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What the Kurds said

  • The agreement allows paramilitaries allied with the Syrian government to enter Afrin to support the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) in fending off Turkish forces, the DPA news agency reported, citing an anonymous source.
  • Badran Jia Kurd, an adviser to the Kurdish-led administration in northern Syria, told Reuters that Syrian army troops would deploy along some border positions in the Afrin region.
  • Jia Kurd said the agreement with Damascus on Afrin was strictly military with no wider political arrangements, but added: "We can cooperate with any side that lends us a helping hand in light of barbaric crimes and the international silence."
  • Jia Kurd said there is opposition to the deal that could prevent it from being implemented.
Read more: Are Turkey and Russia at odds in northern Syria?

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What does this mean? The Damascus government and Kurdish forces each hold more territory than any other side in the Syrian civil war. Their cooperation could be pivotal as to how the conflict unfolds.

What is the Afrin conflict? Ankara launched an air and ground offensive on the Afrin region in January against the YPG militia. It views the YPG as terrorists with links to an armed insurrection in Turkey. For the Turkish government, attacking Afrin is about assuring geopolitical interests and domestic security.

Are Kurdish goals compatible with Syria's? President Bashar al-Assad's government and the YPG have mostly avoided direct conflict. However, they have occasionally clashed and have very different visions for Syria's future. Both believe in a possibility for a long-term agreement, but Assad has said he wants to take back the whole country.

How powerful are the Kurds? Since the onset of Syria's conflict in 2011, the YPG and its allies have established three autonomous cantons in the north, including Afrin near the Turkish border. Their sphere of influence has expanded as they seized territory from the "Islamic State" group with the help of the US. However, Washington opposes the Kurds' political ambitions, as does the Syrian government.

What happens next? Jia Kurd has said forces are to arrive in two days, but the deal has not been confirmed.

Read more: Who are the Kurds?

Why do the Kurds want help from the Syrian government? "Over the years of the conflict, the Kurds have managed to manoeuvre about, sometimes with the rebels, sometimes with the regime," said Bente Scheller from the Heinrich Böll Foundation. "We also saw a long time back that not only the United States wanted to support them as a large international power, but Russia did too. So the Kurds looked for states and powers that support them because they have a lot at stake."

Is the Kurdish-Syrian alliance a beneficial one? "I think in the case of Afrin at any rate," said Scheller, "because there it is very clear that Turkey has decided it has to carry through with an offensive, and the Kurds are in a very difficult position here. Of course, they have support from the other Kurdish-dominated parts of Syria, but obviously they feel this is not enough. There have also been air raids by Turkey and I think this has resulted in their turning to the regime for help."

How does the future look? "As the Syrian conflict escalates and becomes more complex, more individual states consider it necessary to intervene," said Scheller. "Turkey claims it needs to clear all terrorist activity from the other side of its border, but this does not justify crossing the border with its own military."

"We are not likely to see peace for a long time."
I don’t think SAA will ever go in their and risk it just to protect YPG, and I don’t see how YPG would agree to the terms of completely handing over Afrin to SAA.
Iran is behind this- they probably influenced Assad to send troops into Afrin which is a mistake given how the SAA is thinly stretched. This is also an indication of the growing divide between Moscow and Tehran, interesting :)
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