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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

deploy 500k soldiers into Afrin, Idlib, and Manbij.. and call it a day:D

In proxy warfare deploying huge numbers is not smart.

If Turkey wants to speed it up it could use more air strikes but that would up the costs and civilian casualties.

Personally I don’t like the slow advance but I think it is a good strategy for Afrin. PKK had 5 years to fortify Afrin. There are booby traps everywhere. Slow advance is right for Afrin.

Only downside is that somebody is arming YPG. We need to cut the logistics to Afrin. That is the thing I’m worried about.
Coulnt they hit that convoy? I mean their coming was announced previously, we knew that they left Kobane to reach Afrin. Roads should have been scouted.
We should immediately capture mountainous parts of Afrin to move the battle into flat terrains, since those mountain whores won’t have a chance out of mountains. It is not important their numbers.
Yes, but reinforcement will boost the PKK troops already in the mountainous areas and could even open new fronts... like one in Tel rifaat region or even South Afrin front... That will push FSA to spread across the entire length of the front... a scenario like that will make lines more easely breakable...
But if they stay in Afrin and don't join the mountains or open new fronts...then it's ok...since it will eb flat and easily striked.

If this reinforcemnt occured... it means more will come later on...
If TR is not fast enough at taking those high grounds in the coming week... thing could lead to longer op with unfortunaly more casualities...

But let's wait and see, TR answer in the coming days on the ground and her answer to RU..;since it's the one allowing those convoy in...

Coulnt they hit that convoy? I mean their coming was announced previously, we knew that they left Kobane to reach Afrin. Roads should have been scouted.
No...they passed via ASSad/RU areas...
This is humorous, we know that the PKK is getting reinforced, and we know each and very road that leads to Afrin, send in armed drones to take care of business.
This is humorous, we know that the PKK is getting reinforced, and we know each and very road that leads to Afrin, send in armed drones to take care of business.
Roads leading to Afrin from Manbij...are under RU/ASSad control...
You cant strike a convoy without intelligence on the ground, as seen in the pictures those are civilian cars, should Turkey just randomly bomb cars on the streets?
Theres already enough propaganda circulating on the net we shouldnt give them even more material, if Turkey didnt strike it even thought it was no secret then there is a reason for it.
You cant strike a convoy without intelligence on the ground, as seen in the pictures those are civilian cars, should Turkey just randomly bomb cars on the streets?
Theres already enough propaganda circulating on the net we shouldnt give them even more material, if Turkey didnt strike it even thought it was no secret then there is a reason for it.
Hundreds of car coming to Afrin for Tourism?
And even FSA is using civilian cars to move around...
TR can't bomb them, even if they are YPG/PKK inside it... since those "cars" pass throu' Regime held territories, diretcly via Manbij (TR can't strike, neither in Manbij area, neither in Regime held ones...) And they blend among "real" civilian cars as you said.

in the End it's difficult...
Hundreds of car coming to Afrin for Tourism?
And even FSA is using civilian cars to move around...
TR can't bomb them, even if they are YPG/PKK inside it... since those "cars" pass throu' Regime held territories, diretcly via Manbij (TR can't strike, neither in Manbij area, neither in Regime held ones...) And they blend among "real" civilian cars as you said.

in the End it's difficult...
The only solution is to cut Afrin point of contact from regime held area.
Roads leading to Afrin from Manbij...are under RU/ASSad control...

yes but they will enter Afrin, just monitor the points going into Afrin with drone, and other intelligence resources on the ground and pull the trigger or send in the spec op sniper teams to take out with drone/air cover.
yes but they will enter Afrin, just monitor the points going into Afrin with drone, and other intelligence resources on the ground and pull the trigger or send in the spec op sniper teams to take out with drone/air cover.
You can't... the convoy will spread most likely when they exit Regime held areas...

The only solution is to cut Afrin point of contact from regime held area.
But there is no ongoing op in that area... It seems The mountain areas are a priority for TSK, therefore the lack of op in Tel rifaat and South Afrin.
It's understandable, Since PKK/YPG are most effective in mountainous areas... and they can't let themself spread the front line even more.

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