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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I think the other way, Fast attack will reduce causality count, because this will not allow PKK to assemble themselves after they loose from one ground. In slow and careful way if you throw them out from one place and don't go after them in hot pursuit, the will get enough time to prepare for defense in next location.

I think they have layered defense so they don’t retreat to reassemble. They got their defense lines already ready. Your technique would work if the area wasn’t mined, fortified and boobytrapped. Unfortunately on top of these things, they know the geography better because it is their turf.
Turkish forces in Idlib province clashed with Syrian army, exchanging fire

TLF advances in Idlib :









They are not advancing, but moving to the deescalation points that were agreed up on in Astana and Assads militas fired and killed one of our soldiers today. Shame on you, attacking a peacekeeping mission.
They are not advancing, but moving to the deescalation points that were agreed up on in Astana and Assads militas fired and killed one of our soldiers today. Shame on you, attacking a peacekeeping mission.
I just saw a brief report, didn't know that

Peacekeeping in Syrian territory sounds ridiculous, you know better than me, that's an act of invasion. Syrians may one day ask Iran or Turkey or even Russia to leave but i don't think that they would agree with losing some lands to a foreign country
I just saw a brief report, didn't know that

Peacekeeping in Syrian territory sounds ridiculous, you know better than me, that's an act of invasion. Syrians may one day ask Iran or Turkey or even Russia to leave but i don't think that they would agree with losing some lands to a foreign country

Are you suddenly against Turkey because we are meddling with lran-backed forces? Most of the current regime *manpower* consists of foreign militias so l wouldn't call it an "invasion". Russia and Turkey made a deal and the armed forces are moving according to that agreement only this is something lran don't want so they fire on Turkish forces and threaten Turkey to stop the Afrin operation. Assad letting through YPG militias going through regime-controlled areas to reach Afrin also shows no good intentions from their side. lf anything Turkey should support wide-scale operations in ldlib.
Turkish Army fired TRG-300 TIGER guided Rockets on Iran backed militia forces in Aleppo

Roketsan TRG-300 TIGER guided MLRS

Diameter : 300 mm
Maximum Range : 120 km
Warhead Weight : 105 kg
Warhead Effective Radius : 70 m
Guidance : Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Inertial Navigation System (INS)
Entered service : 2016

Last couple of days there is almost no advancement but at the same time the deadliest days for our troops. I wonder what is happening or what they aren’t telling us.
Just annex North Syria. Create conditions for the refugees to return.

Eliminate terrorists and their sponsors once and for all.

Hesitation will cost Turkey strategic defeat in the long run.

Let this Assad rule Damscus only.

Let the Russians keep their port in Syria.... what does Turkey care about that....

But this time finish the job. North Syria must be annexed for good!
Most of them can't even fight. Don't understand why some are getting angsty over this. pkk was hoping for airstrikes to destroy the convoy so they could use "TURKEY KILLING PEACEFUL CHRISTIAN;JEWISH;HINDU KURDS". 90% of those who came to afrin will go back to where they came from over the next days and the rest will stay in the city. Believe me pkk was praying so hard that we strike that convoy.

Also wouldn't suprise me one bit if 90% of the vehicles were empty.
Man.......... this conflict is really complex. Alliances are intertwined and changes according to events on the ground. Every player have their own interests and proxies. The Syrian conflict is a huge mess.:lol:

Anyway, its interesting to see that Assad and Iran(with its militias/proxies) have a conflict of interests with Turkey's involvement in Syria, hence the few clashes we have witnessed between both sides. It will be interesting to see how things will unfold this coming weeks.
If this operation is going to take months it will be a huge PR stunt for PKK. They will say they held back the Turkish army for months like Armenians did at Musa dağ during WW1.

Advantages of crushing PKK fast: destroying moral which means faster disintegration in Tal Abyad or Manbij,
The US and NATO will stop supporting them if they see they are no match for the Turkish army.

Disadvantages of crushing PKK fast:
High death toll.
Im now thinking that turks just dont want afrin at all......the slow advance of their army is frustatingly laughable.....

Ps :Im hardcore anti pkk/ypg/sdf or whatever names they put on it....but wtf turkey what took you so long?? If you continue to advance slowly like this the pkk kurds are gonna handover efrin to assad. In the end of the day kurds be like .....we defeat the turks biji biji biji.....arent you concerned about this??

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