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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

All that talking by the world leader Erdoğan and the Americans still do what they want to do. When is he going to understand words don’t mean much in international diplomacy. He keeps repeating “Americans promised me this and that”. As long as it is not on paper (a treaty) it doesn’t mean much legally. Unfortunately Turkey is paying the price for being ruled by an uneducated hill billy from the Black Sea.

Stop trying to chance this topic in to an political topic.
He's got a point though. Erdogan's policies over the years have been sh*t. He could've finished this mess before it even started, but he 'got tricked'. Now there's 10s of thousands of PKK/KCK terrorists on the other side of the border. It's almost as if he wanted this to happen.

And this is a millitary topic. Post technical releated issues. There are other topic's where you can release your anger about politics.
And this is a millitary topic. Post technical releated issues. There are other topic's where you can release your anger about politics.
I agree. But you should also tell off those who praise Erdogan on this topic as well.

We should start using our new guided rocket artillery to target terrorists that are hiding in the city. Because if we use airstrikes they will try to make propaganda that we're targeting civilians. With GUIDED rocket artillery they literally don't have an argument against us. We could pinpoint and destroy targets with the guided version of the TR-300 MLRS and it'll just appear as if we're using normal artillery. Plus I really want to see it in action.
It was not Erdoğan but FM Davutoglu that got us into this mess.

However let’s not forget at the start of the Syrian civil war it really looked like Assad would fall so siding with a dead regime would have been political suicide, the problem was the opposition got hijacked by American pawns ISIS and PKK. You guys talk as if we had good relations with Syria, we never did, they were supporting our terrorists for the past 30 years.

PKK said they would surrender during the peace process (I don’t I agree with this policy one bit). That was a complete mistake on the governments shoulders.

We have to look at the NOW not the PAST, taking out Afrin leaves the Kurds and US with only 1 option that is the Jordanian border if that works we are f***** again but if it were the hijacked CHPKK government (who can’t call YPG terrorists) south eastern Turkey would have been a Kurdshitistan right now.
Again a Atgm strike against a Turkish tank being used in a stationary position.
Again a Atgm strike against a Turkish tank being used in a stationary position.

Tank was destroyed in Bulbul region. Hopefully no deaths on our side.

*Correction: Doesn’t look like it was destroyed but took a big hit. Dumb admin on LiveUAMap is pro-YPG
Why Turkey sends its convoy to construct a base in Al-Eis? Kurds ain't there ..
Iran, Turkey, Russia already agreed de-conflictation zone in Astana Agreement. Turkish government was late to impose those observation points. More points to be created around idlib in future to ensure sides are not fighting.

Turkey doesn't want 3 million more refugees, so the civil war is over for Idlib. Northern hama is another story.

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