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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Those stockpiles of ATGMs, RPGs and other weapons were almost certainly taken from ISIS by the Kurds. ISIS overran much of Syria and got most of their weapons from Syrian stockpiles. I remember Isis captured tanks, and crates full of machine guns, mortars and many other weapons from Palmyra. Many Syrian military bases and outposts were overran.

People here also forget that the "FSA" and other "rebels" often worked and still work with ISIS and Al-Quida groups; it's the same jihadists trash and the end of the day that commit the same atrocities and often defect from one group to another. In any case this is where some of those weapons come from.
Try again... are re-read previous tweet...
After that you can bury those "Isis" theories... and keep them later on...
FSA or pro-TR rebels are ISIS for ASSad/RU...
And try to not take TR or others for dumba**es... no one is stupid in this conflict... Everypower in the region involved knows what each others are doing and for what...
Try again... are re-read previous tweet...
After that you can bury those "Isis" theories... and keep them later on...

Learn to spell and convey your message in proper English and compile a coherent sentence before acting like a drama queen. You implied that Russia and Assad supplied those weapons.

And what Isis theories? You are the one pushing some stupid conspiracies. It's a fact that ISIS overran countless Syrian military bases and that many "FSA rebels" have defected to ISIS or worked hand in hand with them.


Up to 3,000 Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters have defected from the organization and given ba’yah (religious payment; servitude) to the self-proclaimed Caliph of the Islamic State


Defection to the jihadists has been going on for years. Mahmoud, a former prisoner of the Syrian regime who used to work for the FSA, now runs safe houses in Turkey for foreign fighters looking to join Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS.

He said he wasn’t an extremist, just practical. “Many of my friends are doing the same now,” he said.

“[ISIS] is the only solution for us. If Obama had given support to the FSA things would have been different.”

Below are some pictures of Syrian stockpiles of weapons that ISIS stole. Much of the weapons are now in the hands of the Kurds. Assad, Russia and the Kurds are all bittter enemies of ISIS. The FSA and ISIS are butt buddies and have a long history of coordinating and even calling each other brothers.

Iran and Syria are weary of Kurds. There is no coordination or cooperation between the two, in fact there has been minor skirmishes. Russia has some diplomatic contacts with Kurds but have not given them any offensive weapons.

Isis looting Syrian bases:


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Turkish troops, Free Syrian Army clear another village
Operation Olive Branch in full force as Haj Bilal village near Shaykh al-Hadid town in western Afrin cleared of PYD/PKK


By Levent Tok, Said Ibicioglu and Omer Koparan

AZAZ, Syria

Turkish troops and Free Syrian Army (FSA) on Sunday liberated Haj Bilal village from PYD/PKK terrorists as part of Operation Olive Branch, Turkish security forces told Anadolu Agency.

The village is near Shaykh al-Hadid town in western Afrin district in northern Syria.

The liberated village marks the 32nd location that has been freed from terrorists since the beginning of Operation Olive Branch 16 days ago. A town center and 21 villages are among the locations liberated.

Earlier on Sunday, Turkish forces and FSA fighters liberated the Haruz hill in northern Afrin.

Turkey on Jan. 20 launched Operation Olive Branch to remove PYD/PKK and Daesh terrorists from Afrin.

According to Turkish General Staff, the operation aims to establish security and stability along Turkish borders and the region as well as to protect the Syrian people from the oppression and cruelty of terrorists.

The operation is being carried out under the framework of Turkey’s rights based on international law, UN Security Council’s decisions, self-defense rights under the UN charter and respect for Syria's territorial integrity, the military said.

The military has also said that only terrorist targets are being destroyed and "utmost care" is being taken to not harm any civilians.

Afrin has been a major hideout for the PYD/PKK since July 2012 when the Assad regime in Syria left the city to the terror group without putting up a fight.

Operation stalled for a bit it seems? Very little progress so far.
Turkish soldiers rescue two elderly folk left for dead by YPG in Afrin


An elderly man and woman in their 80s were rescued by Turkish security forces over the weekend, after being left to die by the PKK terrorist organization's Syrian affiliate, the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its armed wing the People's Protection Units (YPG), in Afrin's Bilal Agha village.

The security forces came across Ahmad Hannan, 82, and Azime Hussain, 80, in two separate houses as they were conducting searches in the village liberated from YPG terrorists as part of Operation Olive Branch against the terrorist group.

They were both taken to a public hospital in the Hassa district of Turkey's Hatay province by armored ambulances after security personnel transferred them to the medics.

"They came and looted our home," Hannan said, adding that the PKK-affiliate group had oppressed the locals and instilled fear in the region. "Turkish troops won in our village, they rescued us."

After their initial check-ups at the hospital, medical personnel said that Hannan was blind in his left eye, while he also had difficulty seeing with his right eye.

Hussain, on the other hand, had no immediate health problems.

Both Hannan and Hussain were later placed in a nursing home in Antakya of Hatay province.

Security forces said the two elderly persons were desperately in need of food and they were found after the village was liberated in very poor condition.

Recently, in another incident, Turkish soldiers rescued a disabled woman in the Hammam town in Syria's northwestern district of Afrin, where she was also left to die by the YPG and was found during searches in homes after the town was liberated.

The woman was initially brought, via one of the Turkish Ministry of Health's armored ambulances, to the first aid tent of Turkey's National Medical Research Team (UMKE) set up on the border. After an initial check-up, she was also referred to a state hospital in Hatay.

All that talking by the world leader Erdoğan and the Americans still do what they want to do. When is he going to understand words don’t mean much in international diplomacy. He keeps repeating “Americans promised me this and that”. As long as it is not on paper (a treaty) it doesn’t mean much legally. Unfortunately Turkey is paying the price for being ruled by a hill billy from the Black Sea.

What price is Turkey paying? One missile on a Tank is that it. That is a price every Turkish soldier is willing to pay for his country and USA has always been a back stabber every one knows that very well.
What price is Turkey paying? One missile on a Tank is that it. That is a price every Turkish soldier is willing to pay for his country and USA has always been a back stabber every one knows that very well.

Before Erdoğan came to power PKK was nonexisting. They formally surrendered and there was only 500 rogue militants somewhere in the mountains of Iraq. Today PKK has more than 80 000 troops. The Americans will do what they will do best but every leader is fully responsible for their own country.
Before Erdoğan came to power PKK was nonexisting. They formally surrendered and there was only 500 rogue militants somewhere in the mountains of Iraq. Today PKK has more than 80 000 troops. The Americans will do what they will do best but every leader is fully responsible for their own country.
The PKK getting power outside of Turkey is not Erdogan's fault how can you blame him for PKK getting into power out side Turkey. USA is a devil that is trying to carve a new country in the region. In every military operation there are always hurdles. We Pakistani faced many hurdles in our military operations in the west and USA did it's best to take advantage of the situation but with constant commitment we succeeded. Patience my friend and wait for your forces to do their job they will get victory. this is nothing odd some days in this operation will bring bad news but most days will bring good news. Just pray for the good being and victory of Turkish soldiers in your prayers.

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