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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Brother , believe it, I don't know the deals made.
Ayn al Arab is the ammo depot of YPG/PKK.
Akcakale is also an option. M4 highway is the key for the operations

With more risk, because of Ayn-al Arab. Akcakale is the shorter way to Raqqa.
With more risk, because of Ayn-al Arab. Akcakale is the shorter way to Raqqa.

Sorry. I want only answer " No Risk no Fun"! Ich kann es Dir nicht sagen oder nachvollziehen. Ich würde sonst alle bekannten Quellen, solange diese nicht unter Spionage fallen, zitieren. Alles Gute

"Last minute Turks"! Unfortunately
Sorry. I want only answer " No Risk no Fun"! Ich kann es Dir nicht sagen oder nachvollziehen. Ich würde sonst alle bekannten Quellen, solange diese nicht unter Spionage fallen, zitieren. Alles Gute

I think we will see the "fun" in the near future.
US expands air base in northern Syria for use in battle for Raqqa

WASHINGTON – The Air Force has expanded an air base in northern Syria to assist in the fight to retake the city of Raqqa from the Islamic State, U.S. Central Command said.

The base is near Kobani, which is about 90 miles north of Raqqa, the last urban stronghold for ISIS in Syria. It gives the United States an additional location to launch aircraft to support U.S. and other anti-ISIS forces in the campaign to recapture the city, said Col. John Thomas, a spokesman for Central Command.

Airmen from the 621st Contingency Response Group needed to expand and modify the airstrip at Kobani, which had been used by U.S. forces limitedly, because the condition of the runway curtailed what types of aircraft could land there.

Prior to making the airstrip at Kobani more versatile, the closest operating air facilities to support coalition operations were bases in Turkey at Incirlik and Diyarbakir.

Gen. Carlton Everhart II, who leads U.S. Air Mobility Command, said airmen from the 621st group have supported anti-ISIS coalition forces on the ground in Syria and the base enables aircraft to deliver critical supplies, equipment and help position forces.

“It brings things closer to the fight,” Thomas said.

The airmen entered Syria in November on a C-130 that landed on an airstrip of crushed rock, said Senior Master Sgt. Chris Wright, who led the 621st group’s security forces on that mission.

The Air Force’s contingency response group is tasked with landing on austere airfields so it can prepare them to receive aircraft and forces. Much of the time, the group is setting up airfields to respond to a humanitarian crisis, but has deployed three times during Operation Inherent Resolve.

In 2016, the group established the Kobani airfield in Syria and also set up an airfield at Qayarrah West in northern Iraq to support the fight against ISIS in Mosul. In 2015, it established an airstrip at al-Taqaddum to support Iraq’s battle for Ramadi.

“We set up the airfield from scratch,” Wright said of the airfield at Kobani, noting that when the unit first arrived just a few days after Army forces did, there were only a few aircraft. Since then, “it’s increased significantly,” he said.

Wright and a contingent of civil engineers, security forces and intelligence personnel were deployed temporarily to expand the base to “support every type of airframe across the [Defense Department] spectrum,” Wright said. They lived in tents and ate Meals Ready to Eat, known as MREs, for 45 days, he said.

The Kobani airstrip has been modified to support not only C-130s, which are able to land in most difficult environments, but also C-17s, which need a more hardened runway to support their weight, and other aircraft, Thomas said.

“There are pretty significant parallels between the landing strip near Kobani for the Raqqa battlespace and [Qayarrah West] for Mosul,” Thomas said, noting both bases are “out of enemy range but close to the fight. It helps.”

Last week, Voice of America reported the United States was assessing another airstrip near the newly retaken Tabqa Dam, north of Raqqa.

Because the contingency response group was deployed in Syria for fewer than 120 days, the group was not included in the mandated 503-troop limit for U.S. forces in Syria.

There are about 1,500 airmen in the 621st Contingency Response Group, but only a fraction of them will deploy to set up an airfield. The Air Force did not specify how many airmen deployed to Syria.

The Pentagon is assessing whether the troop limit in Syria should remain, since there are numerous categories of deployments that are not included in it, such as some special forces. If the limit is lifted, the Pentagon could provide a more accurate account of how many U.S. forces are in the country.


Next phase of Euphrates Shield operation to include Iraq: President Erdoğan
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said April 5, suggesting that Turkey would move on areas in Iraq.

Speaking in a joint interview with NTV and Star, Erdoğan described the Euphrates Shield Operation as the first stage of Turkey’s counter-terrorism road map, saying expanded stages would follow.

A future operation will have “not [only] a Syrian dimension, [but] also an Iraqi dimension. There are the Tal Afar and Sinjar situations [in Iraq]. We also have kin in Mosul,” he said, referring to Turkmens.

Launched in August 2016 and carried out with Free Syrian Army support, the Euphrates Shield aimed to improve security, support coalition forces and eliminate the terror threat along the Turkish border.

It ended on March 29 after Turkey lost around 70 soldiers.

Erdoğan said the situation was worse in Iraq’s Sinjar region, saying the city is about to become the “second Kandil” for the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), referring to its headquarters in Iraq’s Kandil Mountains.

“There are around 2,500 PKK terrorists attempting to create this second Kandil,” Erdoğan said.

The PKK has had a presence in the region in the northeastern mountainous outskirts of the Nineveh province since arriving to aid local Yazidi populations after the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) invaded in August 2014 and Peshmerga forces under the control of Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani retreated.

Turkey has previously expressed concerns about the PKK’s presence in Sinjar and said it would take measures, including deploying troops, to prevent it from securing a base in the region.

The president also warned that the mostly Shiite al-Hashd al-Shaabi groups in Iraq were acting as an invasion and occupation movement in Iraq.

“When we look at it all, there is a support for Iranian and Persian nationalism based on sects in Iraq. They disseminate it with sectarianism and spread it on the basis of Persian nationalism,” he said.
“When we look at it all, there is a support for Iranian and Persian nationalism based on sects in Iraq. They disseminate it with sectarianism and spread it on the basis of Persian nationalism,” he said.
he is combining racism with nationalism with sectarian issues ... what a guy !?
how can we spread Persian Nationalism among Arabs !?

and for god sake , IRI oppositions are criticizing it for what they call "anti Persian nationalism" policies in Iran ...

what Erdogan is smocking !?

You just turn a profitable neighbour to total disaster and source of problem for yourself and now he is talking about invading Iraq !? Does he want to gives more excuse to Kurds !?
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Im not sure : http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/12/turkey-iran-become-latest-surrogate-of-pkk.html


Supreme Leader’s military advisor: The Barzanis are indebted to Iran. Senior Military Advisor to the Supreme Leader IRGC Maj. Gen. Yahya Rahim Safavi warned against the growing autonomy of Iraqi Kurdistan and stated, “Regarding the fact that [Head of the Kurdistan Regional Government] Massoud Barzani has allowed the Saudi consulate [in Iraqi Kurdistan] to give arms to anti-revolutionaries, the Barzanis must know that they are indebted to Iran.” Safavi added, “The Iraqi Kurds are Aryans and their roots are IranianThey must know that if they enter these political games, it is unclear if Iran will help them anymore.” Iranian authorities have routinely blamed the escalating instability along Iran’s western borders on Saudi or U.S. activity in Iraqi Kurdistan. For more on Iran’s relationship with the Iraqi Kurds and recent violence within Iranian Kurdistan, please see “Iran's Kurdish Insurgency.” (ISNA) (Fars News Agency)

he is combining racism with nationalism with sectarian issues ... what a guy !?
how can we spread Persian Nationalism among Arabs !?

and for god sake , IRI oppositions are criticizing it for what they call "anti Persian nationalism" policies in Iran ...

what Erdogan is smocking !?

You just turn a profitable neighbour to total disaster and source of problem for yourself and now he is talking about invading Iraq !? Does he want to gives more excuse to Kurds !?
It's not a matter of facts, it a matter of belief, ppl always believe if they are going through some sh*t what they're doing and their policy is not wrong, they are always victims and it's always somebody else's fault. The one and only thing that these ayatollahs are not going along with it is Persian Nationalism, But facts doesn't matter if Erdogan can curves a story to blame it on Persians and feed it to the public. One should tell Erdogan that you are very lucky that Iranians overthrow Mohammad Reza Shah back in 1979 cause if he was in power today, then you would figure out what Persian Nationalism really means.
TSK is Preparing New Action Toward Two Fronts

After the operation of the Firat Kalkan, two new operations were claimed to begin. It has been suggested that with the operation called "Fırat Kılıcı", Sincar, Haseke and Afrin will be cleared from the border and the Eastern and Southeastern regions will be cleared from the terrorists with domestic operations.

After the end of the Euphrates Kalkanı Operation, both President Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım signaled that these operations would continue with new names. According to the Sabah newspaper, intelligence reports coming up in the National Security Council (MGK) and the Council of Ministers stated that for Turkey, it is now evaluated that Sincar in northern Iraq, Haseke and Afrin regions in Syria are the primary threats. According to the report, terrorist organization the majority of the PKK’s militants from Kandil in Sincar region of Iraq, where the control point and base, in Haseki there is close to 30 camps. Turkey's terrorist cleared corridor project in northern Syria after the Euphrates Shield operation, the terrorist organization YPG's activity in Afrin increased. It has become inevitable for Afrin to be cleared from the terrorist organizations in order to eliminate the threats to the Turkish border from this region extending from Kilis to Kırıkhan. It is stated that the organization will take an effort to infiltrate the country with the spring months, while preparations for the military points have already been prepared. The military units between Mardin and Sirnak are strengthened and ready to intervene in the Sincar region and Haseke. Beyond the border, ÖSO and TAF had already prepared for Afrin and recorded the start of mortar shoots. It is stated that the name of the new operation may be "Sword of the Euphrates". It was noted that the Euphrates Sword, which was provided with the security of the border with Euphrates, was aimed at blowing terrorists beyond the border.


On the other hand, after the cross-border operations, high level measures were taken against the infiltrations which will be formed from these areas. In this context, while the pressure on Sincar and Haseke in Northern Iraq is being increased, the gendarmerie and police will carry out an instant operation against the infiltration on the Kilis-Nusaybin-Suruç line. Dargeçit, Derik, Kızıltepe and Nusaybin districts of Mardin, bordered by Syria and Iraq, the attacks of terrorists with operations to be started in 12 centers including İdil, Cizre, Uludere, Silopi districts of Hakkari, Çukurca, Şemdinli and Yüksekova districts, To be prevented. Internal security operations against the PKK will continue with determination. The PKK will not be breathed into the city's construction with internal security operations that will proceed from two lines. There are East, Southeast Anatolia regions as well as terrorists traveling in Amanoslar and trying to infiltrate the Black Sea. Along with the spring months, special teams of 15-20 people who know the region well north of Amanoslar, Karadeniz, Tendürek, Tunceli, Şırnak, Hakkâri and Diyarbakır will stay in the field.
TSK is Preparing New Action Toward Two Fronts

After the operation of the Firat Kalkan, two new operations were claimed to begin. It has been suggested that with the operation called "Fırat Kılıcı", Sincar, Haseke and Afrin will be cleared from the border and the Eastern and Southeastern regions will be cleared from the terrorists with domestic operations.

After the end of the Euphrates Kalkanı Operation, both President Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım signaled that these operations would continue with new names. According to the Sabah newspaper, intelligence reports coming up in the National Security Council (MGK) and the Council of Ministers stated that for Turkey, it is now evaluated that Sincar in northern Iraq, Haseke and Afrin regions in Syria are the primary threats. According to the report, terrorist organization the majority of the PKK’s militants from Kandil in Sincar region of Iraq, where the control point and base, in Haseki there is close to 30 camps. Turkey's terrorist cleared corridor project in northern Syria after the Euphrates Shield operation, the terrorist organization YPG's activity in Afrin increased. It has become inevitable for Afrin to be cleared from the terrorist organizations in order to eliminate the threats to the Turkish border from this region extending from Kilis to Kırıkhan. It is stated that the organization will take an effort to infiltrate the country with the spring months, while preparations for the military points have already been prepared. The military units between Mardin and Sirnak are strengthened and ready to intervene in the Sincar region and Haseke. Beyond the border, ÖSO and TAF had already prepared for Afrin and recorded the start of mortar shoots. It is stated that the name of the new operation may be "Sword of the Euphrates". It was noted that the Euphrates Sword, which was provided with the security of the border with Euphrates, was aimed at blowing terrorists beyond the border.


On the other hand, after the cross-border operations, high level measures were taken against the infiltrations which will be formed from these areas. In this context, while the pressure on Sincar and Haseke in Northern Iraq is being increased, the gendarmerie and police will carry out an instant operation against the infiltration on the Kilis-Nusaybin-Suruç line. Dargeçit, Derik, Kızıltepe and Nusaybin districts of Mardin, bordered by Syria and Iraq, the attacks of terrorists with operations to be started in 12 centers including İdil, Cizre, Uludere, Silopi districts of Hakkari, Çukurca, Şemdinli and Yüksekova districts, To be prevented. Internal security operations against the PKK will continue with determination. The PKK will not be breathed into the city's construction with internal security operations that will proceed from two lines. There are East, Southeast Anatolia regions as well as terrorists traveling in Amanoslar and trying to infiltrate the Black Sea. Along with the spring months, special teams of 15-20 people who know the region well north of Amanoslar, Karadeniz, Tendürek, Tunceli, Şırnak, Hakkâri and Diyarbakır will stay in the field.

Lol....less talk, more work.

A few weeks ago one of our soldiers killed by YPG sniper fire. What happened next ? A big nothing.
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