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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

It's not a matter of facts, it a matter of belief, ppl always believe if they are going through some sh*t what they're doing and their policy is not wrong, they are always victims and it's always somebody else's fault. The one and only thing that these ayatollahs are not going along with it is Persian Nationalism, But facts doesn't matter if Erdogan can curves a story to blame it on Persians and feed it to the public. One should tell Erdogan that you are very lucky that Iranians overthrow Mohammad Reza Shah back in 1979 cause if he was in power today, then you would figure out what Persian Nationalism really means.
Lol! Ironic you use Reza - a man who was overthrown - as your representation of mighty Farsi nationalism. I think we Turks can handle Iranian arrogance quite well. Take away your oil and you would all be lamenting about the good ol days of Persopolis...
Maybe the rumored new operation will be after the referandum ? Or perhaps it will before the referandum to gain more nationalist votes ? Any ideas ?
We are not talking about one incident within two countries with legitimate government. They are Terrorists. There is no such thing as "retaliating terrorist attack". This is ridiculous.

wanna level Syria ? USA and coalition couldn't level even Afghanistan
Maybe the rumored new operation will be after the referandum ? Or perhaps it will before the referandum to gain more nationalist votes ? Any ideas ?

I think the new operation will be after the referandum (if they put it in place). The govt will not dare to do it just before the referandum, because if we don't have a good result fast this operation can be more reason to vote NO rather than YES.
wanna level Syria ? USA and coalition couldn't level even Afghanistan

edit: ups, i tho this is Altay topic :D

If you find one terrorist target next to your border, and if that terrorists killed your soldier, you liberate those lands. You dont "retaliate" terrorists.

According to this cources our forces checking the readiness and capabilities of SDF/YPG in Afrin.

Something i see in this tweet comment section:

Someone called Marianne: On YPG positions?
She replies again Marianne: I mean SDF?

Do they really think they can continue fool people like this? After conflict ended people will go to their home, investigations will be made, truth will come out.
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Funny, these donkeys are known for attacking Azaz area again and again. Then the FSA fires back and they claim to repel some major attack.
Funny, these donkeys are known for attacking Azaz area again and again. Then the FSA fires back and they claim to repel some major attack.

They forcefully recruit underage girls/boys (children), after meager training they label them as fighter :rofl:. Somebody should tell them this is isnt like ISIS retreating and giving terriroty without a fight. They will get traumatized if not killed.
They forcefully recruit underage girls/boys (children), after meager training they label them as fighter :rofl:. Somebody should tell them this is isnt like ISIS retreating and giving terriroty without a fight. They will get traumatized if not killed.

traumatized? There will be nothing left of their brain to be traumatized. And they try to show their failed attacks against checkpoints as a win. If TAF/FSA attacked them major with airsupport and T-155 they would run so fast not even the flash could keep up. Propaganda for their sheeps who need motivation after the turkish army and the fsa killed hundreds of them in the last weeks. And this is without a real operation and the real might of the turkish army. If we really attack them their will be thousands of them dead in a week.

I already see them headlines: Turkey kills underage soldiers!!! No word of who recruited these children and brainwashed them and forced them to go die (US and YPG)
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traumatized? There will be nothing left of their brain to be traumatized. And they try to show their failed attacks against checkpoints as a win. If TAF/FSA attacked them major with airsupport and T-155 they would run so fast not even the flash could keep up. Propaganda for their sheeps who need motivation after the turkish army and the fsa killed hundreds of them in the last weeks. And this is without a real operation and the real might of the turkish army. If we really attack them their will be thousands of them dead in a week.

I already see them headlines: Turkey kills underage soldiers!!! No word of who recruited these children and brainwashed them and forced them to go die (US and YPG)

Eventually New op coming up very soon.We don't know location yet,however Sincar or Afrin doesn't matter , This op will be very pretty straight forward onto the US,if its really started on Sincar...Tr and Us will have new stories.
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