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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Well US operation started. We must remove afrin immediately. If it stays and US keeps their operation, they will use PKK against SAA which will cause the connection of the cantons.

We must remove Afrin, right now.
Around 50 Tomahawk Missiles agains 1 military airport. Limited strike to send a message to Assad.
US just fired on Syrian AFB in Al-Shayrat


If you zoom in you can see that according to CNN there are Ka-52 helicopters at the base. I believe those are Russian helicopters so unless Syria purchased some, the US just fired on Russian military hardware.
Russian were warned before the strikes apparently.
guys pardon my ignorance but what would be the outcome if the Kurdish areas in Syria and Iraq unite into an autonomous Kurdish region? How what that impact TR? Thank
Honestly huge development, I was expecting Trump and Erdogan over before starting..Now Trump and Putin is over before starting,we will see if There are any Russian dead body,if there.... (...)

RU and US will be together in person, this time Ru-Us would like to split out Sry...However Tr and Qatar perfectly armed the FSA...getting complicated..
Around 50 Tomahawk Missiles agains 1 military airport. Limited strike to send a message to Assad.
I cant understand that How Russians S400 couldnt stop 70 missiles. Even one missile wasnt hitten by s400????
I cant understand that How Russians S400 couldnt stop 70 missiles. Even one missile wasnt hitten by s400????
I was thinking the exact same thing. Where the hell did all the S-300s and S-400s go? is the military might of this missile defence family a hoax?
Also, if the US informed the Russians of the strike in advance, how come the Russians didn't inform the SAA? And why didn't they move all strategic assets out of the base?
I cant understand that How Russians S400 couldnt stop 70 missiles. Even one missile wasnt hitten by s400????

Maybe US and Russia agree do it to teach Assad a leson "don't go too far".
There is none any damaged fighter jets...US missiled the empty store builing

So blah blah
I cant understand that How Russians S400 couldnt stop 70 missiles. Even one missile wasnt hitten by s400????

That would be an incredibly dumb thing to do. It would just be a waste of missiles. Those 2 US ships had 140 tomahawks - they could easily saturate all the S300/S400 batteries Russia has in Syria and still destroy that air-base (leaving Russian forces with no AA defence).
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