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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

That's weird that MIG has been blown to tiny pieces but there's no hole in the roof of the hangar.

I heard only 27 missiles hit? Maybe S400 shot some down.

BS, ther are more damage then you can imagine. No airdefence can´t stop that much cruise missiles. Stupid propaganda.
Well canteens are gathering places in military bases, the aim could be eliminating enemy officers in those places. But again it is Russian claim. We dont actually know the exact casualties, losses or targets in the region. Both sides claim different numbers. SAA even claims the death of 4 children in the airbase o_O
Canteeeen... Wooowwwww...

No Hummus for you!


Quote :

In the span of just 30 minutes, the U.S. military launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Syriafrom two Navy destroyers in the Mediterranean Sea.

An hour later, beginning around 8:45 p.m. ET Thursday, the missiles hit their targets at the Shayrat Air Base in Homs Province, where U.S. officials say President Bashar al-Assad’s regime deployed planes that carried out a chemical weapons attack on the Syrian people earlier this week.

Only one of the 59 missiles missed its target, a U.S. official told ABC News, although Russian officials appeared to dispute that, saying only 23 rockets hit the base.

The U.S. official said about 20 Syrian aircraft were destroyed in the process.

Based on the U.S. account, it appears to be an impressive level of accuracy -– just another reason why the Tomahawk was the weapon of choice for this operation.

A US official has confirmed that only 1 of the 59 Tomahawks missed its target. 20 Syrian aircraft were also destroyed.

Why the US used Tomahawk missiles to target Syrian base (ABCnews)


Do we have such ships in our inventory they look quite usefull ours look old and shit like they cant fire anything

US cruisers fired 59 Tomahawks. Provoced Russia.

We could attack much more heavy , but should we risk our relations to Russia ?
no i dont mean attacking anyone here but when looking at our ships they look not really modern u know i know the new ones will be much better but look at this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_ships_of_the_Turkish_Naval_Forces it doesnt look like it has any capabilites i want the same ships as the US in turkish navy because they look extremly powerfull they fired 60 cruise missiles we need stuff like that as well.
no i dont mean attacking anyone here but when looking at our ships they look not really modern u know i know the new ones will be much better but look at this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_ships_of_the_Turkish_Naval_Forces it doesnt look like it has any capabilites i want the same ships as the US in turkish navy because they look extremly powerfull they fired 60 cruise missiles we need stuff like that as well.

Patience. ;)

TF-2000 class Frigate

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no i dont mean attacking anyone here but when looking at our ships they look not really modern u know i know the new ones will be much better but look at this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_ships_of_the_Turkish_Naval_Forces it doesnt look like it has any capabilites i want the same ships as the US in turkish navy because they look extremly powerfull they fired 60 cruise missiles we need stuff like that as well.

Will be ready 2023 and later

Patience. ;)

TF-2000 class Frigate


Please give a credit to Cinar Cakmak - aka REWREWARD thats his pictures !
S-400 cüler nerede? Şu an Moskova'dakilerin ödü bokuna karışmıştır.
ABD'nin haber vererek fırlattığı, tomohawkları göremeyen
Rus hava savunma sistemlerine güvenenler nerede?
Dünyanın hiç bir yeri Rus hava savunma füzelerine güvenenler için güvenli değil.
Ne Şam, ne Tahran, ne de Moskova?

Rusya'nın ABD'ye karşı tek kozu ABD hazine tahvillerine yatırdığı 100 milyar dolardır.
O da ABD için çerez parası.

Sadece Kaliningrad'a yerleştirdiği nükleer füzelerle Avrupayı, Nato'yu tehdit ediyor.
Nato topraklarına bir tane Rus nükleer füzesi düşerse,
tüm Rusya'da taş üstünde taş kalmayacağını da çok iyi biliyor.

Eski savunma sistemlerinin numarasını artırarak,
eski model uçaklarını yeni isimle üreterek süper güç olunmuyor.

Bu daha başlangıç.
Türkiye boğazlardan geçişine izin verse Kırım sorunu bile bir kaç günde çözülür.

Şu an Kırım'ı S-400 ler değil Montrö antlaşması koruyor.
^ s400 or s300 is not against cruise missiles flying at low altitude only maybe systems lile korkut or hisar A hisar O is usefull against it. those tomahawls fly very low as far i know.k
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