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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Some countries explain there support of pkk/ypg with fighting against isis. As we know taliban and al quida are also fighting isis. So my wondering about Turks, that they don't start to arm Al Quida or Taliban with explain of fighting ISIS.

Because we dont like to work with Terrorists. If we do the same as those countries, then there will be no difference between them and us. We should keep our honour.
Some countries explain there support of pkk/ypg with fighting against isis. As we know taliban and al quida are also fighting isis. So my wondering about Turks, that they don't start to arm Al Quida or Taliban with explain of fighting ISIS.
Do you not remember that according to most western media, general public, Russia, Iran, Assadists, turkish opposition, cats, dogs etc., that AKP = ISIS? Hence, this is their private justification for assisting anyone that is anti-AKP which unfortunately also equates to helping anyone that is anti-Turkey...

Answer above question and you will present yourself with the evidence, is it denial or you really don't know? concerning that many people over there can't figure out something as simple as that, no wonder terror groups gain so many recruits
You only talked something with your mind, and you are not a smart creature at all. You are not even close to be a "proof". Get lost.
No need to be smart to figure that out.

Identify possible access points and work your way further from there, gather some reports/evidence of used routes by Jihadists and so on. Anyways yes, tell me to get lost, run to cabatli tell him to ban me, bunch of sensitive monkeys in this section.
The Baghdadi fanboys flew in from across the world to fight for his satanic cause, however it's interesting that they left all these various countries as bearded muslims, but once in Turkey, became bearded Salafi jihadists and were Turkey's responsibility to weed out and stop... Russia and Europe have a lot to answer for in this particular smear campaign against Turkey...
For some perspective:

Russia underplayed losses in recapture of Syria's Palmyra

GELENDZHIK, Russia (Reuters) - Russia's force in Syria has suffered losses since late January more than three times higher than the official toll, according to evidence gathered by Reuters, a tally that shows the fight in Syria is tougher and more costly than the Kremlin has disclosed.

Eighteen Russian citizens fighting alongside Moscow's allies, the Syrian government forces, have been killed since Jan. 29 -- a period that coincided with intense fighting to recapture the city of Palmyra from the Islamic State group.

The Russian defense ministry has publicly reported only five servicemen's deaths in Syria over the same period, and its officials' statements have not mentioned any large-scale Russian ground operations in the fight for Palmyra.


This article is fake news joke. It claims Russia only acknowledged 5 combat deaths in Syria. This is funny considering a helicopter was shot down or crashed killing 5. We also know about the SU-24 pilot and the marine that was killed trying to rescue him. We also know about the spetsnaz officer that was killed in Palmyra. Russia definitely acknowledged more then 5 combat deaths.

Unfortunately Turket has been trapped North Syria...The US and Ru doesn't fight with ISIS...Turkish Army busy with the ISIS same time you guys motive eachother here.
PYD is growing up,getting place and space every single day.


This rumor keeps circulating amongst mostly Turks and FSA supporters. Russia send in its forces to capture Palmyra. After the city fell to Isis Russia again send in forces to recapture Palmyra and Russia is helping push Isis further out of the Palmyra countryside. Russia has also help take Aleppo and push Isis from the Easter Aleppo countryside. Russia has been bombing Deir Ez zoir and Al-Raqqa.

There ares dozens of photos and videos of Russian soldiers fighting in Isis controlled areas.
So what's everyone's thoughts on OP's current situation? It's very slow right now basically at a halt. Personally idk if it will continue?
Right now the air is quiet. Things will stay this way at least until the referendum and probably way beyond that. The op is certainly dead, however, this is not the end of the story. Since Russia betrayed us by protecting YPG, the opposition forces have renewed their offensive against the regime. They are close to reaching cities of Hama and Damascus. This will remind Russia the deal we made with them.
This article is fake news joke. It claims Russia only acknowledged 5 combat deaths in Syria. This is funny considering a helicopter was shot down or crashed killing 5. We also know about the SU-24 pilot and the marine that was killed trying to rescue him. We also know about the spetsnaz officer that was killed in Palmyra. Russia definitely acknowledged more then 5 combat deaths.

It says since Jan 29. Try reading the article before commenting next time.
It says since Jan 29. Try reading the article before commenting next time.

No shit. I seen the date, that doesn't make the article anymore right. Again Russia confirmed more then 5 combat deaths prior to January 1st.
No shit. I seen the date, that doesn't make the article anymore right. Again Russia confirmed more then 5 combat deaths prior to January 1st.
It is said that a 5 men unit of SSO got spotted and latter under attack by hundred of ISIS, is that true?
No shit. I seen the date, that doesn't make the article anymore right. Again Russia confirmed more then 5 combat deaths prior to January 1st.

Me: The article is talking about combat deaths since Jan 29

You: Again Russia confirmed more then 5 combat deaths prior to Jan 1st

Me: The article is talking about combat deaths since Jan 29

You: Again Russia confirmed more then 5 combat deaths prior to Jan 1st


That was a typo. Russia confirmed more then 5 combat deaths prior to January 29th. On august 1st a military helicopter with 5 on board was shot down. That alone debunks the fake articles claim. I don't think I need to mention the SU-24 incident or the incident in Palmyra or many more incidents, all of which was reported by Russia. Russia lost about 28 persons including none combat deaths. Still want to argue?
Some FSA units that participated in our ops are fighting in Hama as well...

That was a typo. Russia confirmed more then 5 combat deaths prior to January 29th. On august 1st a military helicopter with 5 on board was shot down. That alone debunks the fake articles claim. I don't think I need to mention the SU-24 incident or the incident in Palmyra or many more incidents, all of which was reported by Russia. Russia lost about 28 persons including none combat deaths. Still want to argue?

Did not read your discussion but main issue I see with Russia is their handling of ''contractors'' to deal with nasty stuff and to limit bad pr back at home.
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