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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

if there is no response or retaliation right know then assad will do it again and again this is the time and place strike syrian military bases in damscus and latakia also strike hebollah and iranian mullahs and don't let syrian airfoce fly over in whole of nothern syria, if we do that syria or any other forces will think twice befroe targeting Turkish millitary....
Don't be emotional turkey can't just do that . shooting down a Syrian plane should be sufficient . I don't think turkey will respond to this attack directly but for sure will increase intensity of operations towards AL bab and Manbij
Don't be emotional turkey can't just do that . shooting down a Syrian plane should be sufficient . I don't think turkey will respond to this attack directly but for sure will increase intensity of operations towards AL bab and Manbij
Turkiye is going to do nothing,just take a look at the Euphrates Shield operation,counting on a few FSA fighters to do the impossible.
The planning was wrong,how is this going to work without air support and Turkish boots on the ground?
Turkiye is going to do nothing,just take a look at the Euphrates Shield operation,counting on a few FSA fighters to do the impossible.
The planning was wrong,how is this going to work without air support and Turkish boots on the ground?
I would rather wait and see before making conclusions . you might be right though it's just these kind of situations seem ambigious and we don't know what's happening behind closed doors
Don't be emotional turkey can't just do that . shooting down a Syrian plane should be sufficient . I don't think turkey will respond to this attack directly but for sure will increase intensity of operations towards AL bab and Manbij[/ can you imagine this was israel with its three of their soldiers killed they wil have rained down syria with airstrike after airstrike and it might even lead to invasion.. thats how much they value their millitary men, but for us its differnt
I would rather wait and see before making conclusions . you might be right though it's just these kind of situations seem ambigious and we don't know what's happening behind closed doors
My thoughts,Erdogan is probably in talks with Putin or the US on what he is allowed to do.
As usual.
My thoughts,Erdogan is probably in talks with Putin or the US on what he is allowed to do.
As usual.
Next few days will show what really is going on . personally I do not think erdo would back down from taking AL bab and Manbij he needs to stop 2 cantons from joining because if that happens it would threaten his own political future in Turkey .
can you imagine this was israel with three of their soldiers killed they would have rained syria with airstrikes and even invasion, thats how much they value their millitary, but for us its different we sent our military to a no mans land with out much aircover and with a bunch of arabs fighters who can"t even hold a single neibhourhood let let alone acity...
I did not expect turks were emotional like Arabs anyway guys have hope and my condolences goes to the famillies of Turkish matyers .
Everyone here should remember that pkk was setup during the Lebanese civil war under Syrian mukabarat back in the 1970s along with Armenian adana terrorist group .
Guys ... any news about the second airstrike ? Or its a fake news ?
I am really shocked and angry about it
can you imagine this was israel with three of their soldiers killed they would have rained syria with airstrikes and even invasion, thats how much they value their millitary, but for us its different we sent our military to a no mans land with out much aircover and with a bunch of arabs fighters who can"t even hold a single neibhourhood let let alone acity...
Israel lost 4 soldiers few weeks ago from hezbollah atgm attack and responded with limited airstrikes bur this attack was on Israeli territory .
Turkish soldiers were attacked in Syrian not turkey so we can't compare situation . turkey us currently fighting a war on 3 fronts against pkk in Turkey and isil and pyd in Manji countryside and Albab.

The main objective now should be on focusing on meeting operation goals and avoid conflict with Syrian regime . if this attack happens again then limited response should be considered.

These attacks aim to divert turkey away from completing it's operation
Also Yıldırım's "el-bab is sieged" claim is a pure BullShit, SAA and PKK reached western outskirts of Al-Bab right now.
"Bir daha olmaması için muhataplarımıza en kesin şekilde uyarılar yapıldı.", iste bu gercekten olmamis.

I did not expect turks were emotional
Oh man, consider this a rude awakening for you then :) btw, am surprised you know this much about Turkey and the region generally speaking, you're one of the few foreigners frequenting here who really have a good grasp of Turkey and the region, hats off to you.
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