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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Can't find any news yet today but what time is deadline and have BKK withdrawn from all areas?

Liveumap also TSK map is still showing an area between Rasulyn Tal and Abyd that is yellow and what about other border areas?

I think that operation east of Qamisli to Iraq border would be a great idea for now.
Jannisaries themselves were not just some bodyguards and special forces of the Empire they literally became a political force and even its own army.

Jannisaries had so much power to the point where they effectively made various sultans their puppets.

If only Young Osman got the reforms done earlier and disbanded the Jannisaries and moved the capital into Anatolia imagine how things would be so different.

Rest in peace Genc Osman.

Jannisaries at their peak reached 20k basically swelled up to 80 to 100k. Swelling up the numbers basically was inviting trouble.

Mahmud II did a great job in destroying them for good but it was long overdue.
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Also a question to anyone who may know, who will control the M4? Liveumap shows M4 as Yellow. TSK shows M4 as the border and sinirotesi shows M4 mostly under Turk control.
How would they share this road, if that is possible? Because the road is very important for both sides now.
Since al baghdadi the dog is dead can Ayman al Zawahiri, Jolani and Mazlum Kobani be the next ones.

I hope ocalan gets the death penalty or accidentally gets killed.

Jolani outmanuevred them all. Smart dude. first refused to bow down to Baghdadi, then used Al Kaida and zawahiri to survive and establishimself, then ditched Al Qaida. HTS probably had its hand in locating Baghdadi, reuters reported that HTS shared intel to Turkey, Turkey to US. They were hunting ISIS cells all year, those who they didnt kill in raids, they swiftly executed. Also, HaD, AQ official in Idlib accused HTS of providing intel for recent strike on their compound. I could imagine him denauncing current ideology and moving into traditional nationalistic conservative camp. If you folow their msging after ditching Al Kaida, it was adamently Syrian, no talk about global jihad etc. Also rumorous are that he was slowly geting rid of more radical elements inside his shura by assasinations. Only thing keeping HTS of wiping out HaD, Al Kaida guys, is always impeding regime offensive on Idlib. There is no love there. At least thats my oppinion. worth mentioning that Jolani gave a statment in support of turkihs peace spring operation.

Exclusive: Baghdadi's aide was key to his capture - Iraqi intelligence sources


Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the group formerly known as the Nusra Front and which dominates Idlib, had been mounting its own search for Baghdadi after receiving information he was in the area, according to a commander in an Idlib jihadist group.

The Nusra Front and Islamic State were rivals who fought bloody battles against each other in the Syrian war.

The Nusra Front, founded by Abu Mohamad al-Golani, was al Qaeda’s official affiliate in Syria until it broke away from the global jihadist network in 2016.

According to the Idlib commander, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham recently captured another aide to Baghdadi known as Abu Suleiman al-Khalidi, one of three men seen sitting alongside Baghdadi in his last video message.

The capture of Khalidi was “the key” in the search for Baghdadi, the commander said.

His comments raised the possibility that Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which locals say is believed to have contacts with Turkish forces in northwest Syria, may have passed on what it learned to other intelligence agencies.
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Under one hour of ceasefire left (expires 15.00GMT). YPG flags are still waving at Kobane.
I don’t think YPG/PKK has any excuses left. The first ceasefire deal with the US (120hrs) they refused to withdraw, once the time expired it was another 150hrs with Russia, and it looks like they refused to withdraw once more. Should be guns blazing from here onwards.
I think limited special forces operations will be a good idea from now onwards (like they do in Northern Iraq). This way it will limit the exposer to International complainers. Border with Syria and Iraq is a good place to start. Just keep pushing PKK and deny any major offensive. They can say that they are doing limited anti terrorism activities in the area.
you’re starting to sound mighty suspicious.. ✋
What do you mean by that?
Sometimes you give, sometimes you receive - that's what friendship is all about to me. Don't you have good friends?
I'm very open minded and versatile when it comes to this topic. Friendship should be mutually beneficial, don't you think? You need better friends. Once in a while, even you deserve to be on the receiving end of your friendship.
What's your problem with LGBT rights?

Culture creates order, and freedom creates chaos. Think and lead the trend, where will the development of freedoms. This is not progress, it's degradation to animals. They are the most freedom, they can **** where they want, kill and eat other animals, shit where they want and so on. Go to Africa and live among the animals, because by your logic they are the most developed.
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