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Culture creates order, and freedom creates chaos. Think and lead the trend, where will the development of freedoms. This is not progress, it's degradation to animals. They are the most freedom, they can **** where they want, kill and eat other animals, shit where they want and so on. Go to Africa and live among the animals, because by your logic they are the most developed.
Are you afraid of becoming gay? If so, you're already one. It's none of your business if gay people do each other. Why are you so interested in gay life anyways? Why do you care so much about what gays are doing in their bedrooms?
Are you afraid of becoming gay? If so, you're already one. It's none of your business if gay people do each other. Why are you so interested in gay life anyways? Why do you care so much about what gays are doing in their bedrooms?

You don't get it, personal interaction between gays is of no interest to me. It's the (political) movement behind them, their political agenda and its impact on society impacts non-gays, men and women especially the younger generations. They are liberals by default as their entire belief and conduct goes against the conservative stream, against Islam. The result is the destruction of families, you'll have single moms everywhere, shame will disappear and women will no longer guard themselves till marriage.

You should march into Gay Greece and die before you let this happen, if you disagree may Abdollah Ocalan become your boyfriend.
Why are you so interested in gay life anyways? Why do you care so much about what gays are doing in their bedrooms?

Think about it, if more people becoming gay or lesbian, then less newer generation born. Westeren country has suffered from aging populiation due to normal couple tehn to delay to have a kids.
Are you afraid of becoming gay? If so, you're already one. It's none of your business if gay people do each other. Why are you so interested in gay life anyways? Why do you care so much about what gays are doing in their bedrooms?

Right term calls homophobic.

You don't get it, personal interaction between gays is of no interest to me. It's the (political) movement behind them, their political agenda and its impact on society impacts non-gays, men and women especially the younger generations. They are liberals by default as their entire belief and conduct goes against the conservative stream, against Islam. The result is the destruction of families, you'll have single moms everywhere, shame will disappear and women will no longer guard themselves till marriage.

You should march into Gay Greece and die before you let this happen, if you disagree may Abdollah Ocalan become your boyfriend.

Interesting. You put gays and Ocalan on a same level.
What do you mean by that?
Sometimes you give, sometimes you receive - that's what friendship is all about to me. Don't you have good friends?
I'm very open minded and versatile when it comes to this topic. Friendship should be mutually beneficial, don't you think? You need better friends. Once in a while, even you deserve to be on the receiving end of your friendship.

what does a good friendship have to do with being gay? So for you, in order to have a good friendship you should occasionally have intercourse with each other?
Interesting. You put gays and Ocalan on a same level.


these fucking american culture wars and paradigms seap to everything. The only thing missing is someone to reference Ben Shapiro or TYT. wtf.
these fucking american culture wars and paradigms seap to everything. The only thing missing is someone to reference Ben Shapiro or TYT. wtf.

Cenk Uygur is nothing more than traitorous two faced devil.
She is an armenian her opinions mean nothing to me.

I know. Im not watching it for their opoinions. including hers. you take it to serously then it really is. Almost tjhe only guy worth listening about todays state of american politics and state in which the empire is, is Chris Hedges.
Man literally predicted rise of Trump and fascist christrian right, and exposed the hipocrisy and collapse of Liberal class by its own hands. I higly recomend his lectures on YT, if you want to know what the **** is heppening in US.
I know. Im not watching it for their opoinions. including hers. you take it to serously then it really is. Almost tjhe only guy worth listening about todays state of american politics and state in which the empire is, is Chris Hedges.
Man literally predicted rise of Trump and fascist christrian right, and exposed the hipocrisy and collapse of Liberal class by its own hands. I higly recomend his lectures on YT, if you want to know what the **** is heppening in US.

Chris hedges i used to watch him a bit but not much. I think I check out his videos more.
Chris hedges i used to watch him a bit but not much. I think I check out his videos more.

start with the older ones. So that you can see how he nailed it, almost propehetitcly. When all US media was celebrating first black president, and all that hype, he was warning about the rise of fascist christian right, and he was mocked as prophet of doom, and fear monger, and 2 years into Obama term Tea Party sweept the republican party and congress.

Also, he stood up to the franzy prior to Iraqi war. One of few who did. He was famously booed from the stage on events, and soon after gave his resisgnation to the NYT, who wanted him to apoligize and get in line in how Iraqi war is marketed. He covered Bosnia, too. One of the few who risked his life, and lived in besifgied Sarajevo for months. Most other foreign corespondents would come for day or week at most, to get their shots and stories and run away as soon as posible. This man cared for the truth, always.

This one is particlary funny/ interesting, he gave this speach just weeks before Republicans on the backs of Tea party took the Congress. While most of US media and others were drunk on Obama, living in an illusion.

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