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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Baghdadi got killed with help of SDF and from Iraqi air base. Russia was informed but not Turkey. Wow. That is such an insult to Turkey.
this is not True. It was a US op so noboy knew excalty. But Russia Turkey and Iraq were in the loop.
There is only one medicine to the current sick Turkey.

it's good we recognize that society in that shape is sick. In the west they (youth especially) see this as healthy, if we don't deter that disease we will all be doomed.
Arid desert or not. The only area where ypg can withdraw, is east of Syria, where US holds the region. Alongside of turkish border, is no rojava possible anymore.

Did they cleared that transfer with arab tribes of that region?
it's good we recognize that society in that shape is sick. In the west they (youth especially) see this as healthy, if we don't deter that disease we will all be doomed.
Not only the lgbt but also the separatist terrorists and the islamists acting as tool of imperialists are the biggest headache upon Turkish nation.
The only salvation is a strong militaristic regime that restores the order and the discipline that this nation has lost in the recent years.
My only wish is a strong TSK that retakes its duty of protecting secular republic of Turkey against enemies from outside and espacially those inside.
Not only the lgbt but also the separatist terrorists and the islamists acting as tool of imperialists are the biggest headache upon Turkish nation.
The only salvation is a strong militaristic regime that restores the order and the discipline that this nation has lost in the recent years.
My only wish is a strong TSK that retakes its duty of protecting secular republic of Turkey against enemies from outside and espacially those inside.

That means 17 years of Islam abuser&Pkk ''humanists''(terrorists) (internal part of the project against the Turk existance) alliance has taught you nothing.

If you follow the term from the very begining(Inönü) up to the peak(today), you will figure it out why i said the first sentence.
i meet few Islamist who hated Inonu i never ask why cuz i didn't wanted to make them get pissed off . in my view he is one of the most able diplomat in history of turkey&ottomans in my list he is rank way more higher then Churchill but why you Islamist hate him ??

İsmet İnönü is a great commander, and patriot for Turk existance. However, He made a very critical even lethal mistake during his government, which has hunted and nowadays keeps extremly hunting the Turk existance physically, mentally, culturally as clearly seen in today's Turkey, about which you and me are on the same page today.

P.S: The nickname of my account tells enough about me, or my posts here. Sad to see you call me so.

Allah Askina are these Americans this stupid????

People for 24/7 have been trying to paint the Turks as Nazis only to resort to this bullcrap. Ottoman Empire was allied to Germany and Adolf Hitler did not fighting any of the Ottoman fronts we all know German volunteers were sent but Adolf Hitler fought in the Western front.

Also the Kurds were allied to the Ottoman Empire in ww1 until they themselves turned against the Ottoman Empire in the last years of the war.

Turkish independance war began after ww1 and Hitler did not take part as the Independance War began the Germans surrendered to the Allies just like the Ottomans. Many Ottoman officers and soldiers refused to surrender hence the beginning of the Turkish independance war.

Allah Askina are these Americans this stupid????

People for 24/7 have been trying to paint the Turks as Nazis only to resort to this bullcrap. Ottoman Empire was allied to Germany and Adolf Hitler did not fighting any of the Ottoman fronts we all know German volunteers were sent but Adolf Hitler fought in the Western front.

Also the Kurds were allied to the Ottoman Empire in ww1 until they themselves turned against the Ottoman Empire in the last years of the war.

Turkish independance war began after ww1 and Hitler did not take part as the Independance War began the Germans surrendered to the Allies just like the Ottomans. Many Ottoman officers and soldiers refused to surrender hence the beginning of the Turkish independance war.
Bro, where the fck is our PR department? AMK, doesn’t Erdogan have any shame? Spend millions, counter this shit. Get your own Putin-bots and fight back. Look at how MBS deflected and talked his way out of the Kasikci mess. I’ll give credit to the AKP haters - tayyip’s party is useless when it comes to PR. Our reputation has taken beating after beating for a decade now.

US and coalition. you cant just move 1000s of YPG guys into Deir, to boss around Arabs there. Even in older arrangment there were palatable tensions whit protests breking out despite arests and the crackdowns.

Not only the lgbt but also the separatist terrorists and the islamists acting as tool of imperialists are the biggest headache upon Turkish nation.
The only salvation is a strong militaristic regime that restores the order and the discipline that this nation has lost in the recent years.
My only wish is a strong TSK that retakes its duty of protecting secular republic of Turkey against enemies from outside and espacially those inside.

name me one succesfull military junta today ? So you would like to see Turkey in the company of 'powerhouses' like Myanmar, North Korea, Egypt, and the bunch?
Welcome back, you missed the whole operation. Anyway what are your thoughts now on the ceasefire and what is the future of this project in Northern Syria?

Thanks bro, good to be back. Well, I was on prolonged vacation, traveling all summer, visiting friends and family outside of Bosnia, so I wasnt really active. I followed th news etc..

Credit where xredit is due, Erdogan played it masterfully this time, really. He and his staff recognized the disconect between Trump, what he wants, and the Pentagon, esspecially CENTCOM. And used that fisure. Remember, not even a year ago Trump after a phonecall with Erdogan anounced Syria pullout, which was then deleyed by huge amount of preassure from Pentagon in private, Congres and in public media sphere. and Trump backed down, waiting for another oportunity. As soon as that first episode played out, Erdogan knew there s an opening. And Turkey waited for the sutible oportunity. In short,by lunching the op Turkey gave Trump an excuse to begin the pullout, something he really wanted do for some time. He wasnt interested in nation building or policing North Syria, all the fonds for reconstruction were slashed and plans rejected. And this force thats staying, its really a compromise with Congress, is not about the oil. Syrian oil reserves are insignificant, but what isnt is Iranian angle. Popmpeo went to Tel Aviv right after Ankara, they will stay in Deir province to stop Iran for completing the bridge beween its Iraqi proxies and those on Israeli borders in Syria and Lebanon. Lidsney Graham and his ilk of Republicans dont give a shit about 'the kurds', they just used that angle in public sphere to preassure Trump not to completly pull out, and stay in NE, that border region to prevent take over by the Russians and Iranians.

As for ceasfires, they are both diplomatical wins for Erdogans presidency and his administration. They got almost everythign they wanted, while simultaniusly dodging sanctions. Operation and turkish concerns were legitimized. It doesnt metter really if YPG honors it, or not. Turkey and TFSA will steamroll them, and they will have legal cover to do so by the terms of the agremement with US-. Same with Russia.
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İsmet İnönü is a great commander, and patriot for Turk existance. However, He made a very critical even lethal mistake during his government, which has hunted and nowadays keeps extremly hunting the Turk existance physically, mentally, culturally as clearly seen in today's Turkey, about which you and me are on the same page today.

P.S: The nickname of my account tells enough about me, or my posts here. Sad to see you call me so.
sry i didnt mean to upset you im not active as before i lost track of who is who

If people are wondering why the iq rates are so low among kurds this is the video that proves it.

If the kurds were such lions as they claim they would not be bitching, crying and whining over some so called genocide. If they are lions as they claim they would fight like men not cry to the world.

We seen the kurds the constant bitchslapping by the Turks in short proves that they were our bitches for centuries.

Also thats not the Turkish flag that is the Ottoman flag once again these kurds have proven that they will never be like the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic. Brave kurdish lions taking on the Ottomans dont make me laugh. Then again 600 to 700 years of Ottomans is more than enough for these kurds to handle because they have no history apart from being slaves to anybody that passed in the region.
Thanks bro, good to be back. Well, I was on prolonged vacation, traveling all summer, visiting friends and family outside of Bosnia, so I wasnt really active. I followed th news etc..

Credit where xredit is due, Erdogan played it masterfully this time, really. He and his staff recognized the disconect between Trump, what he wants, and the Pentagon, esspecially CENTCOM. And used that fisure. Remember, not even a year ago Trump after a phonecall with Erdogan anounced Syria pullout, which was then deleyed by huge amount of preassure from Pentagon in private, Congres and in public media sphere. and Trump backed down, waiting for another oportunity. As soon as that first episode played out, Erdogan knew there s an opening. And Turkey waited for the sutible oportunity. In short,by lunching the op Turkey gave Trump an excuse to begin the pullout, something he really wanted do for some time. He wasnt interested in nation building or policing North Syria, all the fonds for reconstruction were slashed and plans rejected. And this force thats staying, its really a compromise with Congress, is not about the oil. Syrian oil reserves are insignificant, but what isnt is Iranian angle. Popmpeo went to Tel Aviv right after Ankara, they will stay in Deir province to stop Iran for completing the bridge beween its Iraqi proxies and those on Israeli borders in Syria and Lebanon. Lidsney Graham and his ilk of Republicans dont give a shit about 'the kurds', they just used that angle in public sphere to preassure Trump not to completly pull out, and stay in NE, that border region to prevent take over by the Russians and Iranians.

As for ceasfires, they are both diplomatical wins for Erdogans presidency and his administration. They got almost everythign they wanted, while simultaniusly dodging sanctions. Operation and turkish concerns were legitimized. It doesnt metter really if YPG honors it, or not. Turkey and TFSA will steamroll them, and they will have legal cover to do so by the terms of the agremement with US-. Same with Russia.

I think it has all gone well to date. If only the PKK would have tried to fight a little longer, they would have lost more ground. It will be interesting to see what deal PKK reached with Assad. It won't be just border patrol, they must have offered him some territory. It would be great if the entire SDF region was absorbed by Assad but the Americans are not looking to lose any more territory. And if anything they will increase troop numbers now including tanks and I think we will be seeing more European numbers.
Me and the wife were in Sarajevo bro, I couldn't get hold of you so it will have to be next year inshallah. You must forward me your contact bro.
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