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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

We can all agree the dream of a rojava is dead and the kurds themselves know it.

One Turkish offensive in a week destroyed a wet dream while leftists and liberals are crying.

'the most effective force against ISIS' ( justification that US gave for their choice of PKK as a partner, and not FSA ) PKK/YPG got steamrolled by TSK and SNA in metter of days from two strategic towns that they spend years of fortifying it, with tunells, bunkers etc.. and ended the Rojava. comapre it with besigied FSA in Damascus surburbs, or any other place, where Russians and the regime wtih all their airpower and they still resisted for montsh in some cases for years, and are still resisting in Idlib. And to regards to ISIS, FSA unites single handedly deafeted ISIS and sent them packing from Latakia, Idlib, much of Aleppo w/o airsuport. Imagine if NATO gave them airsupport to deal with ISIS and the regime. But Obama famously said, we cant relly on dentist and farmers to topple Assad and to be parttners. Which was of course just an excuse. They liked PKK cause they agreed to fight only ISIS and not to engage against Assad, the root problem, which enabled ISIS to grow and recruit young syrians who lost faith in US and NATO and vere susceptible to ISIS propaganda; all the world left you to be slaughtered just like we told you.

ALsO PKK/YPG allied with Assad in the battle for Aleppo, stabing the FSA from the back in Tal Riffat, and besiege eastern Aleppo, resulting in 1000s of casualtis, most civilian. they were also in the erarly stage of the war, assasinating kurdish FSA commanders who were pro revolution, and trying to set up syrian kurdish FSA brigades.

they YPG/PKK have mo moral ground to stand on.
'the most effective force against' ( justification that US gave for their choice of PKK as a partner, and not FSA ) ISIS got steamrolled by TSK and SNA in metter of days from two strategic towns that they spend years of fortifying it, whit tunells, bunkersk etc.. and ended the Rojava. comapre it with besigied FSA in Damascus surburbs, or any other place, where Russians and the regime wtih all over their airpower and they still resisted for montsh in some cases for years, and are still resisting in Idlib. And to regards to ISIS, they single handedly deafeted ISIS and sent them packing from Latakia, Idlib, much of Aleppo w/o airsupoort. Imagine if NATO gave them airsupport to deal with ISIS and the regime. But Obama famously said, we cant relly on dentist and farmers to topple Assad and to be parttners. Which was just of course just an excuse. They liked PKK cause they agreed to fight only ISIS and not to engage against Assad, the root problem, which enabled ISIS to grow and recruit young syrians who lost faith in US and NATO and vere supsestuble to ISIS propaganda; all the world left you to be slaughtered just like we told you.

ALO PKK/YPG allied with Assad in the battle for Aleppo, stabing the FSA from the back in Tal Riffat, and besiege eastern Aleppo, resulting in 1000s of casualtis, most civilian. they were also in the erarly stage of the war, assasinating kurdish FSA commanders who were pro revolution, and traying to set up syrian kurdish FSA brigades.

Ever since the Turkish offensive a lot of people have now questioned how effective ypg/pkk are. Such a effective fighting force has been shattered.

Only thing the pkk bastards did was cry and fool the world of a so called genocide instead of fighting like men.

Remember the pkk and its supporters were like we will turn Syria into a Vietnam for Turkiye. So much for a Vietnam when they scurried away like rats.
Ever since the Turkish offensive a lot of people have now questioned how effective ypg/pkk are. Such a effective fighting force has been shattered.

Only thing the pkk bastards did was cry and fool the world of a so called genocide instead of fighting like men.

Remember the pkk and its supporters were like we will turn Syria into a Vietnam for Turkiye. So much for a Vietnam when they scurried away like rats.

and ppl lsoe sight, that TSK didnt sent divisions, but arguably small comando unites along side SNA, and gave them limited airsupport. Just look at cities that TFSA took, there is no total destruction like in Raqqa, Mosul, Bogzun; damacus, Homs, Darra less then 85% of infracstucture stayed intact in Afrin opp, and during recent TSK/SNA takover of cities.

and some jurnost and foreign oficials have the guts to call on Turkey and SNA for their disregard for the civilians? I mean, just in the last week, its revelied that just one Dutch airstrike killed at least 70 civiolians, mostly women and chilkdern who were hiding in a shelter. WP was extensivly used by US over Raqa and other populated places, and now they are trying to pin WF use on Turkey. Im not so sure that TSK even has WF bombs in its inventory.

my ppl was target of genocide, as much as I get angry with ppl who deny my expirience, and lebale it hoax, Im maybe even more angrier on ppl who used that word for the effect. Cause such overuse of the term is making it meaningeless. If therewas a geniocide in Syria, it was done by Assad regime and evidence is overwhelming. Even against the Kurds, there ar eno Kurds anymore in Homs, Hama, Damascus.. but it doesnt fit the narative of PKK, or others. And for Syrian sunni arabs, who cares, International community showed that they dont care about miolions being tortured to deat in regimes death camps like Sedneya or complete destruction of their communities and towns...
and ppl lsoe sight, that TSK didnt sent divisions, but arguably small comando unites along side SNA, and gave them limited airsupport. Just look at cities that TFSA took, there is no total destruction like in Raqqa, Mosul, Bogzun; damacus, Homs, Darra less then 85% of infracstucture stayed intact in Afrin opp, and during recent TSK/SNA takover of cities.

and some jurnost and foreign oficials have the guts to call on Turkey and SNA for their disregard for the civilians? I mean, just in the last week, its revelied that just one Dutch airstrike killed at least 70 civiolians, mostly women and chilkdern who were hiding in a shelter. WP was extensivly used by US over Raqa and other populated places, and now they are trying to pin WF use on Turkey. Im not so sure that TSK even has WF bombs in its inventory.

my ppl was target of genocide, as much as I get angry with ppl who deny my expirience, and lebale it hoax, Im maybe even more angrier on ppl who used that word for the effect. Cause such overuse of the term is making it meaningeless. If therewas a geniocide in Syria, it was done by Assad regime and evidence is overwhelming. Even against the Kurds, there ar eno Kurds anymore in Homs, Hama, Damascus.. but it doesnt fit the narative of PKK, or others. And for Syrian sunni arabs, who cares, International community showed that they dont care about miolions being tortured to deat in regimes death camps like Sedneya or complete destruction of their communities and towns...

Sunni Arabs got hit the hardest in this whole Syrian Civil War. Syrian Turkmens also got hit hard too.

But nobody cares at all.

Genocide is a overused term if the West wants to save people as they say they done nothing in Bosnia and in Rwanda. In Bosnia they were literally complict in the genocide.

About the Dutch its good you mentioned them not only they obliterated 70 civilians in the War against Isis they also allowed the Sebrenica genocide to happen by handing over Bosnians to the Serbs.

Turks are the barbarian savages is a popular discourse especially in Western European media and the American mainstream.

All of a sudden they started caring about Civilians none of them actually cared about the Civilians they bombed in their war against Isis.

Turkey has suffered the most from terrorism the only thing these dogs have ever said was that Turkey supports Isis and Al Qaeda.

Even today that filthy lie is spread in mainstream news and in cartoons. Cartoons they drew made the Turks and Erdogan as isis terrorists while the pkk animals are innocent little angels.
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and ppl lsoe sight, that TSK didnt sent divisions, but arguably small comando unites along side SNA, and gave them limited airsupport. Just look at cities that TFSA took, there is no total destruction like in Raqqa, Mosul, Bogzun; damacus, Homs, Darra less then 85% of infracstucture stayed intact in Afrin opp, and during recent TSK/SNA takover of cities.

and some jurnost and foreign oficials have the guts to call on Turkey and SNA for their disregard for the civilians? I mean, just in the last week, its revelied that just one Dutch airstrike killed at least 70 civiolians, mostly women and chilkdern who were hiding in a shelter. WP was extensivly used by US over Raqa and other populated places, and now they are trying to pin WF use on Turkey. Im not so sure that TSK even has WF bombs in its inventory.

my ppl was target of genocide, as much as I get angry with ppl who deny my expirience, and lebale it hoax, Im maybe even more angrier on ppl who used that word for the effect. Cause such overuse of the term is making it meaningeless. If therewas a geniocide in Syria, it was done by Assad regime and evidence is overwhelming. Even against the Kurds, there ar eno Kurds anymore in Homs, Hama, Damascus.. but it doesnt fit the narative of PKK, or others. And for Syrian sunni arabs, who cares, International community showed that they dont care about miolions being tortured to deat in regimes death camps like Sedneya or complete destruction of their communities and towns...
Welcome back, you missed the whole operation. Anyway what are your thoughts now on the ceasefire and what is the future of this project in Northern Syria?
We can all agree the dream of a rojava is dead and the kurds themselves know it.

One Turkish offensive in a week destroyed a wet dream while leftists and liberals are crying.

North of Iraq and maybe east of Syria, will be a kurdish autonomy, soon. Iran is not out of the game, also. A war, starting from outside, would be a stupid move, without proxies inside of Iran. Azeris and kurds could be possible allies, if Iran will be ever attacked from outside, to establish a kurdish region.
North of Iraq and maybe east of Syria, will be a kurdish autonomy, soon. Iran is not out of the game, also. A war, starting from outside, would be a stupid move, without proxies inside of Iran. Azeris and kurds could be possible allies, if Iran will be ever attacked from outside, to establish a kurdish region.

Northern Iraq was an autonomy for over 10 years now? Yet they miserably failed to control that one with all the resources they got. N. Syria, on the other hand, was a stretch even before the war because why would a 1.5 million minority making up %10 of the population get an autonomous region with all the wealth? Especially not anymore. Chances are Bayern breaking up from Germany is more likely than N. Syria with the current state.
Europe's reaction has been disgusting.

We should go ahead and crush YPG. Just wipe them out. I hope when this op resumes we give them no mercy.

If we successfully destroy them then all the YPG/PKK supporters in Europe will go apesh!t and start burning down buildings. We will kill two birds with one stone.

We have nothing to lose now.
east of Syria

East of Syria is mostly arid desert. And most Kurds lived along the Turkish border anyway.

In any case US will leave even that spot (and al-Tanf crossing area) in next 1-2 years. God knows what will happen to Idlib. Turkey's troubles are far from over.
East of Syria is mostly arid desert. And most Kurds lived along the Turkish border anyway.

In any case US will leave even that spot (and al-Tanf crossing area) in next 1-2 years. God knows what will happen to Idlib. Turkey's troubles are far from over.

Arid desert or not. The only area where ypg can withdraw, is east of Syria, where US holds the region. Alongside of turkish border, is no rojava possible anymore.
Northern Iraq was an autonomy for over 10 years now? Yet they miserably failed to control that one with all the resources they got. N. Syria, on the other hand, was a stretch even before the war because why would a 1.5 million minority making up %10 of the population get an autonomous region with all the wealth? Especially not anymore. Chances are Bayern breaking up from Germany is more likely than N. Syria with the current state.

N Iraq is an autonomy since 1970, Iraq had a coup by a half Kurd general (abdul karim qasim) and he gave them a lot. Then the biji wiji Kurds decided to spit on us!

I believe in taking the entire north from them, no Gurdistan in this world. Kurds have put us all in shit.
N Iraq is an autonomy since 1970, Iraq had a coup by a half Kurd general (abdul karim qasim) and he gave them a lot. Then the biji wiji Kurds decided to spit on us!

I believe in taking the entire north from them, no Gurdistan in this world. Kurds have put us all in shit.

How did Kurds put you in “shit”? Is Iraqi government not equally responsible for the situation in Iraq.
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