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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

N Iraq is an autonomy since 1970, Iraq had a coup by a half Kurd general (abdul karim qasim) and he gave them a lot. Then the biji wiji Kurds decided to spit on us!

I believe in taking the entire north from them, no Gurdistan in this world. Kurds have put us all in shit.

Arabs and Turks can all agree on one thing.

The kurds are losers who are destined to be ruled forever.

From Arab Caliphates to the Seljuks and the Ottomans. But the kurds claim the Arabs and Turks stole all their lands when there was no Gurdistan. So what do the kurds do they hijack history by claiming everything is Kurd.

Kurdistan was just as a geography word used by the Seljuks nothing more and nothing less. Anatolia was used as Rum.

But what do you expect nowadays when people use geography words to push for a state.
Arabs and Turks can all agree on one thing.

The kurds are losers who are destined to be ruled forever.

From Arab Caliphates to the Seljuks and the Ottomans. But the kurds claim the Arabs and Turks stole all their lands when there was no Gurdistan. So what do the kurds do they hijack history by claiming everything is Kurd.

Kurdistan was just as a geography word used by the Seljuks nothing more and nothing less. Anatolia was used as Rum.

But what do you expect nowadays when people use geography words to push for a state.

Kurdistan is a racist concept where I am not welcome as it is the land of Kurds and I can never be a Kurd, they can be Iraqi. These rats wanted to take a lot of land from us till we put them in their place, filthy rats wanted to play IDF and harass our people. Tayyip should ruin their dreams more, I am seeing my Kurdish 'friend' on instagram complain and cry and I think it is a great moment.

The Gurds made the white man believe they are impeccable warriors and that we run away from war, these Gurds know how to lie that's for sure.

Almaniya, amgriga!
Kurdistan is a racist concept where I am not welcome as it is the land of Kurds and I can never be a Kurd, they can be Iraqi. These rats wanted to take a lot of land from us till we put them in their place, filthy rats wanted to play IDF and harass our people. Tayyip should ruin their dreams more, I am seeing my Kurdish 'friend' on instagram complain and cry and I think it is a great moment.

The Gurds made the white man believe they are impeccable warriors and that we run away from war, these Gurds know how to lie that's for sure.

Almaniya, amgriga!

Does he have the yellow colour as his profile picture?
Sadly Islam in Turkey nowadays is heavily influenced by Saudi traditions. Ever since the 80s they've pumped billions into Turkey in order to Arabize the country through Islam.

Look I don't mind our Turkish mild version of Islam (which has Tengrist elements in it). However seeing the disgusting state of Sunni Islam inside Turkey I must say that I don't want to be a part of it.

Islamists insult our founding father, our ancient pre-Islamic ancestors and hate the idea of Turkish nationism. Most of the Islamists I've met don't even call themselves Turk, they call themselves the grandchildren of the Ottomans.

How do you expect me to respect a group of people who disrespect Ataturk? Many of us Kemalists respect Fatih and Suleiman the Magnificent yet there are so many Islamists out there who swear at Ataturk and then they proceed to praise Abdulhammit...

Under a secular leader we defeated 6 nations in one war. Quickly paid off the debts of the Ottoman empire. Built many factories that kickstarted our economy. Greatly increased literacy rates. Built planes. Crushed a rebellion with incredible success.

Are these bad things?

As for your point about Islam being a medicine against gays and leftism.. Islam is supported by leftists in the west. When the military ruled over in Turkey the western leftists were crying about how the "evil Kemalists" were taking away the human rights of the Islamists and LGBT.

Islamists and leftists are two sides of the same coin. To us you are the same sh!t. Almost every week you Islamists rape kids in Turkey. Literally every time I check Turkish news I hear about kids who got abused in a Cemaat. You guys are just as disgusting as leftists. Admittedly though, you're probably even worse for stability.

According to recent polls only around 10% of people in Turkey have trust in Imams and other religious figures. Not a surprise.

Once you Islamists lose your control of Turkey we will finally be able to fully crush terrorism in the region. Erdoğan created a mess by allowing YPG to grow. Part of the reason for this is his desire to have shackles on the military.

Now from what I've gathered Erdoğan has lost most of his power and is now allied with his former enemies behind closed doors. He will be tolerated for a little longer before he gets removed. But first we will make sure he cleans his mess and takes the burden of it.

You Islamists sided with FETO and also made peace with PKK. We were always against this and in the end we were proven right. Please check your facts before you ever try to argue with me buddy.

It's funny how the western media portrayed them as the "Most effective fighters in Syria". Lol biggest lie I have ever heard. I think they're even worse than FSA without support. Literally the weakest group in Syria when they're without daddy America's air support.
Democracy failed anyways it seems, lets bring back the Militarist rule and the respect that Turkey deserves.
Democracy failed anyways it seems, lets bring back the Militarist rule and the respect that Turkey deserves.

Democracy is from gay greece, degenerates should not be given a vote. Middle East can work with democracy in the shape where there is a stronger non democratic force overwatching it. (Military council)
Democracy failed anyways it seems, lets bring back the Militarist rule and the respect that Turkey deserves.

Turks became leaders by showcasing who is the strongest with that you earn the allegiance and respect of many tribes.

Democracy is from gay greece, degenerates should not be given a vote. Middle East can work with democracy in the shape where there is a stronger non democratic force overwatching it.

Ancient Greece is a disgusting overrated civilsation.
Don't like them the Greeks, remind them of Constantinople and they cry

Even today they still cry funny thing is when the Greeks invaded Izmir after ww1 an Orthodox Priest welcomed the Greek invaders even made a speech that drinking the blood of the Turks will get you to heaven.

That same priest got captured by Nureddin Pasha the guy on my profile picture what did he do, he handed the faggot priest to Turkish civilians and the Turkish civlians lynched him.

So what did the greeks do they declared him as a saint. Today they still cry over their lost lands and some supposed bullshit genocide. There are pictures of Greek soldiers axing Turkish civilians even the British were sickened by what they were seeing.
Even today they still cry funny thing is when the Greeks invaded Izmir after ww1 an Orthodox Priest welcomed the Greek invaders even made a speech that drinking the blood of the Turks will get you to heaven.

That same priest got captured by Nureddin Pasha the guy on my profile picture what did he do, he handed the faggot priest to Turkish civilians and the Turkish civlians lynched him.

So what did the greeks do they declared him as a saint. Today they still cry over their lost lands and some supposed bullshit genocide. There are pictures of Greek soldiers axing Turkish civilians even the British were sickened by what they were seeing.


The operation remains unfinished until the mutawa'een are marching through Athens. Also orthodox eastern Europe needs to learn to behave, aging cold Russia won't stop us in the long term. Few Chechens trashed that entire country.

The operation remains unfinished until the mutawa'een are marching through Athens. Also orthodox eastern Europe needs to learn to behave, aging cold Russia won't stop us in the long term. Few Chechens trashed that entire country.

Mutawa'een with batons shall march into athens!!

We should also send in the Nokers to march into Greece.
Baghdadi got killed with help of SDF and from Iraqi air base. Russia was informed but not Turkey. Wow. That is such an insult to Turkey.
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