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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

The main core of your post/Q... is TR and Idlib bargaining chip... And my take on that is How can you bargain with something that will create more than HALF of all refugees in TR alone... and then Hoping That ALL those 2+Mil will automatically settle in areas that there is nothing... That even with the few Mil already there, they are struggling to the point that most of them are queuing each day to pass the border... for work or settle down...

It's like piercing a 1m hole and hoping to close it with your finger...

Turkey can NOT protect Idlib forever.
Turkey will NOT fight with Regime and Russia for Idlib
Turkey will NOT take refugees, because Erdogan can't afford it.

Maybe a safezone for refugees, some of them for a time to Afrin...
Turkey can NOT protect Idlib forever.
Turkey will NOT fight with Regime and Russia for Idlib
Turkey will NOT take refugees, because Erdogan can't afford it.

Maybe a safezone for refugees, some of them for a time to Afrin...

Idlib fall "Could" have more repercussion than anything TR had seen since then...
Everything she did, could be lost... Everything... All the border thing will be for nothing... and That could push not only the 2+MIL refugees from Idlib toward Turkey BUT also the few MILs already in Northern Syria...

Just take a second and Think... Why ASSad/RU can openly target Idlib? Why do you think they can?
Here why... RU/ASSad use the escuse of HTS... Wherever HTS is... then it's ok to get... Remember what they did back in the days... When FSA was a major force in Idlib... remember how they pushed HTS and co more in the North and then DECLARED that X and Y area are ok to target because HTS is there now...

Now Where do you think Dozens and Dozens of Thousand of HTS soldiers will go, when they get corned day after day? Well they will go to the North... Afrin/Azaz/Al baba and so on...
Then What? Will they be even more infighting? and what will RU/ASSad do? well same as the hundreds times before... Make the North Ok to target/ "Liberate"

Idlib is not just about refugees... never was. AND Russia knows it... and EVERYONE here also know that RU don't give a care about TR... look at every deal that they broke... look right now... the TR-RU deal didn't even started and they already transgressing it...
Maybe TR starts Idlib operation... who knows?
That's TR biggest missed chance... She should have done it when idlib was twice the size of today and FSA was in power.
Years back... FSA actually asked TR to get in... If only TR did so...

An armed Idlib op will be catastrophic also... The only way, is a deal... But for that they have to recognize HTS as an official "Partner".
That's why TR is in a problematic situation... Those in power were making strategy day by day instead of having a long term vision of their actions...
Thats already 2 violations of the adana agreement, lmao. Lets see they have still like 130 hours to implement the sochi agreement :D Interested in what happens afterwards lol

My wonderful naive friend. Why do you think Putin got close to us? To be our friend? An enemy can’t hurt you the same way a friend can. Russians have done this many times in history. Too bad our leader doesn’t read books.
Im back from my ban what did I miss?

The Mutawa'een need more recruits, Turkey's youth need to radicalize, they must believe that their are besieged and threatened as this works well to radicalize them. Indeed, the Gay Greek watches from the west as he exports the gay parade culture and laughs at us all.
The Mutawa'een need more recruits, Turkey's youth need to radicalize, they must believe that their are besieged and threatened as this works well to radicalize them. Indeed, the Gay Greek watches from the west as he exports the gay parade culture and laughs at us all.

What have you been smoking?

We are becoming more nationalistic, but more and more Turkish youth are leaving Islam. After dealing with 4 million Syrians us Turks no longer see Arabs and Islam as being a good thing. The rise of Islamism in Turkey has come to an end.

Turks are finding out about their history and have started celebrating their original religious holidays once again. Yes Islam will be a part of our nation for the foreseeable future but it is no longer unstoppable. People are waking up.

As for gays, no one likes them except for HDP leftists. Believe me when I say that real Kemalists hate LGBT more than Islamists. We had banned gays from the military until AKP tried to reverse the ban. That being said I'm sure that commanders don't tolerate that sh!t anyway.

Ethnic nationalism that is based around a secular-militarism is the best way to go. Trust me when I say that Turkey would be better off with a military which isn't under government control. I believe that our operations would be more effective as well without our corrupt government sticking it's nose in military affairs.
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What have you been smoking?

We are becoming more nationalistic, but more and more Turkish youth are leaving Islam. After dealing with 4 million Syrians us Turks no longer see Arabs and Islam as being a good thing. The rise of Islamism in Turkey has come to an end.

Turks are finding out about their history and have started celebrating their original religious holidays once again. Yes Islam will be a part of our nation for the foreseeable future but it is no longer unstoppable. People are waking up.

As for gays, no one likes them except for HDP leftists. Believe me when I say that real Kemalists hate LGBT more than Islamists. We had banned gays from the military until AKP tried to reverse the ban. That being said I'm sure that commanders don't tolerate that sh!t anyway.

Ethnic nationalism that is based around a secular-militarism is the best way to go. Trust me when I say that Turkey would be better off with a military which isn't under government control. I believe that our operations would be more effective as well without our corrupt government sticking it's nose in military affairs.

That's why we need mutawa'een to correct the youth, as for nationalists who leave Islam they are mostly faggots whom are vocal nationalists too busy drinking yeni raki trying to be like ataturk. The only nationalism you should adopt is that of the great BBP party. In due time you will realize, till then you remain a kid.
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