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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

This is victory.

Seriously people what do you smoke ? Do you think Turkey will go to war against Syria backed by Russia while our "Nato allied" hate us even more than our "enemy"" ?
AKP has made all the wrong decision during the Syrian civil war, but this was not a mistake.

The deal :
-YPG will leave Turkish border (30 km) and let Assad take back his lands, or Turkey will be free to attack them
-We will keep territory captured during the operation, and even organised Turkish/Russian patrol along the whole border.

Now we only need to continue this deal in Astana : PKK for FSA, and refugee deal for Syrian territory.

Assad was maybe Erdogan califat ennemy, but he is not Turkey ennemy.

In Syria we are like the US, we cannot win so we must at least cut the lost, and this deal is good news for us.

Well... that could be a "Correct" deal... if the ones you deal with... are known to keep their promises...
Everyone here knows that Every Deal with RU/ASSad... failed in few weeks or days...
We can speak about Afrin... Tel Rifaat... Aleppo... Idlib... and so on...

Parts of today deal... were ALREADY a "Deal" made last year... that RU/ASSad didn't respected...

The Thing is... ASSad and whoever is loyal to him... DO NOT CARE about deals... and RU can't monitor everyone of them... Those PKK/YPG guys WILL stay in that border, maybe with no flag or a different one... but they will stay... and you know it and most of Guys here knows it...
As long as ASSad sees TR as an enemy... HE WILL use every entity that could harm TR in any way shape or form...
As long as ASSad sees TR as an enemy... HE WILL use every entity that could harm TR in any way shape or form...

So we will use FSA against Syria. In the end the only solution for peace is negociation : FSA for PKK, otherwise be ready to decade of cold war between neighbours.
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So we will use FSA against Syria. In the end the only solution for peace is negociation : FSA for PKK, otherwise be ready to deacade of cold war between neighbours.

There is a limit on using X or Y... to fulfill one agenda... Remember that FSA is with TR because of that Hope of taking back the lands they were pushed out and/or removing ASSad...
Therefore if they do not Believe in that hope anymore, they will stop being used... the only one that will be left, will be those who do not care about such conditions and just need the money... But we know what that mean also... they will be useless when times of need come... and could be used by the Higher bidder with no loyalty...

As for TR vision to bring back Refugees... we also know that not many Syrians will wish to go back in areas that aren't safe or "Officially" viable to build a life... and if Force is used to deport Millions, then Backfire is inevitable... and Chaos will emerge...

IMO, there is only one viable solution for this conflict... THAT EVERY entity in this conflict know about and ARE thinking about it... The Removal of ASSad... that only step is what could trigger deals/compromises in all sides to reintegrate ALL of refugees and Remove every PKK/YPG threat to Turkey...

That conflict is far from over... and any deal right now...is just to save face and/or gain time... nothing more...

Not good at all. Not sure what erdogan discussed 6 hours yesterday with Putin
Wonder what was that "Secret" that RU/ASSad and PKKYPG didn't want Turkey to hear...

But if we follow past RU/ASSad fake deals... then that secret shall be something like " Look guys, let's agree to TR conditions for now... that way we can breath and then when the dust settle down or that EU/US get back on creating problems for TR, let's get back to work... as we did for Afrin/Tel Rifaat and Idlib...
I prefer Assad. He will be like a dick in the face of Erdoğan. Every time he will see Assad at world summits he will be reminded of his failed ottoman foreign policy.

Making Syrians secular is nonsense. The ones who are secular are pro Assad. The ones who aren’t will stay in Turkey, breed like rabbits and Arabize Turkey into semi Arab state within 40 years.

This was all part of the greater Middle East project and demographic engineering. We didn’t win the battle. And saying we win the war is madness.
Which Border? The few miles deep border that RU/TR will patrol together or the remaining 25km?
If it's the patrol border... then ok... But the other 25km aren't TR controlled... so whatever they retreat from it or not... it's not like TR can get in...

It's like saying Tel Rifaat is Ok for TR to get in if PKK/YPG is in it (something they are)... but we all know they can't get in...since it's SAA/RU controlled...
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