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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Perhaps you should study what the Afghan did in Pakistan, and what the Palestinian rifraf did in Lebanon and the civil war before making such empty Islamist statements and tapping yourself on the back for ruining Turkey and Syria. Sorry but I have zero tolerance for Muslim brotherhood terrorists who are doing Israel’s bidding in the region by disrupting countries.

Syrians are already majority in Turkey’s bordering countries. When they get to vote you will see political power and pan Arabism. Of course Turkey can suppress this but it will mean we will have another front to waste power at.

Turkey needs political change for Syria and the region to come to peace. This Islamist Muslim brotherhood fetish and planned demographic engineering is not in the favor of Turkey. Only in the favor of certain autocrats.
Perhaps you should study what the Afghan did in Pakistan, and what the Palestinian rifraf did in Lebanon and the civil war before making such empty Islamist statements and tapping yourself on the back for ruining Turkey and Syria. Sorry but I have zero tolerance for Muslim brotherhood terrorists who are doing Israel’s bidding in the region by disrupting countries.

Not having the guts to quote back... I see...
And you are all over the place... all over...

Anyway... it's not like you're new around here... My bad for feeding the troll... my bad.
You didn’t even watch the video I posted so why would I even take you serious. The excuses that you wrote are already addressed by prof Özdağ. If you don’t agree with his arguments address them instead of throwing dirt.

Influx of refugees to Turkey and changing the demography is part of the greater Middle East project. A project that Erdoğan said he was a co president of.

These things are all connected. If you can’t connect the dots it means you need to read up or perhaps you were never meant to understand this high caliber stuff.
The refugees will be sent home. No discussion about that.

I want you ask something. Why you want Turkey to fight your battle? I mean kurds/YPG occupy your Arab land. Ethnic cleansing, settle of Kurds to establish a kurdish state on Arab soil. Why we heard no protests by Arab League?

Honestly, Turkey fcked up bigtime by supporting/sympathizing with the arabs. The next PM will hopefully be more carefull in his engagements witht the arabs. They are even bigger hypocrites then the european.
Demographic disaster awaiting Turkey if Syrians don’t return to their homes.

Erdogan isn’t sincere about sending them back according to this prof.

Question is are the Syrians (majority of them) really willing to settle back to Syria ? If they don't what will Turkey do ? Remove them with force ?
Question is are the Syrians (majority of them) really willing to settle back to Syria ? If they don't what will Turkey do ? Remove them with force ?

Obviously not, I think it will be a compilation of luring them back, forcing them back and voluntarily (some of them already returning to tel abiad and such)
Question is are the Syrians (majority of them) really willing to settle back to Syria ? If they don't what will Turkey do ? Remove them with force ?

Absolutely No. All of the refugees do not want to live in Turkey. Open the border and let them go wherever they want to go, Including Europe. Turkey should not keep them there by force. If they go to Europe what will Europe do ? Remove them with force ? This certainly does not conform to the ''human rights'' advocated by Europe.
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All of this should've been swift and fast if turkey decide to go all in. In some sort of land and aerial blitzkrieg across the northern syrian plain.
We will see how Russia will do what was agreed. Also adana agreement means we can kill the PKK rats on the border
Russia and the regime will not dismantle the pkk. Just like in afrin where tall rifaat is used as a launch platform for attacks against turkish troops in syria

Seriosly whats inside your commander head i dont know-_______-

There are many smart people in Turkey but for some reason Erdoğan doesn’t want their opinion nor will he step down and let capable leader come to power. I’m afraid Turkey is at the mercy of Russia now. Imagine their leverage in a future conflict of interest.
We will see. Somehow I think this will be much different then the fiasco with the americans.
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