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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

The only ones moving is RU and ASSad... they just took control of the entire Eastern side of Jerablus...
From the other side of Jerablus to Kobani... it's all under them...
With 3 flags and a Picture... RU/SAA/YPG and Ocalan...

And they are now heading to the Eastern side... toward Tell Abyad, that is under TR/SNA control...
In all honesty, Russia is far too weak to threaten Turkey in Syria. They have maybe 10 air superiority fighters? If Turkey/FSA did a Tet offensive type attack during Eid or something if the conflict lasts that long they could probably take a whole lot of territory.

In all honesty, Russia is far too weak to threaten Turkey in Syria. They have maybe 10 air superiority fighters? If Turkey/FSA did a Tet offensive type attack during Eid or something if the conflict lasts that long they could probably take a whole lot of territory.

The one running the Show is Russia... They take whatever they want... And everyone stay silent...
They have a Legitimacy that every entity Involved in this conflict agree upon... that is Assad.

As long as ASSad is not Officially put on the list of People to destroy or remove... They will take it all... it's just a matter of time...
At a certain time... Everything that is under TR/YPG/US is bound to be taken back... IF none of them declare openly their opponent...

And all those Sacrifice made in those past decade will be for nothing... Nothing at all...
The ones who wanted less refugees... will end up with even more...
The one running the Show is Russia... They take whatever they want... And everyone stay silent...
They have a Legitimacy that every entity Involved in this conflict agree upon... that is Assad.

As long as ASSad is not Officially put on the list of People to destroy or remove... They will take it all... it's just a matter of time...
At a certain time... Everything that is under TR/YPG/US is bound to be taken back... IF none of them declare openly their opponent...

And all those Sacrifice made in those past decade will be for nothing... Nothing at all...
The ones who wanted less refugees... will end up with even more...
As I said before, Turkey is stronger than Russia in Syria is right now. Turkey could easily take out a good amount of their assets without fearing any substantial retaliation especially with NATOs current AD network inside of Turkey that could in theory stop any attack coming from Black sea area. Russia won't actually try anything that harms any Turkish soldiers or try to invade their territory though so there is nothing to worry about.
As I said before, Turkey is stronger than Russia in Syria is right now. Turkey could easily take out a good amount of their assets without fearing any substantial retaliation especially with NATOs current AD network inside of Turkey that could in theory stop any attack coming from Black sea area.

No. RU is Stronger than TR, even thousand of kms away...
Strengh is not only How many soldiers/plane you've got around... but how much you can squeeze someone for him to backtrack.

We saw it when TR downed a RU plane... It was clear that TR can't do anything about it... That's why since then we've got this TR-RU stance that is almost similar to subordination according to many.

But both can't afford to fight each others... Therefore neither RU or TR will engage each others.
It's politically and Economically non-viable
No. RU is Stronger than TR, even thousand of kms away...
Strengh is not only How many soldiers/plane you've got around... but how much you can squeeze someone for him to backtrack.

We saw it when TR downed a RU plane... It was clear that TR can't do anything about it... That's why since then we've got this TR-RU stance that is almost similar to subordination according to many.

But both can't afford to fight each others... Therefore neither RU or TR will engage each others.
Turkey doesn't need to engage Russian troops to keep their lands, they just need to make SAA/SDF offensives crumble with massive air superiority. Quite easy in modern day combat.
Turkey doesn't need to engage Russian troops to keep their lands, they just need to make SAA/SDF offensives crumble with massive air superiority. Quite easy in modern day combat.
SAA doesn't make a move without RU support... inb Every SAA advance, RU is in it...
Every push, meeting, control etc... is made by RU...

Right now Attacking SAA is like Attacking RU...

But as long as ASSad is not officially put on the enemy list... then you can't do much.
Except for Countries like the US... But even them do not target groups that are fused with RU official HQ.

Like in Deir ez Zor last year... Where the US chose meticulously the targets that weren't "RU army" linked. that end up killing dozen and dozens of SAA and RU mercenaries from the Wagner group....

Since that move, RU almost always show their direct support on the ground when SAA make any advance... in a way to divert such event to happen again.
It appears the goal of this operation is fluid as long as it is reached. For example, if the SDF does not voluntarily move 30 KM away from the TR border, than force will be used and land taken and held, however if they move away voluntarily then the same objective is achieved. The other objective is the facilitate the return of Syrian refugees and I think TR can do that WITH SAA troops taking over border cities (north of the 30 KM line). For SAA to do this, it will need to agree to terms (pushed by RU as well), terms that would allow a transition of government away from Assad in Damascus ( RU officially stated that they do not see peace until Assad is removed). If this happens then the refugees would want to go back, however if not then TR may have a case for holding the buffer zone themselves with Russia's blessing. One of the two aforementioned needs to take place, Russia knows this and TR has too much skin in the game already to simply retreat without any concessions made by Damascus and Moscow.
SAA doesn't make a move without RU support... inb Every SAA advance, RU is in it...
Every push, meeting, control etc... is made by RU...

Right now Attacking SAA is like Attacking RU...

But as long as ASSad is not officially put on the enemy list... then you can't do much.
Except for Countries like the US... But even them do not target groups that are fused with RU official HQ.

Like in Deir ez Zor last year... Where the US chose meticulously the targets that weren't "RU army" linked. that end up killing dozen and dozens of SAA and RU mercenaries from the Wagner group....

Since that move, RU almost always show their direct support on the ground when SAA make any advance... in a way to divert such event to happen again.
How would SAA attack Turkish troops directly? That's impossible and would constitute a NATO response. All Turkey needs is to put a few hundred troops in a city and they would make an attack impossible altogether.

The one running the Show is Russia... They take whatever they want... And everyone stay silent...
They have a Legitimacy that every entity Involved in this conflict agree upon... that is Assad.

As long as ASSad is not Officially put on the list of People to destroy or remove... They will take it all... it's just a matter of time...
At a certain time... Everything that is under TR/YPG/US is bound to be taken back... IF none of them declare openly their opponent...

And all those Sacrifice made in those past decade will be for nothing... Nothing at all...
The ones who wanted less refugees... will end up with even more...

Why not calling you Arab brethren to help? S.A, UAE, Iraq, Lebanon...why do you expect help from Turkey? Why you want to put Turkey in this danger? They should be build a huge wall around all Arab countries.
Why not calling you Arab brethren to help? S.A, UAE, Iraq, Lebanon...why do you expect help from Turkey? Why you want to put Turkey in this danger? They should be build a huge wall around all Arab countries.
Arab countries don't need to get rid of their refugees... It was Turkey's choice to rid border of terrorist groups that don't effect Arab countries whatsoever. Refugees returning to Syria was a secondary goal. You sound really fucking retard m8 a "huge wall" around the all of two Arab countries it borders? Arabs are doing most of the fighting, what race do you think the majority of the FSA is that does most of the fighting? Kurdish?

We Arabs will take control of Germany pretty soon. Thank God Angela was so generous.
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USA ordered a ceasefire and Tayyip did it yesterday.

This so-called antiterrorism operation was nothing but gain votes for tayyip. I said that if it's not to clean whole lands from pkk-ypg/sdf this operation is only a show. 30km inside Syria along the Turkish border will not solve the issue.

As I said before tayyip has accepted a pkkistan in Syria but was in need help to regain the votes that he lost due to Syrian refugee issues in Turkey. So he started this operation without any significant political plans to end the existence of pkk-ypg. His plan was simple. Accept pkkistan in Syria to serve masters and establish a safe zone along the border for 5 to 7 million of Syrian refugees who live and create problems in Turkey then keep staying in power until 2023.
Sorry my fcktard tayyip, your days are counted. Your votes melted down to 30+% and now after this decision it will go down all the way bottom.
I feel ashamed because this retarded has been rulling my country.
Her biji serok Erdoğan
Erdoğan savior of YPG


What a disaster for the moral of our soildiers..
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