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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I still wonder what will be different if pkkistan located 30 or 40 km away from our border line? Will it be vanished all the sudden? Why people are so hyped on this safe zone thing?
And he will be forgiven by Turks after this? Isn't he the reason of this mess?
What a life... Ruin the future of your country due to fcked up policies and do nothing seriously about it then act like victorious...
The Turkish press publishes some video footage of the involvement of Turkish troops in the fight against YPG/PKK elements in the Tel Abyad-Rasalayn area.
TSK needs to capture Arisha in order to secure Ras al-Ayn.

pkkistan located 30 or 40 km away from our border line?

I really hoped to see 20k dead pkk

but this is a dream.. and will remain a dream... if pkk is 100 km away from turkey it still is not enough.. a buffer zone is only for refugees.. nothing more not really something that will lessen pkk terror..

we need to destroy them, I always said destroy iraqi kurdistan and syrian! everything else is idiotic.. the thing that will now happen is a pkkistan a little bit more far away of our border and maybe they will some day reach 100k ppl and maybe they will some day have abrahams tanks, apache choppers, f15 or even f35 and rockets that fly 600 km.. and than?

they need to be crushed! crushed into ashes! without any kind of mercy we dont need prisoners we need dead PKK corpses..
Bismarcks attitute is pretty prevalent, deep down inside that's how the european countries think, while they're going through with their racist policies and such. At least he's straight forward about this and don't hide it under different arguments.
Bismarcks attitute is pretty prevalent, deep down inside that's how the european countries think, while they're going through with their racist policies and such. At least he's straight forward about this and don't hide it under different arguments.
He did try to at first... but the Wall came and he couldn't back off.
And I may differ with your degree of EU feelings... It's usually the smallest among them that scream the most...

Trust me... they are a minority...

It's like when the retards among them say that every Muslim is a Terro... little did they know... that if it was the case with the 2 Billion Muslims... they will be no Human left on earth...
I want to see Bora missiles with thermobaric warheads being fired at YPG. Hopefully when this stupid ceasefire ends we will see it happen.
All the conflict you have in your region, are made by Arabs,

NOT THE CIA coupes in Iran, Iraq, Gulf?
Not the USA + USSR cold (hot) wars in the middle East?

Not there American attack in Libya?
Not the 1991 American + EU Gulf War I?
not the 2003 American EU Gulf War II?
Not the Syrian bombing of NATO?

Not the American EU sanctions and regeme changes, not the USA Facelifts, twitter "social media revolutions"??

Not the Zionist Israeli wars?

Hmm... All Arabs then, eh? Lol
I really hoped to see 20k dead pkk

but this is a dream.. and will remain a dream... if pkk is 100 km away from turkey it still is not enough.. a buffer zone is only for refugees.. nothing more not really something that will lessen pkk terror..

we need to destroy them, I always said destroy iraqi kurdistan and syrian! everything else is idiotic.. the thing that will now happen is a pkkistan a little bit more far away of our border and maybe they will some day reach 100k ppl and maybe they will some day have abrahams tanks, apache choppers, f15 or even f35 and rockets that fly 600 km.. and than?

they need to be crushed! crushed into ashes! without any kind of mercy we dont need prisoners we need dead PKK corpses..

Agreed. I feel and say the same.
He did try to at first... but the Wall came and he couldn't back off.
And I may differ with your degree of EU feelings... It's usually the smallest among them that scream the most...

Trust me... they are a minority...

It's like when the retards among them say that every Muslim is a Terro... little did they know... that if it was the case with the 2 Billion Muslims... they will be no Human left on earth...

Denmark has been in the front of islamfobia much earlier than other european countries, and they've pretty much made it the norm for politicians and europe to be islamfobic. I wish I could find a link to the article I saw within last 2 weeks where an american researcher claimed the same thing.

NOT THE CIA coupes in Iran, Iraq, Gulf?
Not the USA + USSR cold (hot) wars in the middle East?

Not there American attack in Libya?
Not the 1991 American + EU Gulf War I?
not the 2003 American EU Gulf War II?
Not the Syrian bombing of NATO?

Not the American EU sanctions and regeme changes, not the USA Facelifts, twitter "social media revolutions"??

Not the Zionist Israeli wars?

Hmm... All Arabs then, eh? Lol

The reason why Bismarck says that (really funny tbh my best friend and I had this same argument like 2 weeks ago) is because Bismarck doesn't see Israel as the troublemaker (remember 1967), but if pressured he'll have to admit taking the land from the arabs and giving it to the israelies was the start of the problems.

Bismarcks pov might be the same as my friends. what guarentee do the west and israel have that the arabs won't try to kill them like 1967 if they withdraw to the 1967 borders.

The problem that I see here is that Bismarck like majority of EU expect concessions to prove their willingness to coexist. But they forget that israel is doing ethnic cleansing and thus they need to be the ones to pull back first. (doubt it's going to happen though).

Like I told my friend the palestinians are fucked, no arab country except iran will help them, and iran is also in shitload of trouble, so the only solution is nuke. If palestinians are willing to, nuke jerusalem, that will make the world freeze, like hell will freeze over.
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' "Regime forces are present at some part of Turkey's anti-terror operation zone in northern Syria, I'll discuss this matter with Putin," he said.
However, he warned that Turkey would "implement its own plans" if they cannot reach a solution.'

This is similar language that he began to use with the Americans, long before the operation, so I glad that he has started to assert himself more with the Russians now.

Like I said before, Turks position was weaker before due to the risk of further refugees from Syria, at least now they have shown what they are prepared to do in order to deal with the issue.

We'll see what diplomacy can achieve in the next few weeks. If not we'll see what brute force can achieve.

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