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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

More like "The Enemy" than just presence...

BTW most of forces of the attack yesterday that retake Nabudah town SAA/IR/RU's stronghold was only that...
AK's on bikes...

Holy shit!! People tend to think Jihadists are the stereotypical long beard wearing sandals fighters with an AK but people dont realise a lot of them look just like soldiers.
Holy shit!! People tend to think Jihadists are the stereotypical long beard wearing sandals fighters with an AK but people dont realise a lot of them look just like soldiers.
If only they knew... Even among Hardcore groups in Idlib, the beard is trimmed to the minimum + The full body "Soldier" look.
This is the new Face of Jihad. The Sandals with AKs era is over... Even the good old Talibans are putting that "image" in the closet.
If only they knew... Even among Hardcore groups in Idlib, the beard is trimmed to the minimum + The full body "Soldier" look.
This is the new Face of Jihad. The Sandals with AKs era is over... Even the good old Talibans are putting that "image" in the closet.

Worst thing is underestimating your enemies. Pkk is also now sporting a soldier look thats not good news at all.

It seems to me various militant groups are changing the way they fight they are becoming more like soldiers rather than irregular or guerilla types.

Then again none of them have an answer to airpower.
Worst thing is underestimating your enemies. Pkk is also now sporting a soldier look thats not good news at all.

It seems to me various militant groups are changing the way they fight they are becoming more like soldiers rather than irregular or guerilla types.

Then again none of them have an answer to airpower.

Having a "Conventional Soldier" look doesn't make them better or worse.
It's in my opinion, a way to change their image that each group is affiliated to, whatever with the local population or on the international maiden.

As for Air Power, there is multiple answers, One is siding with a foreign force aka US for YPG/PKK and as for HTS and co it's Hiding and striking fast. aka Hit and Run.


"Alleged" Incoming counter-offensive from Regime front on Kafr Nabuda tonight or early morning...
Let's see... if Rebels can keep the front.
We will mostly see RU trying to flatten the city from the air... It's what they always do when they lose one...
ASSad N°1 Arm provider to Idlib groups...
Well...tbh...For the ENTIRE conflict...

It's almost as if... ASSad is... a double agent for the Rebels???

I find it directly related to the state of suply of the waring side. I remember during our war Serbs had overwhemling superiority in weapons suply but had soldier deficit, so in retreat they would just leave everything. on the otherside, we would try to carry with us as much as posible, even food rations when reatriting cause our suply of everything was thin. we had more soldiers then guns/eqipment. Assad has soldier deficit problem even with concription, not weapons... so its more important to retreat quckly and cut the manpower causlties, another stockpile of ATGMs and tanks is waiting for them few kms back.


very compelling article about Afghan militia in Syria.

Understanding the Fatemiyoun Division: Life Through the Eyes of a Militia Member

We fought far away from Iran, the country to which we have been left defenseless. We were the forgotten mercenaries that everyone hated. Our homes were the passes of Bamyan and Markazi Bihsud and the valleys of Darah Sof and Daykundi. Not the surroundings of Aleppo, Hama, and Idlib. The Iranians tried hard so that our death would appear holy to us. (…) We were the dregs of the people in Syria. The Afghans who were not worth more than a dog or a donkey in Iran. The Afghans whose name was a swear-word in Iran. Without rights, humiliated by the state. Always standing at the sidelines. In Syria, we were also used for the dirty work. And we put our ancestors and our people to shame eternally.”

Worst thing is underestimating your enemies. Pkk is also now sporting a soldier look thats not good news at all.

It seems to me various militant groups are changing the way they fight they are becoming more like soldiers rather than irregular or guerilla types.

Then again none of them have an answer to airpower.

airpower is very expensive operational cost for every hour, especially fighter jets
airpower is very expensive operational cost for every hour, especially fighter jets

Air power and naval power is the future and has always been.

Control the sky and and the seas and the world is yours.
Air power and naval power is the future and has always been.

Control the sky and and the seas and the world is yours.

I think it's a balanced mix of all, and information technology aspect better known as cyberspace
There is no turkish special forces involvment, of course. But these Kornets didn came from regime stockpiles

front in Latakia is turning into sloughter. Its reciving much less attention cause there is no 'spectaluar' devolpments, no flashy ATGM explosions, just rebels moving down gruop after grup of regime forces with mortars. Who ever is commanding regime forces there is a fucking idiot. these ppl in BMP had less chance for survival then on foot.

There is no turkish special forces involvment, of course. But these Kornets didn came from regime stockpiles

front in Latakia is turning into sloughter. Its reciving much less attention cause there is no 'spectaluar' devolpments, no flashy ATGM explosions, just rebels moving down gruop after grup of regime forces with mortars. Who ever is commanding regime forces there is a fucking idiot. these ppl in BMP had less chance for survival then on foot.

There is less to no more "ATGM" variant anymore...meaning it must be the latest Stockpile. Those Kornet must be old ones.

As for the Latakia front, it's been like that for years now.
ASSad without IR/RU it's game over...as we saw it 6 years ago..;When rebels were at the gates of Damascus and ASSad on the brink of falling...till IR/RU came into play...

They are useless... Their only tactic is "Brute Force+ Quantity"... and that's it... a bit like "Zombie Tactic"...
Assalamualaikum to Muslim, good day to the rest.

May Allah bless all the Mu'min fighter.
Victory or shahid.
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