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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

ASSad/RU/IR logic and ONLY tactic over Idlib...

- 3 Weeks Air Strikes + Artillery
- Attack
- Good Results
- Get Pushed away
- Get Owned
- Ask for Ceasefire

And repeat...

If Ceasefire is rejected... Ask Turkey for Help... After Targeting their own soldiers in Idlib and Tel Rifaat...
NLF is firing Kornet ATGMs left and right with devastating affects past few days. I guess rumours of turkish shipment of Kornets are true ( which should also bury cinycal concpirosy theories about turkish-russian teritory swap deal) Seems SAA didnt get a memo yet. They keep exposing themself thinking they are out of range of TOWs. This is like 5-6 video of them geting hit in middlle of the street in last 3-4 days.

I wonder if ASSad's 500k death toll is hailed by you...

Saddam killed many more and dumped them in mass graves, as a result he is cheered by the Arab world especially those that stand against Assad as the sword of Arabism.

Back then camera's were not widespread so there is little video content of it, but it happened on a far larger scale. Neither does Erdogan care about Syrians dying, for about 7 years he stands there looking at his border with IS and Kurds taking it. He has a large military but he was watching and pouring in arms secretly like a monkey whilst he sleeps in his palace with his half Arab wife.

Also to add this this, long ago I said (although it does not take a genius to figure this out) that the whole PKK peace processes since 2010 together with his friendly barzanistani relations and the developments in Syria which erdogan has been silently watching and accepting since 2010 will result in long-term increased bloodshed by PKK hands as this has all fueled them
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