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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I wonder if ASSad's 500k death toll is hailed by you...
500k... Proof?

Saddam killed many more and dumped them in mass graves, as a result he is cheered by the Arab world especially those that stand against Assad as the sword of Arabism.

Back then camera's were not widespread so there is little video content of it, but it happened on a far larger scale. Neither does Erdogan care about Syrians dying, for about 7 years he stands there looking at his border with IS and Kurds taking it. He has a large military but he was watching and pouring in arms secretly like a monkey whilst he sleeps in his palace with his half Arab wife.

Also to add this this, long ago I said (although it does not take a genius to figure this out) that the whole PKK peace processes since 2010 together with his friendly barzanistani relations and the developments in Syria which erdogan has been silently watching and accepting since 2010 will result in long-term increased bloodshed by PKK hands as this has all fueled them
Saddam was the last hero of Iraq. I dont believe the western propaganda he massacred mass crowds.
Saddam was the last hero of Iraq. I dont believe the western propaganda he massacred mass crowds.

He assumed the image of hero, savior etc. Most people have no idea who ruled before him, it is those before him that built a good prosperous state. He inherited it and took it to utter shit.

He did a lot, threw people off of high buildings, cut off limbs etc. That stuff has been taped and still exists out there on the internet. Point is those same Arabs who hate Assad worship him lol.

If you google 'fedayeen Saddam' i'm sure you can find content, maybe google it in Arabic though. It is funny how the Assad opposition sees him as a symbol of leadership whilst he is Assad's father in terms of brutality, it's just that he stood against Iran that's the only difference
500k... Proof?

Saddam was the last hero of Iraq. I dont believe the western propaganda he massacred mass crowds.
100k 500k doesn't matter. He did war crimes and doesn't have future in Syrian high echelons at least because of his crimes and the coming investigation and cases in the UN. If you want to defend somebody against the opposition do it for Suheil Al Hassan so at least that will make you a little bit more relevant.

I wonder if ASSad's 500k death toll is hailed by you...
You are talking to a honest Kaffir (atheist). He doesn't care as long as there are not Islamic slogans and Jihad.
100k 500k doesn't matter. He did war crimes and doesn't have future in Syrian high echelons at least because of his crimes and the coming investigation and cases in the UN. If you want to defend somebody against the opposition do it for Suheil Al Hassan so at least that will make you a little bit more relevant.

You are talking to a honest Kaffir (atheist). He doesn't care as long as there are not Islamic slogans and Jihad.
What do you think is the reason the US supports the opposition/FSA against the legal government of Syria?

In my opinion, it is part of the great ME project.

BTW i have also read that Turkish secret service visited Esad several times recently.

He assumed the image of hero, savior etc. Most people have no idea who ruled before him, it is those before him that built a good prosperous state. He inherited it and took it to utter shit.

He did a lot, threw people off of high buildings, cut off limbs etc. That stuff has been taped and still exists out there on the internet. Point is those same Arabs who hate Assad worship him lol.

If you google 'fedayeen Saddam' i'm sure you can find content, maybe google it in Arabic though. It is funny how the Assad opposition sees him as a symbol of leadership whilst he is Assad's father in terms of brutality, it's just that he stood against Iran that's the only difference
Are you an ethnic Arab?just wondering
What do you think is the reason the US supports the opposition/FSA against the legal government of Syria?

In my opinion, it is part of the great ME project.

BTW i have also read that Turkish secret service visited Esad several times recently.

Are you an ethnic Arab?just wondering
The part of the Great Middle East project would have been completed if the puppets of the Saudis would take over Damascus and PYD would control Northern Syria, Deir Ezzor oil fields and have the breeze of the sea which didn't happen. If the government of Assad was targeted it doesn't mean that he is the good guy. If the Turkish Government had a proper plan and strategy to turn the Great Middle East project into a project that could benefit Turkey it could have worked nice but it didn't because some people were "deceived".

Assad made serious mistakes and the main reasons are his cooperation with marxist/leninist organizations including PKK which were working against Turkey from Syrian soil in cooperation with organizations in Turkey and his false justice towards different entities in Syria as the Turkmen, the Kurds and also some religious entities. I don't support you on your view towards Assad but I would like stable Syria so I would partly support some points you wanted to clarify but of course under some conditions.

The thing I am concerned is how Turkey as a country will influence the interior affairs of future Syria when some of the brightest people of the opposition are dead? Who would enter Syrian politics on behalf Turkey? The US did what they could with PYD and even if "Southern Kurdistan" doesn't form as independent country they will be a decisive factor in the Syrian internal affairs but who will be our representative? Turkey lacks popular movement which is representing the opposition. While everybody heard of Salih Muslim nobody is hearing about our guys. Not even Turkmen representatives let alone official representatives of the other opposition groups taking place in international forums. The only way I would support Assad supporters or people like Suheil Al Hassan is popularization of our guys, official representatives of the opposition in the next constitutional committee and UN peace keeping mission spearheaded by Russia and Turkey in Idlib. I want Saudi puppet organizations like HTS out of there. They are sabotaging the moves and work post 2016 of the government which is aimed at minimizing the effect of the bad decisions made towards the Great Middle East project.

If somebody thinks that the Turkish State doesn't have direct channels with Assad he is wrong. There is nothing to be shocked from information about the security services. Erdogan have to save face in front of his supporters, the ones thinking of Turkey as the Ummah savior and the ones daydreaming about Syria without any trace of Assad and his supporters. My personal opinion again is that Assad will not stay in power after the war but his legacy will be continued by people like Suheil Al Hassan. I don't believe there is a man more important for Russia than him and also a military commander that has better personal security in Syria.
You are talking to a honest Kaffir (atheist). He doesn't care as long as there are not Islamic slogans and Jihad.
I don't know his religious thinking.
And Even Non-religious people can make the distinction btw a mass murderer and whatever he need to give his support or not.
But the moment you close your eyes on a Murderer just to fulfill your "non Islamic related doctrine" then it's a problem... that even Atheist with Moral will disown or any good enough human being.
Are you an ethnic Arab?just wondering

yes, fam grew up under saddam.

Good thing with him though is that unlike the current gov, he knew the enemies. But was too harsh and uncompromising. current gov gives money to Kurdish separatists who spit on us publicly
I don't know his religious thinking.
And Even Non-religious people can make the distinction btw a mass murderer and whatever he need to give his support or not.
But the moment you close your eyes on a Murderer just to fulfill your "non Islamic related doctrine" then it's a problem... that even Atheist with Moral will disown or any good enough human being.

The Arab world have suffered and still is suffering under dictatoral regimes but that guy love it:-).
The Arab world have suffered and still is suffering under dictatoral regimes but that guy love it:-).
The overwhelming Arabs don't like their Dictators.
And those past 8 years proved it.
With those who succeeded and those who didn't...
And... ASSad/Iran/Russia just lost everything they took...
Well... Now HTS and co are putting ahead a "retake" Op aka Offensive...

So...get ready for a ASSad/Iran/Russia crying for a ceasefire...
Well...they did started one when they were losing... But now... it's the famous "Incoming Summit"...

Let's Hope Turkey don't fall into it again...after what they did in Tel Rifaat or when they literally said "GTFO" when TR asked them to stop their offensive few weeks ago.

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