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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Uncomfirmed! But actually not bad, besides this Yellow shithole on our border.
If Russia can guarantee that they block YPG/PKK moves towards Turkey, i personally are more than happy.
Blue stripes: possible Turkish advance
Red stripes: possible SAA and Russia advance
Purple stripes: possible Iranian-backed militias advance
Red and Yellow: Joint area between PYD and the SAA.
Uncomfirmed! But actually not bad, besides this Yellow shithole on our border.
If Russia can guarantee that they block YPG/PKK moves towards Turkey, i personally are more than happy.
Blue stripes: possible Turkish advance
Red stripes: possible SAA and Russia advance
Purple stripes: possible Iranian-backed militias advance
Red and Yellow: Joint area between PYD and the SAA.

This map show an humiliation toward TR than anything else...
It's like those guys who worked they *** off when no one believed in them... and when they finally got to have most of the Pie... the next door guy who happen to be Daddy boy... get "THE PIE" and the hard worker...get to have what is left on the floor...

And here another side of the story..;When the Hard worker get what is left on the floor... Daddy Boy will make sure that he take in the future or at least make sure that you do not enjoy those leftover...

And Idlib and the North Syrian part is the proof of it...
This map show an humiliation toward TR than anything else...
It's like those guys who worked they *** off when no one believed in them... and when they finally got to have most of the Pie... the next door guy who happen to be Daddy boy... get "THE PIE" and the hard worker...get to have what is left on the floor...

And here another side of the story..;When the Hard worker get what is left on the floor... Daddy Boy will make sure that he take in the future or at least make sure that you do not enjoy those leftover...

And Idlib and the North Syrian part is the proof of it...

It was a Humiliation to tolerate these PKK/YPG scum for years on our border.
I don't care about your fantasy stories, if such a solution means PKK free border and enough space for relocation, it's ok... let me say it one last time TSK is NOT there for Oil or Soil.

You think Turkey is not able to take this "pie" and shove it in Daddy Boys a$$?
It was a Humiliation to tolerate these PKK/YPG scum for years on our border.
I don't care about your fantasy stories, if such a solution means PKK free border and enough space for relocation, it's ok... let me say it one last time TSK is NOT there for Oil or Soil.

You think Turkey is not able to take this "pie" and shove it in Daddy Boys a$$?

As if ASSad was an Anti-PKK... ffs... they survived thanks to him...
Today... as we speak those PKK are dealing with ASSad...

AND you think that giving your border to ASSad will remove them from there?
Not bad?
They(PYD/YPG) would still be controlling half of the border regions,whats ''not bad'' about that?
Some people just want to watch our country burn. Not bad lol Having a breeding ground for terrorists 10 km from our border is not bad :hitwall:
Uncomfirmed! But actually not bad, besides this Yellow shithole on our border.
If Russia can guarantee that they block YPG/PKK moves towards Turkey, i personally are more than happy.
Blue stripes: possible Turkish advance
Red stripes: possible SAA and Russia advance
Purple stripes: possible Iranian-backed militias advance
Red and Yellow: Joint area between PYD and the SAA.

This is just a pro-Assad fanboy's work :omghaha:

US (and Turkey) will make sure that Assad and Russia don't get an inch of land.
Some people just want to watch our country burn. Not bad lol Having a breeding ground for terrorists 10 km from our border is not bad :hitwall:
:crazy: Gerizekali misin nesin, götünden uydurup iftira atma.
It is very foolish to believe Assad will crack down on YPG. He simply doesn’t have resources or the incentives to do that. Especially after all what world leader Erdoğan did to him and his country.
It is even more foolish to believe Russian soldiers will do this for us. Perhaps we will be allowed to have military bases in Syria and given the privileges to hunt them down for a certain time.
Assad made wrong decisions in the past but the trick is to turn enemies into allies.
Turning allies into enemies is easy. We have done that for the past 7 years. Now we have to make 180 degree turn if we still want an influence in the region since all Arab states are against us at this moment.
Even Atatürk tried to reach out to arch enemies after loosing territory in WW1 (because of foolish ottomans). We made Balkan pact and reached out to Arabs. It created decades of peace and we were able to grow economically and rebuild. We need this right now.
Everybody sending envoys to Assad at this moment to benefit from rebuilding Assad. What we have to do is very clear. We need to do favors to Assad so he can do favors to us and help us with YPG.
Of course this is what we would do if we had a sane government who was driven by national interests instead of ideology and sects. That is the problem and that is what we need to fix. When we fix that the remaining foreign policy issues will dissolve like snow in the sun.
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