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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Seems like the east Syria issue is settled. Next one on the to do list will be Idlib.

No doubt Assad with the help of his allies will be victorious there. The question on the table right now is:

What will happen with the millions of bitter jihadists trapped in idlib?

If they are all going to come to Turkey as refugees we could become a Pakistan who is suffering from Afghan terrorists for decades.

In all cases, welcome to new Turkey, guys.
To those people saying that we should let Assad take over Northern Syria; If we allow this then we will have a repeat of what happened in the 90s. Assad, just like his father will allow KCK to freely operate in northern Syria. We must make it absolutely clear that this is unacceptable. We need to bomb YPG into oblivion or else they wil be a thorn on our back for ever.

If possible we should try to negotiate as well. We destroy YPG and in return we help rebuild parts of Syria and also resettle refugees in the north.
I thought that this was going to happen

Trump gave up NE Syria to Russia who he is subservient to. Obviously due to the ongoing political investigation on him in America Trump can't openly state this so he used Turkey and phone conversation with Erdogan as a cover.

There is no other explanation. The meeting between Defence and Foreign ministers tomorrow in Moscow sure will be interesting now..
Turkey does not need Russias approval for this operation. The meeting tomorrow is about goodwill towards Russia, so that they don't feel sidelined. As long as the US is on Turkey's side nobody can veto the operation.

True but Russian approval is a bonus.
I think horror stories from Afrin have made many YPG members skittish. They are doing whatever is in their power to prevent a Turkish attack. It's kinda funny to watch.

Although unconfirmed, these SAA deployments in Manbitch may just be YPG terrorists posing as Assadists.

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