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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

Can you please link this change in Pakistani nuclear policy?

buddy wt change we r always going to attack israel if their nukes r launched remember both countries r a threat to each other on nuclear front Pakistan as only nuke armed Muslim country officially and also remember we helped Arabs against israel in 6 day war also israel tried to bomb our nuclear facilities .....read some history ull get some link..:pakistan:
Am very upset that pakistan not doing anything. Atleast turkey doing something.

Its not Pakistan's problem best we stay out of it we have of or own issues ... yes Turkey is doing something cause it was there ship that got attacked :cheesy::disagree:
buddy wt change we r always going to attack israel if their nukes r launched remember both countries r a threat to each other on nuclear front Pakistan as only nuke armed Muslim country officially and also remember we helped Arabs against israel in 6 day war also israel tried to bomb our nuclear facilities .....read some history ull get some link..:pakistan:
If Pakistan decides to nuke Israel they will do more damage to the Palestine and its people in one minute than Israel has done in the past 60 years so careful with those nukes.:pop::pop::wave::wave::coffee:
best of luck erdogan....

i read this n wanted to share..

WONDER how many of you remember the hijacking of the Italian cruise ship the Achille Lauro way back in October 1985?
Four members of the Palestine Liberation Front took control of the liner off Egypt as it was sailing from Alexandria to Port Said.

It was a bungled operation in which the hijackers killed disabled Jewish-American passenger Leon Klinghoffer and then threw his body overboard.

The incident created headlines around the world and polarised people over the Palestinian cause.

It also prompted the lawmakers to create new legislation making it an international crime for anyone to take a ship by force.

And this is the reason for the brief history lesson — under article 3 of the Rome Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation of 1988.

It is an international crime for anyone to seize or exercise control over a ship by force, and also a crime to injure or kill any person in the process.

The treaty necessarily adopts a strict approach. One cannot attack a ship and then claim self-defence if the people on board resist the unlawful use of violence.

In other words, according to international law, the actions of the Israeli military were beyond the law and those involved should be treated no differently than, say, the Somali pirates who are also in the habit of boarding ships by force.

Any rights to self defence in such dramatic circumstances rests purely with the passengers and crew on board. Under international maritime law you are legally en titled to resist unlawful capture, abduction and detention.

What those on board the Freedom Flotilla did was perfectly legal. I believe they acted with great courage in the face of heavily armed IDF commandos.

Now I want you to ask yourself this question … if a group of Somali pirates had forced their way onto half a dozen humanitarian aid ships from the West, slaughtering around nine or 10 people and injuring scores more what do you think the international reaction would have been?

Let me tell you. A Nato task force would by now be steaming towards the Horn of Africa accompanied by a couple of drones and various members of the press to record the occasion.

So why is Israel allowed to get away with murder? In a pre-meditated act the Zionist state showed once again its total disregard for human life — and international law.

President, International Muslim Women’s Union Via email
Dawn ePaper
As the only muslim country pakistan should take action against israel and cowrd jews..but alas over leadership is crape..we need people like racep tayyab oredgan or like adolf hitler, Mr.zardari u need to learn a lesson
Peace activist U.S. citizen Rachel Corrie in Israel


Her info:
Rachel Corrie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The aftermath

Don't worry about the author. Do you disagree with the substance of the article? As you Bharati will be blind because it's about Zionist terrorist.

I will ask you one thing

is it practical what you are saying? the substance in the article is non sense... you will not know. i don know how many terrorist attack your country has suffered through cross border

As long as u have India as neighbour on border you are rest assured there wont be cross border terrorism... Israel case is different... israel has suffered terrorism from its neighbours

Secondly please take any country s name with respect or if you don have the courtesy don take names... i think you would mind if i call u bangy...
It would be such an un-wise move that I doubt it has any credence. Even in all the high emotions I would think Turkey would have better sense then to deliberately start a war. How would Turkey react if Israel sent warships into it's territorial waters. My guess is they would be fired upon. And they would have a right to do it.

Unfortunately I will have to agree with Thomas on this one; however, those are NOT Israel's territorial waters. Remember: Israel supposedly 'left' Gaza but only to be 'bombarded' by Kassams, right?

It does look to me that there is some kind of back-channel moves to cool down tempers. Gazans should get relief and I can understand smuggling of arms to be checked. But that can be done with some international supervision of ships entering Gaza.
Will Israel allow even that? May be. Israelis know that despite getting the upper hand in the media war initially--they were the only one who controlled the videos of the flotilla raid--and despite the Megaphone brigade Israelis have taken a big hit. So it is quite possible some kind of face-saving is being done by Israel. The 'Rachel Corrie' ship climb-down is the clear manifestation of, at least to me, that there are back-channel progress.

But if Israel continues to act in its gung-ho way then they will only have to blame themselves. Next few days will be crucial.
Why don't we condemn Mubarak for holding Gaza blockade from Egyptian side?

Nothing good is expected from Israel as its enemy of humanity let alone Islam.

But we should hold Egypt accountable first and firemost before pursuing the Israelis.

Much of the burden could be lifted if Egypt opens its border to Gaza.

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