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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

The have missiles too but the onus is on Israel to use its missiles first and if Turkey does a pre emptive strike, then the objective of the exercise is defeated. Turkey will be under pressure to defend itself and Israel to attack. In this asymmetric setup, the advantage clearly lies with Israel as it can choose the time and place of attack.

Well Turkish Navy is not going to Gaza with the intention of attacking anyone, they are not a trigger happy state like Israel but at the same time sending your Navy along means business if intercepted the Israelis will be at the receiving end.

Sense should prevail, and no rash and emotional decisions should be made which can lead to potential catastrophe. I know, right now there is a lot of anger among the Muslim world, specially Turkey. But blockade of Gaza or Philistine is not only the problem and responsibility of turkey but the entire world community.

Turkey can lead world in breaking that barbaric blockade, but in doing so it should not make it Turkey Vs Israel, which can prove counter productive but rather try to make it World Community Vs Israel, which not only would be far more effective but also would earn it the required legitimacy. For that reason turkey can raise the issue on different Fora i.e call the OIC emergency meeting and force the Muslims nations to extract some juice on diplomatic front, call in an International Conference Regarding The Blockade of Gaza in Turkey and gather like-minded nations around the world to carve out a practical solutions to put an end to this blockade.

It would be far better and effective if leaders from around the world join the Turkish PM on such Flotilla heading for Gaza rather then Turkey going alone and the rest of the world watching the show. Practically it would be impossible for Israel to block it when leaders or even their envoys around the world are on board.

The issue is hot, and has come to the notice of the world, all that is needed is to be handled it carefully and intelligently.

This is impractical from a leader's perspective. Mr. Erdogan will only be risking his own neck by taking a trip to the embattled zone. Navy escort is understandable but why would a national leader go there and do something like this? This is not the era of warrior kings and sultans who would lead an Army and Mr. Erdogan certainly seems to have put on age since his term of service in military.

This is sheer over-reaction and giving a political edge to a military scenario.
may god help israel against the evil forces.

evil? do you even know what the word evil means. Either your blind and cant see what israel has done or you just choose to ignore it and pretend it didn't happen. :sick:
I think Israel will not stop them if the Prime minister is in the navy that is going to Gaza ....

I Pray something decisive to happen here.. Either Israel should remove the blockade now or if it blocks the navy then Israelis should be punished for this....

But I think that Israel will not retaliate and not consider it as war or an attack because it is already facing some loss from Turkey because of ties that were finished by Turkey in the past few days.. Israel will definitely not want to start war with a powerful Muslim army of that region at this point and make another Muslim country its enemy in that region .... ....

But If this starts war than Israel will definitely retaliate heavily with its full capacity because Turkey is not a weak country when defense is concerned.... This may start a big war in that region.....

I pray that whatever happens, Israel should get a big lesson now from the Muslims .. And I pray that now Muslims should get united if something bad happens....
guys remember we pakistanis r always present in war against israel remember our nuclear umbrella if israel dare to threaten with their nukes we ll do the same for turkey or any other country ...

Can you please link this change in Pakistani nuclear policy?
oh its great ...now iserail(wot ever) crying and looking towards its father (USA) and pointing turkey and begging dad that guy is coming to hit me! ... and father will do some dirty work let see....
Israel Troops Seize Rachel Corrie Aid Ship

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The Israeli military says its troops have boarded and seized an aid ship heading for Gaza, but there was no violent confrontation.

The action comes after Israel warned that its forces would board the Gaza-bound aid ship -- the "Rachel Corrie" carrying some 19 people -- if it did not go to a port in southern Israel.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay responded to the news by calling the Gaza blockade "illegal" and saying it "must be lifted."

Israel has faced a storm of criticism since its deadly May 31 raid on a humanitarian-aid flotilla similarly bound for Gaza.

Israeli Defense Forces spokeswoman Avital Leibovich told CNN the action was a "compliance boarding" with the consent of those aboard, and that it took place in international waters.

Leibovich added that "there was no resistance or violence on the boat."

Organizers of the private aid ship previously said they would not resist in any encounter with Israeli forces.

Satellite communication with the "Rachel Corrie" was said to be blocked, presumably by Israeli authorities. Nobel peace prize winner Mairead Maguire was aboard the ship.

Israel had ordered the ship, which was some 50 kilometers off the Gaza coast, to divert to the port of Ashdod. Organizers of the private aid ship had previously said they will not resist in any encounter with Israeli forces.

CNN reported that the cargo would be off-loaded and its cargo screened and checked against a list of items banned under the Israeli embargo.

Israel's Gaza blockade "is illegal and must be lifted," echoing an earlier appeal from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for an immediate end to the Israeli cordoning.

"International humanitarian law prohibits starvation of civilians as a method of warfare and...it is also prohibited to impose collective punishment on civilians," Pillay said.

Staunch Israeli ally the United States has suggested the blockade of long-suffering Gaza cannot continue in its present form.

"We are working urgently with Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and other international partners to develop new procedures for delivering more goods and assistance to Gaza," a spokesman for the White House National Security Council said in a statement, according to Reuters. "The current arrangements are unsustainable and must be changed. For now, we call on all parties to join us in encouraging responsible decisions by all sides to avoid any unnecessary confrontations."

Turkey, whose citizens bore the brunt of the deaths reported in the May 31 boarding, has warned that Tel Aviv risks losing an important regional partner and its standing in the international community.

Deputy Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Arinc told parliament this week that "new cooperation will not start and relations with Israel will be reduced" in the wake of the flotilla deaths.
Can you please link this change in Pakistani nuclear policy?
That policy is bogus.Pakistan Nuclear Policy is that if Pakistan's southern command northern command are cut off then it will launch nuclear weapons at enemy army's who is heading these operations and will take out the army within Pakistan's territory using nukes.Second Policy is if Pakistan Armed Forces are totally destroyed and paralyzed then the enemy will be nuked.Main Targets would be Enemy's Millitary and Economic Hubs.

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